We are having our own Paypal nightmare, and we have stopped accepting Paypal
effective last week.

There is a class action lawsuit against Paypal that those of you burned byt
he service may consider.  I have the info. somewhere on my computer if
anyone is interested.

ONe thing you can do is to tell your customers to process a chargeback
against Paypal, explaining that the merchant's acocunt has been fraudulently
frozen and that he cannot get access to the money so he can't deliver the
merchandise orderd.  ONce the sustomer has the funds back on his CC, you can
just have him either send the money another way, or sign up for another
Paypal like service.

I told these scum that I was going to have my cusotmers do this, but they
still have not responded even to that message.  I just hope my custmers have
been successful witht the chargebacks.  I think they were because I have not
had any cmplaints.

I did not know that Paypal could actually overdraw your bank accunt rhoguh a
reversal thoug.  However, we have Paypal trumped, I hope, int hat we are
offshroe and have transferred ALL of the money offshore from the desitnation
bank account, leaving the desitnation bank acocunt with basically a zero

we now will not use that bank account for anything else for at least six

I cannot imagine what gives Paypal the legal right to siphon money out of an
acocunt into overdraft.  It seems to me that a few good lawsuits whould pt
the brakes on it.

If you want ot give Paypal or Monipay a wake up call, sign up for Prepaid
Legal services and then you can have them contacted with a lawyer right in
their own back yard, and if you have to sue you get a disocunt on legal
fees.  I had that service for over five years while I was in the states and
NOBODY was able to take advantage of me for long, becuase I sicced the
lawyer on the bastard right away.

You might hate lawyers, but when someone is trying to defraud you, that is a
good choice.

By the way, 2700.00 is within the small claims court limits in California,
which is where I beleive Paypal is located.  You shoudl sue them for the
principle, court costs, and punitive damages.  If enough people do this
Paypal will either die or be forced to change their unethical behavior.

Another plus is that once you get a reputation for not putting up with BS,
you are not taken for a ride as often, or the ride ends soon and with an

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