[e-gold-list] RE: cashless society drivel

2001-05-09 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Douglas
 I would have expected a modicum
 of critical discernment from the Economist.

I once subscribed to _The Economist_ but did not renew my subscription when
it ran out. I expected it to be a free market-oriented magazine with an
emphasis on sound economic reasoning. To be sure there was some of that, but
mostly I found it to be shockingly left-leaning, credulously accepting of
claims of the supposed benefits of third-party decision-making by government
bureaucrats and highly critical of Americans with our silly ideas about
individual liberty. I suspect that part of the problem is that _good_
economists realize that sound economic policy leaves little for an economist
to do.

I'm not a bit surprised that it gave short shrift to privatized money.

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[e-gold-list] RE: cashless society drivel

2001-05-09 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 12:37 PM -0400 on 5/9/01, Samuel Mc Kee wrote:

 mostly I found it to be shockingly left-leaning,

Nah. they're a windvane. When the Torys are in power, they're Tories. When
the commu ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^h ^hLabor's in charge, they're Labor. Could be
that they fire everyone when the government changes, which is why they have
anonymous articles, but that's just a SWAG...

I go over about once a month these days, and,, until this gas-tax thing
happened, I couldn't find a living soul (well, okay, about 12 living souls)
who confessed to having ever *ever* being Tories.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
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... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] RE: cashless society drivel

2001-05-09 Thread jpm

I too have become more and more ... amused .. with _The Economist_.

Fortunately, my huge pile of books arrived from LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS 
in the posts - paid with e-gold.  You get a great LFBooks catalog 
which is worth buying somerthing!


I once subscribed to _The Economist_ but did not renew my subscription when
it ran out. I expected it to be a free market-oriented magazine with an
emphasis on sound economic reasoning. To be sure there was some of that, but
mostly I found it to be shockingly left-leaning, credulously accepting of
claims of the supposed benefits of third-party decision-making by government
bureaucrats and highly critical of Americans with our silly ideas about
individual liberty. I suspect that part of the problem is that _good_
economists realize that sound economic policy leaves little for an economist
to do.

I'm not a bit surprised that it gave short shrift to privatized money.

Great ventures create great mottos.

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[e-gold-list] RE: cashless society drivel

2001-05-09 Thread Bob

 I too have become more and more ... amused .. with _The Economist_.

It could still have some value though. I don't have the time (and
I don't subscribe) but it would be neat to track it's articles vs 
the markets to see how good of a contrarian indicator it is.

I heard that at one point it had an article about how oil was going
lower just as oil made an intermediate low and turned around and 
headed higher.


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