1997-05-03 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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 (x Amstdy)




Predictions vary, but most agree that within ten years or so, by the year
2007, there will be no majority culture in Texas. Is scholarship adapting
to the concept of mainstream culture as mestizo--a mixture of peoples? How
are scholars preparing for the new century?

The American Studies Association of Texas invites proposals for papers and
discussions that will guide our understanding the mestizo mainstream,
ESPECIALLY, BUT NOT EXCLUSIVELY, in Texas. We encourage new findings in
ethnography, popular culture, oral history, Texas history, and material
culture. We would love to read and hear new ways of thinking about,
seeing, and listening to culture. Film and media studies, gay/lesbian
studies, women's studies, African American, Asian American, and Latino/a
studies, religion, military studies, environmental studies, literature,
music, art, dance, and cultural studies are obvious areas to explore.

Please consider proposing a panel discussion as an alternative to formal
paper presentations. Such a panel would propose a topic and four to five
panelists prepared to engage each other in conversation for twenty to
thirty minutes before opening the discussion to the audience. Topics
concerning the academy and the profession in the new century might work
especially well in this format.

We welcome other non-traditional formats, including performance and use of
audio and video resources. We would also like to hold a special session on
documentary expression and encourage proposals for papers or other
presentations of a documentary nature, including exhibits and films.

Individual papers will be limited to twenty minutes. Proposals from
graduate students are welcome.

Conference will be held at the University of Texas at San Antonio,
downtown campus. November 20-22, 1997.

One-page abstracts and a one-page vita should be sent to: Dr. Gena Dagel
Caponi, American Studies, Behavioral and Cultural Science, University of
Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249. Telephone: 210-458-5729; FAX:
210-458-5728. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deadline:  15 July 1997

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

New NSF Program for Women

1997-05-03 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Caroline Whitbeck)

A new program, Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and
>Education (POWRE), has just been announced by the National Science
>Foundation.  This is a Foundation-wide program with proposal receipt
>deadlines of July 1, 1997 and December 9, 1997.  A short description
>of the POWRE Program is below. This description includes information
>which pertains only to the social and behavioral sciences.  The full
>program announcement is on the NSF Home Page.  Women in the social and
>behavioral sciences who are interested are encouraged to submit
>proposals to this new program either by July or December.
>NSF 97-91
>Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education
>The NSF POWRE Program addresses the need to develop full use of the
>nation's human resources for science and engineering.  The program is
>designed to enhance professional advancement by providing women with
>funding opportunities not ordinarily available through regular
>research and education grants.  The former Visiting Professorships for
>Women, Faculty Awards for Women, Research Planning Grants for Women,
>and Career Advancement Awards for Women programs have been integrated
>and incorporated into the POWRE program.  The objectives of the
>program are:
>* To provide opportunities for further career advancement,
>professional growth, and increased prominence of women in engineering
>and in the disciplines of science supported by NSF; and
>* To encourage more women to pursue careers in science and engineering
>by providing greater visibility for women scientists and engineers in
>academic institutions and in industry.
>The POWRE Program is targeted at women scientists and engineers who
>currently (1) hold non-tenured academic positions or industrial
>positions, (2) hold academic tenured or tenure-track positions, or (3)
>plan to enter or re-enter academia.
>The POWRE Program allows flexibility in the choice of activities
>designed to provide academic and professional opportunities for women
>in science and engineering.  The following categories of activities
>will be supported:
>* Visiting Professor - supports activities at a host academic
>institution for the conduct of research projects and/or for engaging
>in innovative educational activities that have promise beyond the home
>institution's traditional education approaches.  Up to $150,000,
>depending on activities planned and current salary, may be requested
>in the social and behavioral sciences.
>* Visiting Researcher - supports activities for academically employed
>women to conduct research and development projects at an industrial or
>non-Federal organization.  Up to $150,000, depending on activities
>planned and current salary, may be requested in the social and
>behavioral sciences.
>* Research/Educational Enhancement - supports opportunities to enhance
>the applicant's research and/or educational activities at the home
>institution or at an external site through:  (1) access and
>utilization of new and/or special facilities, skills, or
>methodologies; or (2) exploratory or pilot work to determine
>feasibility of a new line of inquiry or educational activity.  Up to
>$50,000 may be requested in the social and behavioral sciences.
>* Supplements - support additional research and/or educational
>activities for women principal investigators or co-principal
>investigators under existing NSF grants to (1) take advantage of a
>special opportunity (e.g., pursuit of a promising new direction in
>research or education, an international collaboration, an innovative
>idea for integrating research and education), or (2) provide extra
>support at a critical career stage (e.g., after major administrative
>demands, after a career interruption to accommodate family
>responsibilities or relocation requirements).  Applicants in the
>social and behavioral sciences may request Supplements to standard
>research grants.  The Division of  Social, Behavioral, and Economic
>Research will not entertain Supplement requests for Dissertation
>grants, Instrumentation grants, Research Experiences for
>Undergraduates grants, Training grants, Fellowships, Presidential
>Young Investigator grants, NSF Young Investigator grants, Presidential
>Faculty Fellows grants, Faculty Early Career Development grants, or
>Center grants.  Up to $20,000 may be requested for Supplements.
>Only single-investigator proposals are appropriate.  In the case of
>supplement requests from female principal or co-principal
>investigators on an existing multi-investigator award, any supplement
>request must be submitted by a single individual.  POWRE proposals to
>support Visiting Professor, Visiting Researcher, or
>Research/Educational Enhancement activities that are submitted with
>co-investigators will be returned without review.
>Consideration will be gi

