[ECOLOG-L] Biometeorologist/Meteorologist/Atmospheric Modeler: - NEON Post doc opportunity

2010-08-05 Thread Laura Reynolds
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON, Inc.) is a nonprofit 
science corporation dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, 
land use and invasive species impact ecology.  Currently under design is 
the NEON project - an observatory comprising more than 60 environmental 
and biological monitoring locations distributed throughout twenty domains 
across the United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.  These 
observations and experiments will be monitored and controlled in real-time 
from our headquarters in Boulder, Colorado.  
Position Summary
The Fundamental Instrument Unit (FIU) consists of an automated suite of 
meteorological, atmospheric, soil and ecophysiological measurements.  The 
position will support Science project development and management 
The FIU employs tower-based micrometeorological data products (incl. eddy 
covariance).  Sources of uncertainties can be identified from flow 
statistics, topography, and land cover (source/sink strengths).  This 
position provides a unique opportunity to develop state of the art models 
into the NEON design, for example, combining the traditional data quality 
assessment with topography, land cover, and analytic footprint modeling.  
This position directly contributes in making NEON’s flux measurements part 
of a world-class observatory through state-of-the-art techniques.  All 
NEON scientists are stewards of this global resource.
 Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
•   Coordinate, design and execute innovative airshed analyses,
•   Develop analytical procedures to quality assess 
micrometeorological processes through the spatial integration of 
variables, e.g., topography, land cover, and footprint modeling, and 
incorporate them into uncertainty analyses 
•   Coordinate FIU dataflows with other related NEON groups,
•   Develop plans for evaluating and transferring research-grade 
programming into an operational and production framework

Required Experience:
•   1-5 years experience in meteorological-related work using physical 
and empirical models
•   Experience with quantitative uncertainty analyses and time-series 
•   Experience delivering a final product from concept through testing 
to completion,
•   Experience in programming meteorological analyses with diverse 
types of datasets
•   Experience working in a collaborative scientific or engineering 
enterprise, and
•   Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in written and 
oral forms

•   Doctoral degree in an environmental science field (e.g., 
biometeorology, ecosystem science, micrometeorology, atmospheric modeling) 
or a related field.
•   Recent PhD graduates may apply (post-doc position).

Preferred Experience:
•   Working at the synoptic to local scale
•   Some work experience with production data flows 
•   Knowledge of a wide range of meteorological related sensors, and 
measurement techniques and their associated data acquisition and analysis 
•   Design of data visualization tools,
•   Ability to develop the dataflow designs for different and 
contrasting data types.

 Skills and Abilities:
•   Critical thinking, scientific writing and review,
•   Ability to travel (infrequently), plus travel to conferences
•   Quantification of spatial and temporal variation of data quality 
properties and processes
•   Understanding of micrometeorological processes and ecosystem 
•   Demonstrated problem-solving and communication skills, and who can 
successfully apply experience, judgment, and creativity to both short- and 
long-term challenges, 
•   One who can create new opportunities within this field and use 
novel methods, analyses and approaches to tackle continental-scale 
•   Desired knowledge base of both instrument hardware and software 

To Apply: go to www.neoninc.org

NEON Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, Minorities, Veterans 
and Disabled Persons are encouraged to apply. 

[ECOLOG-L] MSc research project available to study the influence of forest harvesting

2010-08-05 Thread Sabrina Courant
We are looking for an MSc candidate to participate in a research project
on the changes in abundance of different wildlife groups (insects, birds, 
small mammals and snowshoe hare) along a gradient of forest succession. 
More specifically, the objective is to understand source-sink dynamics for 
several species along chronosequences resulting from forest harvesting. 
The student will have to evaluate biodiversity patterns and identify 
factors influencing habitat quality along the chronosequences. Fieldwork 
(summer and winter) will take place in Côte-Nord region of Québec’s boreal 
forest. A PhD student will also be involved in the project, but he/she will
work on a different species group.

Qualifications: Laval University is a French university and some basic 
French is therefore desirable. Knowledge of GIS and field experience are 
an advantage.

A fellowship of 15,000$/year is available for 2 years for the MSc 
candidate. However, students admissible for NSERC and FQRNT fellowships 
will be favored.

Documents to provide: Applicants for this position should forward a short 
covering letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a current CV, 
unofficial transcripts and contact information of three references. We 
will start reviewing the applications on 23 August 2010.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, 1045, av. de la 
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada
Courriel : daniel.for...@bio.ulaval.ca

[ECOLOG-L] PhD research project available to study the influence of forest harvesting

2010-08-05 Thread Sabrina Courant
We are looking for a PhD candidate to participate in a research project on 
the changes in abundance of different wildlife groups (insects, birds, 
small mammals and snowshoe hare)along a gradient of forest succession. 
More specifically, the objective is to understand sourcesink dynamics for 
several species along chronosequences resulting from forest harvesting.
The student will have to evaluate biodiversity patterns and identify 
factors influencing habitat quality along the chronosequences. Fieldwork 
(summer and winter) will take place in Côte-Nord region of Québec’s boreal 
forest. An MSc student will also be involved in the project, but he/she 
will work on a different species group.

