Hello All:

Faye asked me to forward this to the list as she's experiencing some 
technical problems w/ her ECOFEM account at the moment.

Please reply to the list or to Faye, as I have no further details.


 ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello,
> I thought I would post the following information in response to 
> Glynis Carr's posting about large scale hogs farms.  This phenomenon
> is taking place in many locales around North America (and has been 
> going on in Europe as well).
> I am involved with the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and this is a major 
> issue we have been working on.  I have just put up a Web Site for the ISA
> and info on Hog Farms is available there.  The url is:
> http://www.uwin.siu.edu/~isa
> I will be putting up an extensive lists of links related to this issue
> within a week or so.
> Email me and I can give you the phone number of an ISA staff member who
> does organizing around this issue.
> You can contact Rhonda Perry or Roger Allison of the Missouri Rural
> Crisis Cenetr at 710 Rangeland St in Columbia, Mo (again, I can give you
> their phone #).
> Their are many communities in Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, and
> Western Canada facing the same scaenario in your town.  We are looking 
> into forming a network and I may start a listserv if there is enough
>  interest.
> Thanks for passing this along to your friend.
> Best Wishes,
> Faye Anderson

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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