Hello ECOFEM-ers!  :)

I haven't sent my introduction to you because I wanted all of you 
to create a space for yourselves, as you are doing.  But, since there 
have been a few calls for "guidance," I will set down some of my 
thoughts about "where I'm coming from."  It's intended to add 
to the dialogue, not monopolize or dictate it, so please feel free to 
add your voices to the ECOFEM journeying.

Having a list about "women and environment" on the internet (also 
known as =virtual= reality) presents us with quite a challenge--the 
challenge of community building.  Personally, I believe that 
community building -- for all species, regardless of biological sex --
is one of the core focal points of ecofeminism.  Indeed, community 
building is not =solely= about balancing species' interaction, but 
about living with the environment overall (the tangible and 
intangible elements).  While ecofeminsim -- or women and environment, 
as I tend to describe this panoply of ideas -- suggests that many of 
our current methods of existence are not sustainable, for ourselves, 
our planet, or future generations, this does not necessitate a 
negative or pessimistic solution.  Perhaps one of the most remarkable 
aspects of ecofeminism is its continual call for positive actions 
towards a sustainable planet; one of these is community building.

I accepted my role as a "co-moderator" for ECOFEM because I strongly 
believe in our =human= ability to foster and sustain healthy, dynamic, 
and nurturing communities.  This does not mean that I approach this 
forum with naivete.  Believe me, I realize our ability to be 
insensitive, manipulating, and domineering.  BUT, I also believe that 
humans have the potential to move beyond such behaviours, even 
if not not always or in all ways.  That is why I decided to volunteer 
for the role of a co-moderator.  I wanted to contribute to community 
building on the internet, to build "communications for a sustainable 
future."  It is this goal which I hold the most dear FROM the 
perspective of women and environment.  Personally, I can't imagine a 
more appropriate bridging between theory and practice.  In essence, I 
believe that we =can= work through the challenges of creating and 
nurturing a community, be it on the internet or anywhere else.

WE --ECOFEM's 300+ members-- have an opportunity to create an 
environment in which we can share, grow and learn about 
ecofeminism together.  No doubt, the challenge is not an easy one 
since tensions and differences invariably arise, but it =is= one we 
must meet if we are to work towards a sustainable planet and future.  
I suggest that we each work to build respect.  For, it is difficult to 
have respect for ourselves, if we do not have respect for others.  
The choice is =ours= to make.  I welcome the challenge of this 
journey, and I hope that we can work together as a community to 
discuss the principles, roles, and ideas of women and environment.

                             Peace, Stefanie
                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                

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