This is just a warning about another shysterous operation using egold. 
A while ago, I transferred a small amount of egold into the Fatboss Casino to have a little fun. 
ONe thing quickly became apparant:  their software is either defective or intentionally set to cheat the player.  I was winning, but it refused to credit my winnings to my account. 
Disgusted, I emailed their support, and I got back a message telling me to do what I had done already, to no avail.  I emailed again, to which I received no response until I threatened to spread the word far and wide about their defective software.  Their reply was to simply repeat the previous message.
Totally disgusted, I tried to get my money back, but it was only at this point that I was informed that there are NO REFUNDS OF MONEY YOU PUT INTO YORU CASINO ACCOUNT!
I suggest you stay away form this operation.  The least they can do is to refund peoplle's money.  I don't play around with casinos muc, but when I do, I expect to be able to cash out every dime that is in my account.  When this is not the case, the casino needs ot put a BIG BOLD WARNING ON THEIR WEBSITE.  They don't, of course, because they realize that they will dirve away all potential customers.
I told Fatboss that I was going to spread the word far and wide about their dishonest operation.  They can consider this message the first installment on that threat.
Egold does not need scam operators like this.  If you are going to run a casino or other business using egold, you should at least be fair with yoru customers.  Many people in the egold community are honest comapnies, forwhich I am grateful.  But these con artists give everyone in egold a black eye.
I enocurage members of this list to forward the truth about this casino to any of your friends who like to play games ont he internet for fun. 
And as a final note, I beleive that an egold BBB would be a great idea, as was discussed earlier.
Anyone know of an HONEST casino accepting egold?
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