OUr bank reports that the missing $20.00 was subtracted by Omnipay's bank.  Perhaps this is a new policy, but Omnipay should say something aobut this, otherwaise all in exchanges will cme up $20.00 short.
The second thinkg I learned today is that apparantly the bank OMnipay is using has recently changed the way they handle wire transfers.  The result has been that the bank has misplaced upwards of 300+ wires.  OMnipay's wires are in  this batch.  Apparantly the feds are investigating the problem at the bank, it is so serious, and there is, according to my source, a lot of lawsuits resulting form the bank's screw up.
I dont' know why Omnipay just can't inform people of its problems and tell people what they can do to help resolve them, rather than waiting for cusotmers to become so frustrated they have to threaten to sue to get attention.  This is the last wire I will send to Omnipay for a long, long time and my agent applicaiton is on indefinite hold.  They really need to communicate better with customers.  I was also informed that they are financially sound.
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