I saw this and thought I should pass it on to you. E-Gold is GREAT! Keep up
the good work! (a little better customer service would be nice, though...)

"I sold computers on an auction site. I had a great name and great rating.
All was going great I was selling 10-20 systems a week. I had set paypal to
electronically deposit all funds to my bank to speed up orders. When someone
wins the bid they get an auto e-mail sent telling them how to send funds,
blah blah blah.

"Well, I was out of town knowing that all was well. Well, when I got home I
had one of the best weeks of selling systems. We sold over $6500 in
computers, and I had all the money in my account I check on OCT 3. So I had
ordered all the parts (COD) so I can fill all orders. Then on the night of
OCT 4th I signed on paypal and found my account blocked. My heart sunk! I
called the 800 # to see what happened. My first thought was someone hacked
my account. Once I spoke with some @ paypal I was told that the dept. that
blocked my account in not located in that state, I was told NOTHING.

"Just to wait for paypal to contact me. At this point I have not notified
any of my buyer, I thought this would be fixed in a day or so. Well, just
like the person who posted a remark here. I was buying some diet coke and
paid with my ATM card, and found there was NO money. My bank was located in
the store I was in, I then went to my bank to see if there was an error in
my adding when I made a deposit. I then found out that My bank account was
$2700 over drawn. Paypal had reversed ALL transaction for the past 30 days,
My bank then froze ALL by account.

"I was penniless. No kidding. I had no access to any of my money in checking
and saving. I spoke to the manager and she informed me that paypal CAN
reverse any deposits up too 6 month, So my account is froze for 6 month NO
KIDDING, I was pissed. [... and it goes on and on ...]


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