Dear ECOFEMers,

War is a terrible contributor to environmental degradation, and 
feminism has certainly contributed a fair amount to peace studies, so 
I thought this conference might interest some of you.  Sorry about 
any duplications; it came from femisa.


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------


Peace History Society
Call for Papers

"Peace and War Issues: Gender, Race, Identity, and Citizenship"

University of Texas at San Antonio
14-16 November 1997

The program committee for the first international conference sponsored by
the Peace History Society (formerly the Council on Peace Research in
History) requests proposals that examine issues of peace and war with
particular attention to themes of gender, race, identity, and citizenship.
The committee especially seeks papers or panels that employ comparative or
interdisciplinary analysis.  The best papers will be considered for
publication in a special issue of _Peace & Change_.  Proposals by
individual presenters are welcome, but we encourage outlines for complete
sessions.  Sessions should feature 2-3 papers and a moderator.  All
proposals should include the following:

        a brief summary of prospective papers

        names and addresses of each participant accompanied by a brief
biographical sketch or vita

Please send all inquiries and proposals simultaneously to our program
co-chairs, Prof. Scott L. Bills, Department of History, Stephen F. Austin
State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962; Phone, 409-468-2285; E-mail,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; and Prof. Kathleen Kennedy, Department of History,
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225; Phone, 360-650-3043;
Scott L. Bills                 Voice, 409-468-2285
History Department       Fax, 409-468-2478
Stephen F. Austin         PEACE & CHANGE
      State University      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


End of FEMISA Digest 776

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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