[e-gold-list] Re: HYIP mentality

2001-05-05 Thread Ben Legume

Theres also a strong factor of trying to cover up embarrasment. If 
you're silly enough to lose some money in a scam, you rarely would 
want people to know about it because they'll think (know?) that 
you're a fool.

Similarly some of the big leaps of faith after the person believes 
they have been scammed are a failure to be willing to admit to 
themselves and others that they backed the wrong horse. It's easier 
to blame the FBI, Rockefellers, the Queen of England, Reptoids, 
whoever is blamed for 'covering up' and illegally siezing the vast 
sums the promoters are now unable to hand over.

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[e-gold-list] Re: HYIP mentality

2001-05-07 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Steven wrote:
> >>
> > Care to elaborate on that HYIP reference ?
> >> How many have you tried and what were their names.
> Precisely what I've been saying. The suckers who fall for HYIPs seem
> to lack the ability to discern that it's a scam, and when they are
> burnt lack the reasoning to understand why they were burnt (it was a
> scam, the people running it are crooks etc.) and see nothing foolish
> about immediately looking for a similar scheme to give more money to.
> In some ways it's similar to 'magical thinking' (as a psychologist
> would put it).

I watched a program last night about "Romeo" swindlers who con rich women
etc.and couldn't help noticing the similiarity to most other scams. You can
rarely convince Romeo that he has done anything wrong. He will insist that
he asked for the money and it was given to him. Basically that's about the
size of it. On the other hand everyone wants to know how the victim ever
fell into such a ridiculous trap.

The psycologist's explanation made more sense than most people would think.
He called it the "truth factor", which means that it is human nature to
assume that another is telling the truth. Otherwise it would be necessary to
question everything everybody says and does and in the process become a
world of very paranoid individuals.

I really had to laugh at the Romeo who conned a Lotus sports car (from Lotus
no less) and drove it all over Europe conning women along the way. He just
thought it was a big joke even as he sat in prison. Maybe that's what all
these scams are.. just a big joke. Everyone likes a good joke now and then
even if it's on them.

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[e-gold-list] Re: HYIP mentality

2001-05-07 Thread ~~~i LeoN~~

On Sun, 6 May 2001 10:43:35 +1000 "Ben Legume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Theres also a strong factor of trying to cover up embarrasment. If 
>you're silly enough to lose some money in a scam, you rarely would 
>want people to know about it because they'll think (know?) that 
>you're a fool.
>Similarly some of the big leaps of faith after the person believes 
>they have been scammed are a failure to be willing to admit to 
>themselves and others that they backed the wrong horse. It's easier 
>to blame the FBI, Rockefellers, the Queen of England, Reptoids, 

Ooh Gad, you are/was GuT at this one:) Could you also explain, why my
posts to this list, are being delayed for many day's/or not delivered at
all (like my response to Steve post)?
I don't think - this is FBI case only (may be - with inderect
manupulation; which couldn't succeed though without local cooperation
here). Unless majority of maintainers here - are secret FBI agents:). It
is rather a 'Free Market' net censorship.

And this is not `bout horse BETting, but rather - lion's rullings:)
speaking in animal terms. Cheating - is the (mentality) way of doing
buiseness in some cultures, like HaBad (in Israel [where I admit, I was/
and am being cheated many times, and where - there is no ANY insurance
because of bro/neighbor*d connections]; and elsewhere). They call it
capitalism, but it is NOT. 

Well, here, is where arbitrage/gov. enforcement is realy needed (without
being overregulating, o'coz). HAK.:) Leo n

PS: What is HYIP? Something like HUYA?:)

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