Qualifications: Have completed an M.Sc. in biological sciences or in 
forestry. Have a strong interest in biodiversity conservation, 
sylviculture and statistics. Laval University is a French university and 
some basic French is therefore desirable. Knowledge of GIS and field
experience are an advantage.

A fellowship of 18,500$/year is available for 3 years. However, students 
admissible for NSERC and FQRNT fellowships will be favored.

Documents to provide: Applicants for this position should forward a short 
covering letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a current CV, 
unofficial transcripts and contact information of three references. We 
will start reviewing the applications on 23 August 2010.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon 
1045, av. de la Médecine,
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada
Courriel : daniel.for...@bio.ulaval.ca

[ECOLOG-L] PhD research project available to study woodland caribou and grey wolf

2010-08-05 Thread Sabrina Courant
We are looking for a PhD student to participate in a research project on 
caribou and wolf interactions in the boreal forest of the Côte-Nord region 
of Québec. The research objective is to assess the efficiency of current 
management plans for the conservation of woodland caribou living under 
wolf predation. More specifically, the PhD student will evaluate the
interplay between space use patterns and the physical condition and 
survival of marked caribou. The research should also identify how 
landscape structure influences predation by wolf. Overall the project 
should provide information useful to anticipate the long-term
persistence of caribou populations in managed forests. The project will 
involve little fieldwork but will require a detailed evaluation of GPS 
locations collected on approximately 45 caribou and 6 wolf packs. The 
candidate will be part of a research group combining researchers and 
graduate students from Laval University (www.sylvifaune.ulaval.ca) and the
Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune (S. Couturier).

Qualifications: Have completed an M.Sc. in biological sciences or 
forestry. Have a strong interest in wildlife conservation, quantitative 
ecology and statistics. Laval University is a French institution and some 
basic French is desirable. Knowledge of GIS is also an advantage.

A fellowship of 18 500$/year is available for 3 years. However, students 
admissible for NSERC and FQRNT fellowships will be favored.

Documents to provide by email: Applicants for this position should forward 
a short covering letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a 
current CV, unofficial transcripts and contact information of three 
references. We will start reviewing the applications on 23 August 2010.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine,
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada
Email: daniel.for...@bio.ulaval.ca


2010-08-05 Thread Sabrina Courant
We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to participate in a research 
project on the spatial dynamics of bison distribution in Prince Albert 
National Park, Saskatchewan. The project will evaluate the interplay among 
predation risk, group dynamics, and dietary choice of free-ranging
plains bison. We are particularly interested in linking group size and 
mortality risk in bison. Fieldwork will include behavioural observations 
of bison groups, collection of wolf feces, and radio-tracking of bison and 
wolves. Bison (>30) and 3-4 wolf packs will be followed with GPS collars.

The post-doctoral fellow will have administrative responsibilities, which 
1. Writing scientific papers, progress reports, and posters.
2. Helping to plan and supervise fieldwork.
3. Maintaining the project's database, as well as supervising and 
verifying contributions from employees and students.
4. Advising and assisting researchers and students in their studies.

Qualifications: Hold a PhD in terrestrial ecology or related field. Be 
familiar with the use of Geographic Information Systems, and have field 
experience. Université Laval is a French university and some basic French 
can be an asset.

A fellowship of 35,000$/year is available for up to 2 years.

Documents to provide by email: Applicants for this position should forward 
a short covering letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a 
current CV, and contact information of three references. We will start 
reviewing the applications on 23 August 2010.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine,
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada
Email: daniel.for...@bio.ulaval.ca


2010-08-05 Thread Sabrina Courant
The NSERC-Université Laval Industrial Research Chair in Silviculture and 
Wildlife has research opportunities for one post-doctoral fellow to 
participate in its research program. The program seeks to develop 
silviculture systems suited for the sustainable management of uneven-aged 
boreal forests. The post-doctoral project should commence no later than 
August 2010, with a duration of 1-2 years. A fellowship of 35,000$ per 
year will be available.

