This just seemed like a really good opourtunity to remind everyone of and for those
that want to move e-gold in privacy, even when your out of the system its
nice to get even further out ;)  In fact it seems so far out that the
expected heavy use just does not seem to be happening much :\  of course
it could be happening even further out that I can't see it in which case
its working best!

Never assume that money velocity can be measured, some of it just can not
be seen.

MS seems to work pretty well, has anyone ever had a bad experience?

     cya,     Andrew...

> Here's an interesting thing.
> It is NOT TRUE that the e-gold server tracks ALL use, spends, of e-gold!!!!
> Erich's MS server now does a LOT of spending of e-gold that e-gold 
> knows nothing about and never will -- in fact, I have often used it 
> as a privacy measure so that Jim can't look up my spends!  (Just 
> joking Jim!  :))
> If A says to B "I want to be paid in e-gold, but I don't want e-gold 
> to know about it", A then simply opens an MS account, and gets paid 
> from one MS account to another.

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