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NCC Washington Update, vol. 3, # 2,  January 14, 1997
   by Page Putnam Miller, Director of the National Coordinating
      Committee for the Promotion of History <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1.  Roger Kennedy Resigns Post As Director of the National Park Service
2.  Update on Composition of Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
         with Responsibility for the Archives and NHPRC
3.  Upcoming Congressional Schedule

1.  Roger Kennedy Resigns Post As Director of the National Park Service --
On January 13 Roger Kennedy announced his resignation as Director of the
National Park Service (NPS).  Kennedy has served in this position since
1993 and led the NPS through its first comprehensive restructuring since
World War II.  He also gave heightened emphasis to public education as a
primary function of the NPS.  His resignation will not take effect until a
successor has been confirmed by the Senate.  Legislation passed in the
last Congress established professional qualifications for the Director of
the National Park Service and requires Senate confirmation.  The law
states:  "The Director shall have substantial experience and demonstrated
competence in land management and natural or cultural resource
conservation."  In the past the Secretary of Interior has appointed the
Director of the National Park Service.  Indications are that Kennedy's
replacement will be from within the National Park Service, perhaps one of
the regional directors or other high official.

2.  Update on Composition of Senate Appropriations Subcommittee with
Responsibility for the Archives and NHPRC -- The Senate Republicans have
named Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) as the Chair of the
Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government, which
has jurisdiction over the budgets of the National Archives and the NHPRC.
The Republican leadership has not finalized their membership on this
committee but there are indications that Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL),
who chaired this subcommittee in the last Congress, will remain on the
subcommittee;  and Senator Lauch Faircloth (R-NC) will be the joining the
subcommittee as a new member.  The subcommittee will probably retain its
size and ratio, with 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats.  The Democratic
leadership has indicated that Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) will be the Ranking
Minority.  Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) will probably remain on the

3.  Upcoming Congressional Schedule -- Both the House and Senate are
adjourned until January 21.  After meeting on January 21, the House will
adjourn until February 4.  It appears that the Senate will be in session
from January 21 until mid-February before taking another recess.

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Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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