FYI: NHK Internet Forum

1997-05-03 Thread STEFANIE S. RIXECKER


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Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 20:49:56 +0900
Subject: NHK Internet Forum

Introducing the Internet Forum
Nuclear Arms and the Human Race

 NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is the largest and sole public
broadcaster, serving programs over the five television channels to
audiences of 35 million households.  NHK started a homepage titled -
Internet Forum Nuclear Arms and the Human Race - on April 1, where the
world's citizens discuss the issue of nuclear arms on the Internet.

   The first theme of the forum is "Contemplating the Origins of the
Nuclear Age --- Cyber Exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution's Canceled
Enola Gay and Atomic Bomb Exhibition."  The exhibition, planned on the
occasion of 50 years after the end of World War II was driven into
cancellation shortly before its opening.  NHK has introduced part of the
exhibition script on the Internet and has enabled people all over the
world to have access to the canceled exhibition.

  The second theme of discussion is, "Will nuclear arms maintain the
peace? --- from arguments at the International Court of Justice at the

 There are about 40,000 nuclear warheads first invented in 1945 and
carried over to the 21 Century.  Can the human race solve the nuclear
problems?  Instead of leaving the problem to politicians or experts, this
Internet project will search for wisdom through free discussion by the
global citizens.

 The issue of nuclear weapons is one that is characterized by an
immense gap in recognition of the fact which has resulted in further
disagreement.  The Internet documentary aims at debates beyond prejudice
and national interests by information sharing.  Combining television with
the Internet Forum will open a door to a new media.

 If you wish to participate in Internet Forum, please visit the
"Internet Forum"  homepage. The URL is

 We will have to limit the membership of this discussion to 30 persons
who agree with, and 30 who do not, because of the limitations for
translations.  The closing day for applications is the middle of June,
1997.  The contents of these debates will be broadcast on NHK-BS 1 in

 We would be glad if you could see Internet Forum homepage.  For any
questions, please contact us by E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or by fax:  81-3-3468-8423

Astunori Kawamura:  Executive Producer
Kenji Sato:  Director
NHK Internet Forum Project
NHK Broadcasting Satellite No. 1 Station
NHK Hiroshima Broadcasting Station
NHK Enterprises 21, INC

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand