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                        CALL FOR PAPERS and REGISTRATION
                                   OFWIM 1997
     "Connecting People with Resources through Digital Information 
     The Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers 
     (OFWIM) is holding its 5th Annual Conference in Reston, 
     Virginia on August 3 and 4,1997.  The theme of the conference 
     is "Connecting People with Resources through Digital 
     Information Systems" and will be held at the Hyatt Regency 
     Reston. The conference offers attendees the opportunity to 
     exchange ideas via oral or poster presentations, a Hackers' 
     Ball (hands-on demonstrations), as well as through 
     participation in the OFWIM business meeting.  Additionally,
     participants will have the opportunity to interact with colleagues 
     specializing in spatial information management because the OFWIM conference 
     is being held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the National 
     Biodiversity Gap Analysis Program (August 4 through 8).
                                Agenda Topics
     The theme of the conference is "Connecting People with Resources through 
     Digital Information Systems".  Session topics include:
          Information systems structured for intra- and interagency use, 
          Distribution of fish and wildlife information for publics, and 
          GIS and desktop mapping applications using fish and wildlife 
     The hands-on demonstrations presented during the Hackers' Ball will 
     introduce tools that information managers can use to approach these 
     Presentations can take the form of oral or poster presentation, or 
     demonstration of computer program(s) or new technology (privately or 
     government owned, commercial, or otherwise). If  interested in presenting 
     during the paper or poster sessions or during the hands-on Hackers' Ball, 
     prepare a tile and contact the conference organizer by June 15, 1997.  
     After placement on agenda is confirmed, final papers are due July 15 1997.
             The conference organizer:
                     Hope Barrett, OFWIM 1997
                     Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources 
                     #1 Game Farm Road
                     Frankfort, KY.  40601
                     Phone: 502/564-4406 or leave a message on recorded 
                     Voice Mail:502/564-7109 ext. 405,       
                     FAX: 502/564-6508, 
                     E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     1997 Conference Deadlines:
          June 28: all interested attendees:
             registration form and fee due to OFWIM treasurer.
          June 15: all interested presenters:
             contact conference organizer for placement on agenda.
          July 15: papers due to conference organizer.
                            Instructions to Authors
     Individuals should contact conference organizer (Hope Barrett) by 
     June 15, 1997 to express interest in presenting.  After placement 
     on agenda is confirmed, final papers will be due July 15, 1997.  
     Final papers are to be submitted on paper and diskette (either 
     5.25" or 3.5").  Acceptable formats are: 6.0 DOS text, 
     WordPerfect for Windows 5.0 or later,  Word for Windows 6.0 or 
     later, Word for Macintosh 5.0 or later or ASCII text. Original 
     graphics are preferred in TIF or PCX format.  Mail papers by July 
     15, 1997 to Hope Barrett (OFWIM 1997), KDFWR, #1 Game Farm Road, 
     Frankfort, KY.  40601.  Phone:(502) 564-4406, FAX: (502)564-6508, 
     E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Conference Registration
     Advanced registration cost for the conference is $75.00.  Interested 
     participants must send completed registration forms to the OFWIM treasurer 
     (Lisa Sausville) to be included in accurate meal and meeting counts. 
     Completed advanced registration forms should may be mailed no later than 
     June 28, 1997.  Registration after June 28 is $90.00; on-site registration 
     will be available.
                                Hotel Registration
     The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Reston.  A block of rooms 
     will be reserved OFWIM conference participants.   Prices for  rooms will be 
     available soon and will be accompanied by a list of hotels in close 
     proximity to the Hyatt.  More hotel information will follow.
                             Registration Form
                         OFWIM 1997 Annual Meeting
                             August 3-4, 1997
     "Connecting People with Resources through Digital Information 
     City:__________________  State:_____________ Zip:_____________
     Phone: __________________________ 
     Registration cost includes:
             session participation with breaks,
             Hackers' Ball (hands-on demonstrations), 
             business meeting attendance, and
             1 copy of OFWIM 1997 Proceedings.
     Advanced registration: $75.00 due June 28, 1997. 
     Late registration and on-site registration: $90.00.
     Checks should be payable to: OFWIM, c/o Lisa Sausville,Treasurer.
     Completed registration forms and fees should may be mailed to:
                Lisa Sausville (FWIS), OFWIM Treasurer 1997 Virginia 
                Department of Game & Inland Fisheries 
                P.O. Box 11104
                Richmond, VA. 23230-1104
                (804) 367-8747
                email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     All interested attendees and presenters must communicate your intentions 
     to guarantee an accurate meal count.  After the conference, paid 
     registrants will receive the Proceedings that contains written papers from 
     presentations and demonstrated  technologies.
                             Who is OFWIM?
     The Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers (OFWIM) 
     is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to promote the management 
     and conservation of natural resources by facilitating technology and 
     information exchange among fish and wildlife information managers.  
     OFWIM is working to accomplish its goals by providing coordination, 
     outreach, technical assistance, and continuing education services to 
     fish and wildlife information managers.  The Organization publishes a 
     newsletter and, once a year, holds a national conference.  Throughout 
     the year, OFWIM sponsors regional meetings and training sessions for 
     fish and wildlife agencies and organizations that are interested in 
     dynamic information management. Over 50 federal, state, and private 
     agencies have participated in OFWIM meetings and events.
     OFWIM Membership
     OFWIM is made up of federal, state, and private individuals 
     interested in fish and wildlife information.  Three types of 
     membership exist.
             General Members annual dues are $25.00; individuals are 
             entitled to one vote.
             Government Members annual dues are $200.00; 
             this includes:
     1) agencies responsible for the administration of fish and 
     wildlife resources or habitat in each state, province, or 
     commonwealth and 
     2) federal or international agencies responsible for the administration of 
     fish and wildlife resources or habitats.  Government members are entitled 
     to two votes.
             Sponsoring Members annual dues are $500.00; this includes 
     those who are interested in contributing to the goals of OFWIM, but are 
     from for-profit organizations.
     All memberships for OFWIM may be attained by sending your name, address, 
     agency affiliation, E-mail address, phone number, and dues (made 
     payable to:
                 OFWIM c/o Lisa Sausville, Treasurer:
             Lisa Sausville (FWIS), OFWIM Treasurer 
             VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries 
             P.O. Box 11104
             Richmond, VA. 23230-1104
     Jeffrey B. Trollinger
     FWIS Research Specialist Sr.
     Fish and Wildlife Information System 
     Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries 
     4010 West Broad Street
     Richmond, Virginia  23230-1104
     Phone:  (804) 367-9717     email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
     FAX:    (804) 367-2427

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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