CFP: Peace & War Issues

1997-01-14 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER

Dear ECOFEMers,

War is a terrible contributor to environmental degradation, and 
feminism has certainly contributed a fair amount to peace studies, so 
I thought this conference might interest some of you.  Sorry about 
any duplications; it came from femisa.


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Peace History Society
Call for Papers

"Peace and War Issues: Gender, Race, Identity, and Citizenship"

University of Texas at San Antonio
14-16 November 1997

The program committee for the first international conference sponsored by
the Peace History Society (formerly the Council on Peace Research in
History) requests proposals that examine issues of peace and war with
particular attention to themes of gender, race, identity, and citizenship.
The committee especially seeks papers or panels that employ comparative or
interdisciplinary analysis.  The best papers will be considered for
publication in a special issue of _Peace & Change_.  Proposals by
individual presenters are welcome, but we encourage outlines for complete
sessions.  Sessions should feature 2-3 papers and a moderator.  All
proposals should include the following:

a brief summary of prospective papers

names and addresses of each participant accompanied by a brief
biographical sketch or vita

Please send all inquiries and proposals simultaneously to our program
co-chairs, Prof. Scott L. Bills, Department of History, Stephen F. Austin
State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962; Phone, 409-468-2285; E-mail,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; and Prof. Kathleen Kennedy, Department of History,
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225; Phone, 360-650-3043;
Scott L. Bills Voice, 409-468-2285
History Department   Fax, 409-468-2478
Stephen F. Austin PEACE & CHANGE
  State University  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


End of FEMISA Digest 776

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

Job opening

1997-01-14 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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University of Minnesota Women's Studies Department

The University of Minnesota invites applications for a tenure-track,
full-time, nine-month assistant professor position in the Department of
Women's Studies starting September, 1997. The position is for a scholar and
teacher whose area of specialization is international and/or cross-cultural
contexts with a special emphasis on the developing world. The applicant must
have graduate training inthe social sciences (eg. sociology, geography,
political science, economics, anthropology, history or appropriate area
studies). Applicants must have Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) at the
time of the appointment, scholarly potential, and demonstrated research and
interdisciplinary teaching competencies in WomenUs Studies. Undergraduate and
graduate teaching and advising; departmental/college service; strong
expectation placed on research and scholarship. Salary is competitive at the
assistant professor rank, and will vary depending on prior experience. Please
send letter of application, vita, and three current letters of recommendation
to Professor Amy Kaminsky, Chair,  Women's Studies Search Committee,
Women's Studies Department, 489 Ford Hall, University of Minnesota, Minnesota
55455. Deadline: for receipt of applications is February 5, 1997. Phone (612)
624-7319, (E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Fax: (612) 624-3573. The
University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Linda Lopez McAlister, Editor, HYPATIA; Listowner SWIP-L; Chair
Dept. of Women's Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa.
Tel. 813-974-0982/FAX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

Seminar: Ecopsychology For Educators

1997-01-14 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

Hello People,

Here is an innovative opportunity to teach conservation!

* + + +
+ subscribe ecopsychology Firstname Lastname
+ "Integrating Mind and Nature"  >|<  >|<   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ecopsychology For Educators
A Four Day Training Seminar Offered By:
The Colorado Institute for A Sustainable Future

March 26-30, 1997 in Boulder, Colorado or June 18-22, 1997 in California

Would you like to teach a course in ecopsychology?  A growing number of
psychologists, ecologists and educators are exploring the roots of our
behavior toward the environment, and in so doing are developing the field of
ecopsychology.  We invite you to join with other innovative educators to
participate in creating meaningful education for an ecological era.  This
course will provide the foundational training and essential materials to
enable academic faculty to teach their own courses in ecopsychology.   

Who This Course Is For:  

College and university faculty in psychology and environmental studies,  and
other educators, psychotherapists and interested professionals.


Will Keepin, Ph.D. is an environmental scientist.
Laura Sewall, Ph.D. is a perceptual psychologist  and educator.
Jed Swift, M.A. is an educator, consultant, wilderness guide and adjunct
professor at the Naropa Institute and Prescott College.

Both courses are limited to the first 30 registrants.  Please register
early.  Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information on
course content, details, and application.

* + + +
+ subscribe ecopsychology Firstname Lastname
+ "Integrating Mind and Nature"  >|<  >|<   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

Wildlife Ecology Listserver

1997-01-14 Thread 8.7.6/8.7.3/AOL-2.0.0


 In case you missed it, WILDLIFE ECOLOGY Digest is available ~free~ for
subscription.  This is a weekly e-mail digest for research, conversation, job
opportunities, issues, thoughts, and general postings concerning wildlife
 We now have 6,600 members on the list (Including wildlife professionals,
professors, students, agencies, and organizations from all over the world)
after it's seventh month of publication, and the information on the digest
has been very informative and helpful to all parties involved.

 To receive this free, e-mail digest, please send e-mail to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "Subscribe to WED," followed by
your correct e-mail address.  Your first issue will arrive soon after that!
 Please check out our website at >< for more
information on this service (plus over 200 links to other wildlife/ecological
  Here is a sample list of topics from a recent issue (#36) of WED:

Topics in this issue:  

  1. Western States Deer & Elk Workshop
  2. Desperately seeking Lagopus samples
  3. Bats and Flying Foxes
  4. Color-ringed Whooper and Bewick's Swans
  5. Egg Shell Thickening
  6. European Bird Observatories on the web
  7. Hybrid Goose?
  8. Crow Problems
  9. Ethology List Invitation
10. Hepatic Steatosis In Force Fed Waterfowl
11. Mistnets as food reserve for hungry cats
12. Position Announcement (Natural Resources Specialist)
13. Kelp Gull photos
14. Teaming with Wildlife/More Addresses
15. Birdsongs
16. Tanzanian Waterbird Count 1998: Birdwatchers needed!
17. Raptor Society of Metro. Washington: January mtg.
18. Position Announcement (Assistant Professor: Organismal
19. Fifth Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
20. Ivory Trade in Japan
21. New Mailing List Concerning Animal Vocalization
22. Western Samoa/Nuie/Tonga Scientists!
23. Scholarships For Ecological Studies
24. RFI: NA River Otter Capture
25. Colobus monkey road-kills and colo-bridges
26. New Threatened Species Fact Sheets
27. Re: Bear Bile
28. RFI: Phragmitis spp.
29. Re: Livestock Damage
30. Peabody Orlando Hotel Makes Way For Duck Stamps
31. RFI: William Beecher
32. Re: Kestrel Behavior
33. Federal and International Permits Workshop 
34. Management Training Workshop for Collections Care
35. New Student Animal Activism Listserver
36. Reptiles And Amphibians Of North America North Of Mexico
37. Tape-Luring Terns
38. Fire Destroys Sea Turtle Nests
39. Alligators Eat Surplus Poultry
40. Feral Dogs 
41. Monitoring and Research in Biodiversity
42. Colour-Ring Birding
43. Ecological Stations
44. Blue Grouse Tracks in Kern County, California
45. Effects of Feeding Wildlife
46. Service Lists SW Wetland Species/No Critical Habitat Designated
47. Netting Passerines At Night
48. Molluscide Research
49. Speed Of Extinction
50. Wildlife Books For Sale
51. Jaguars And Panthers
52. Reintroducing the Grizzly to California

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!
David Doyle

Note:  If you have previously attempted to subscribe to WED and received no
issues, please be sure to include your correct and full e-mail address (as it
works for other senders to you) when you subscribe again!  I want everyone
who wants to join to be able to access the list!

P.S. My apologies in advance for any cross-posting and/or duplications.