Sept. 1996 Conference/fwd

1995-10-04 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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An International Conference On Integrating Conservation Of
Biological Diversity With Social And Economic Goals

9-13 September 1996
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


Conference Themes

Plan to join us at this international conference September 9-13, 1996 
in Victoria, British Columbia, on Canada's beautiful west coast.  You 
will hear about the latest research, conceptual approaches, and 
operational examples from this region and around the world.  The 
objective is to explore practical ways of integrating biological 
diversity with economic and social systems at a variety of scales and 
organizational structures.  The conference will bring together people 
with understanding that covers the broad range of subjects required 
to sustain forests, human communities, and ecosystems. It will 
promote understanding of problems and will emphasize constructive 
long-term solutions for addressing changes needed to sustain 
biological diversity of native forests and the human communities they 
support, into the 21st century and beyond.


Management of the world's forests to sustain diversity, productivity, 
and renewability is essential. Forests support much of the world's 
terrestrial biological diversity, contribute to economic activity in 
many nations, and provide crucial ecological services.  While 
tropical forests have received much attention, the harvest and 
conversion of temperate and boreal forests from native to managed is 
also of growing concern, especially in developed nations.  Many 
initiatives and interests are focusing on sustainable forestry at a 
variety of scales, including global, national, provincial, regional, 
landscape, and stand levels.  There is a world-wide need to better 
understand the variety of approaches to sustaining forest diversity.

If ecosystems and biological diversity are to be sustained in the 
face of the expected human population growth and economic development 
of the 21st century, economic and biological goals will have to 
integrated while continuing to meet the needs of both rural and urban 
peoples.  This conference will focus on pro-active solutions to this 
integration of biological, social, and economic goals.

Issues and Proposed Discussion Topics

ISetting the Global Stage: Updates on National and International 
  e.g, UNCED follow-up, Criteria and Indicators, Eco-labelling 
 and Certification of Forest Products, Biodiversity Strategies, 
 Population Growth and Resource Consumption trends

II   Understanding Principles and Concepts of Ecosystems, Human 
 Values, and What to Sustain

  e.g., Landscape Ecology, Conservation Reserve Effectiveness, 
 Threatened and Endangered Species, Human Communities and Values, 
 Adpative Management, Legal Roles, Resource Ownership ad Tenure 

III  Managing for Sustainability at Regional and Local Scales: 
 Examples of Solutions

  e.g., Planning and Monitoring Systems, Cumulative Effects, 
 Forecasting and Modelling, Roles of Indigenous Peoples and Local 
 Communities, Management and Integration of Aquatic and Riparian 
 Ecosystems, Case Study Examples of Sustainable Management 

Associated Activities

Conference delegates will have ample opportunities to visit native 
forests in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest of the United 
States.  Pre- and Post-Conference field trips are being planned to 
Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island, to the Queen Charlotte Islands 
(Haida Gwaii), to the central interior of British Columbia, and to 
the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, USA.

How To Register An Expression Of Interest

Information on registration, special conference flights, 
accommodation, and field trips, and a call for abstracts will be 
circulated in the fall of 1995.  To register your name on the 
conference mailing list, or for further information, please contact 
our Conference Secretariat:

Connections Victoria Ltd.
P.O. Box 40046
Victoria, BC
Canada  V8W 3N3

Telephone: 604-382-0332
Fax: 604-382-2076


job announcement/fwd

1995-10-04 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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Georgia Tech's School of Literature, Communication, and Culture (LCC) is
participating in the fundamental reconfiguration of the role of higher
education in an increasingly technological, multicultural environment. 
Currently offering a master's degree in Information Design and Technology
(IDT), a bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, and Culture (STAC), and
a minor in Women in Science and Technology (WIST), LCC is also responsible
for providing courses in literature, communication, and culture to all
Georgia Tech undergraduates.  In keeping both with our current programs and
with an eye toward developing a PhD program in the history, theory, and
practice of technologies of representation, we seek to fill 4-5
tenure-track positions at the rank of assistant professor (except where
noted; for all positions, however, we will in extraordinary cases consider
candidates at the rank of associate or full professor).  All new faculty
will share LCC's commitment to interdisciplinary work at the theoretical
and applied levels, as well as to the integration of new electronic
technologies into humanities and communication education.  We are
especially interested in considering applications from women and minority
candidates.  Applications must be postmarked by Friday, November 3 (except
where noted); this deadline will be strictly observed.


1) Film Studies:  1 position (film history/theory/video production).  The
committee seeks candidates with expertise in the practical and theoretical
aspects of the relation of film to other electronic visual media -
including video, animation, digital graphics, and multimedia.  Send letter
and CV to Prof. J. P. Telotte, Film Studies Search Committee. 

2) Electronic Communication:  1 or 2 positions (graphics and/or
professional communication).  The committee seeks candidates with expertise
in the practical and theoretical aspects of graphic design, theories of
visualization, and/or professional communication.  Candidates who pass the
initial screening will be asked to submit a portfolio of recent work.  Send
letter and CV to Prof. Jay Bolter, Electronic Communication Search

3) Cultural Studies:  1 or 2 positions (science and technology studies). 
The committee seeks candidates with expertise in the cultural studies of
science and technology, with an emphasis in eighteenth-century or American
studies.   Candidates working on modes of visual representation are
especially welcome.  Send letter and CV to Prof. Alan Rauch, Cultural
Studies Search Committee.

4) American Studies:  1 associate professor position (science and
technology studies).  The committee seeks candidates with proven scholarly
record of accomplishment in American cultural studies of science and
technology.  Candidates working on modes of visual representation are
especially welcome.  Send letter and CV by October 30 to Prof. Richard
Grusin, American Studies Search Committee. 

School of Literature, Communication, and Culture
  Atlanta, Georgia  30332-0165

richard grusin
director of undergraduate studies
school of literature, communication, and culture
georgia institute of technology
atlanta, georgia  30332-0165
tel: 404-894-2739
fax: 404-853-0373