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From: "Ruth Groenhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please post the following call for Proposals:

Proposals are invited for papers to be included in an anthology
examining the experience of philosophers who consider themselves
to be feminists as well as participants in traditional religious
faiths. The editors are looking for philosophical reflections on
the tensions and strengths that philosophers experience while
living between and attempting to balance these commitments.

We hope that this anthology will explore the ways in which people
understand their lives when they experience conflicts and congruences
between these three central aspects of their identity. We are as
interested in including essays by people who find themselves needing
to set aside one or another of these commitments at various times as we
are in essays by those who actively integrate all of these commitments.

Interested contributors should send two copies of a 2-3 page
proposal to:

E. Marya Bower
Philosophy - Drawer 61
Earlham College
801 National Road West
Richmond, IN 47374-4095

e-mail proposals are welcome. The deadline for proposals is
June 30, 1997.

For further information contact either Marya Bower (e-mail above,
phone: (765) 983-1438) or Ruth Groenhout ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Please feel free to post this message on other lists.
Ruth Groenhout

Philosophy Department
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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