Research theme 1: Modelling animal communities in managed boreal forest – 
The project aims to model animal-habitat relationships in the managed 
forests of the Côte-Nord region of Québec. The study will integrate 
information on forest structure, composition, and management with data on 
animal communities that have been collected as part of the chair’s 
studies. Species groups to be considered include invertebrates, forest 
birds, and small mammals. A number of indicator species have been
identified in uncut forests. We now need to determine whether these 
species are also adequate indicators of local species assemblages in post-
logging forests. The following article presents one way to analyse the 
data: Azeria et al. 2009. Diversity and Distributions 15: 958-71.

Research theme 2: Response of animal communities to various silvicultural 
practices – The postdoctoral fellow could characterize the impact of 
silvicultural practices on the foraging behaviour of small mammals. The 
results should reveal spatio-temporal variations in the perception of 
foragers to predation risk and competition intensity. The following paper 
presents a similar study: Lemaître et al.2010. Evolutionary Ecology 
Research 12: 203-16.

The post-doctoral fellow should also become involved in other on-going 
studies, such as on woodland caribou. We are therefore looking for 
candidates with broad interests and skills. Please 
visit “www.sylvifaune.ulaval.ca” to find out more about the chair’s 

The post-doctoral fellow will have administrative responsibilities, which 
1. Writing scientific papers, progress reports, and posters.
2. Helping to plan and supervise fieldwork.
3. Maintaining the project's database, as well as supervising and 
verifying contributions from employees and students.
4. Developing and maintaining links with practitioners, managers and 
researchers in order to promote an exchange on chair-related work.
5. Advising and assisting researchers and students in their studies.

Qualifications: Hold a PhD in terrestrial ecology, forestry, biostatistics 
or related field. Have extensive research experience in animal or 
community ecology. Have in-depth knowledge of ecological modelling and 
contemporary multivariate statistical methods. Be familiar with the use of 
Geographic Information Systems. Université Laval is a French university 
and some basic French is an asset.

Documents to provide by email: Applicants for this position should forward 
me a short cover letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a 
current CV and the names and contact information of three references. We 
will begin to review the applications on 23 August 2010.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
1045, av. de la Médecine,
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada
Email: daniel.for...@bio.ulaval.ca

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc in Disease Ecology

2010-08-05 Thread Eric Seabloom

Drs. Elizabeth Borer and Eric Seabloom (Department of Ecology, Evolution,
and Behavior, University of Minnesota) are recruiting a Postdoctoral
Researcher. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position
with renewal based on performance and funding. Salary is negotiable and
commensurate with education and experience.   

The purpose of this position is to conduct and publish results from
scholarly research in the general area of disease community ecology
including topics such as effects of pathogen diversity, host diversity, and
resource supply rates on pathogen dynamics in complex natural systems. This
position is part of a large collaborative research effort including faculty,
postdocs, and graduate students at University of Minnesota, Cornell
University, University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University,
and Princeton University. While the principal focus of the empirical work
has been on plant viral pathogens (barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses)
in natural grasslands, applicants interested in more general theoretical
questions applicable to plant, wildlife, and human disease systems are
encouraged to apply. We are also accepting applicants with strong empirical
skills especially in using PCR and genomic tools to quantify pathogen

For technical questions on this position please contact Elizabeth Borer

This job posting will remain open until the position is filled, but
applicants are encouraged to apply by September 1, 2010. For further
information on this position and to submit application materials go to:
employment.umn.edu and search for requisition 167375 or go directly to:

Application materials include:
1) Cover letter summarizing interests and qualifications
2) Resume/Vita
3) Names and contact information of at least three professional references

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc/Project Coordinator for Nutrient Network

2010-08-05 Thread Eric Seabloom
Nutrient Network (NutNet) Coordinator 

Drs. Elizabeth Borer and Eric Seabloom (Department of Ecology, Evolution,
and Behavior, University of Minnesota) are recruiting a Postdoctoral
Researcher. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position
with renewal based on performance and funding. Salary is negotiable and
commensurate with education and experience.   

The purpose of this position is to assist in the coordination of a
collaborative experimental network composed of roughly 70 collaborators at
50 research sites around the world. Each site is conducting an identical
experimental manipulation of nutrients and consumers. This position will
include management of the extensive network dataset, development of
web-based data tools, planning and coordination of several meetings of
network data contributors at University of Minnesota, development of
educational materials, and emphasize conducting scholarly research.  

Further information on NutNet can be found at:

For technical questions on this position please contact Elizabeth Borer

This job posting will remain open until the position is filled, but
applicants are encouraged to apply by September 1, 2010. 

For further information on this position and to submit application materials
go to: employment.umn.edu and search for requisition 167371 or go directly
to: employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=88762

Application materials include:
1) Cover letter summarizing interests and qualifications
2) Resume/Vita
3) Names and contact information of at least three professional references