[ECOLOG-L] survey on climate change and human population growth

2011-10-04 Thread Lisa Ellsworth
Colleagues -
Please consider taking a few moments to participate in a research survey on
climate change and human population growth.  We are interested in gaining a
better understanding of scientists' opinions and knowledge on the
synergistic relationship between human population growth and global climate
change. As a member of this listserv, we believe you are representative of
the students, academics and professionals in the broader international
community of social and natural science.  The survey will take no more than
10 minutes to complete.

Click on the link below to access survey page:
a href=https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7XKWFBT;/a

Many thanks for your participation

Best Regards,
Lisa Ellsworth

Lisa M Ellsworth
Natural Resources and Environmental Management
University of Hawaii
1910 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI  96822
Lab:  808-956-6875

**my lisae...@hawaii.edu email address is no longer active.  Please
update your records***

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the
most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.
Edward Abbey (1927 - 1989)

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: Modelling the population dynamic of the king scallop Pecten maximus in the English Channel.

2011-10-04 Thread David Inouye
Title : Modelling the population dynamic of the 
king scallop Pecten maximus in the English


Contact : Philippe Cugier philippe.cug...@ifremer.fr

Abstract : The king scallop Pecten maximus is an 
emblematic and commercially important
species in the English Channel, notably as it 
constitutes the first species in landings for the
French fishing fleet in this area. Within the 
framework of the ANR COMANCHE project (2011-
2013), which aims is to improve our knowledge of 
this species in the whole English Channel, it
is planned to model the king scallop’s biology 
both at individual (ecophysiology) and population
(dynamics of population) scales, in connection 
with the ecosystem through a 3D modelling of
the primary production. The work proposed here 
will concentrate on 1/ the development of a
population dynamic model of the king scallop 
based on models already existing in the laboratory
(for clam (Paphia rhomboïdes) and dog cockle 
(Glycymeris glycymeris)), 2/ the spatialisation of
this model at the scale of the English Channel by 
its coupling with a 3D hydrodynamics and
primary production model already calibrated and 
validated, 3/ its coupling with a model of
individual growth developed by partners of the 
ANR project. The objective is to better
understand the determinism of the king scallop 
distribution in the English Channel linking
physical and trophic constraints through a 
coupled model. Such a tool will be useful to evaluate
the impacts of environmental or anthropogenic 
factors on the evolution of king scallop


[ECOLOG-L] strategic faculty hiring initiative in water

2011-10-04 Thread Rodney Chimner
Michigan Technological University is pleased to announce a strategic faculty 
hiring initiative (SFHI) for up to seven faculty to build upon existing 
expertise in water at the University. This team of faculty will define and 
address compelling issues in the natural, engineering, and socioeconomic 
aspects of water. We are interested in faculty who can contribute to research 
and teaching on sustainable water systems of global significance.  For more 
information please go to the hiring web page http://www.mtu.edu/sfhi/water/.

[ECOLOG-L] New Features on the Encyclopedia of Life!

2011-10-04 Thread Tracy Barbaro
The Encyclopedia of Life (www.eol.org), a free, online collaborative website 
offering information about life on earth has some great new features! 

Create a Virtual Collection
The Collections feature gives you the ability to gather together the pieces 
of EOL that are of greatest interest to you into a “virtual collection” 
which you can name, annotate and 
share. View examples of education focused collections on EOL: 

Create or Join a Community
People who share a common interest in a particular aspect of living nature 
come together in EOL Communities to ask questions or share their expertise.  
Create a Field Guide
The Field Guide tool provides a way to organize species information for a  
particular project or purpose. Field Guides enable the creation of 
customized content to include just the information from EOL specific to your 
educational needs. Print options include a journal section for student 
To make your own field guide visit: http://fieldguides.eol.org/ 

In addition, the new EOL.org is easier to search and provides information 
for English, Arabic, and Spanish language speakers.

Don’t forget to tune in every 2 weeks for a new podcast from EOL’s One 
Species at a Time series (http://education.eol.org/podcast)

About EOL
The Encyclopedia of Life is compiled from existing databases and from 
contributions by experts and non-experts throughout the world.  It aims to 
build one infinitely expandable page for each species, including video, 
sound, images, graphics, as well as text.  Learn more at www.eol.org

[ECOLOG-L] tenure-track ecohydrology position

2011-10-04 Thread Peter Scull
NEW YORK, HAMILTON 13346. Colgate University. Full-time, tenure-track 
appointment in the Department of Geography at the assistant professor rank 
beginning fall semester 2012. Completion of PhD is expected prior to or 
shortly after the date of hire. We seek an ecohydrologist whose research and 
teaching focuses on the role of water at the interfaces between earth 
surface, plants, and atmosphere. Examples of such work might include climate 
change and evapotranspiration, water vapor transport and precipitation 
variability, water balance processes within different ecological settings, 
and the impacts of land cover changes, including agricultural activity, on 
hydrologic processes. Preference will be given to candidates who have 
scholarly and teaching interests in Africa and/or Asia. Candidates should 
demonstrate strengths in integrating geographical analytical techniques in 
his/her own research. S/he will be expected to contribute to existing 
Geography Department strengths in analytical skill development, which might 
include modeling, GIS, spatial statistics, or field techniques. The 
successful candidate will participate in the teaching of introductory 
physical geography, a methods course, and advanced courses in the 
candidate’s area of specialization. S/he will also contribute to Colgate's 
interdisciplinary Environmental Studies program and have the opportunity to 
participate in one of Colgate's area studies programs. All faculty are 
expected to participate in all-university programs, including the Liberal 
Arts Core Curriculum. Colgate’s Geography Department currently consists of 
eight full-time faculty. It is housed in the recently constructed Robert 
H.N. Ho Interdisciplinary Science Center whose facilities include well 
equipped GIS and visualization labs, both with lab technician support. For 
additional information see the Geography Department web page 
(http://departments.colgate.edu/geography). With 2,800 students and more 
than 250 faculty, Colgate combines the intimacy of a leading liberal arts 
college with the breadth and depth of a research university. Applicants with 
dual-career considerations can find postings of other employment 
opportunities at Colgate and at other institutions of higher education in 
upstate New York at www.upstatenyherc.org. Developing and sustaining a 
diverse faculty, staff, and student body further the University’s 
educational mission. Colgate University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative 
Action Employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Submit CV, a 
detailed statement of professional experience as well as research and 
teaching interests, and at least three letters of recommendation to 
https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/915. Review of completed 
applications will begin October 15, 2011.

[ECOLOG-L] EPA STAR fellowships

2011-10-04 Thread David Inouye
Announcement Title: Fall 2012 EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) 
Fellowships For Graduate Environmental Study (Air, Climate  Energy: 
Global Change)

Announcement Number: EPA-F2012-STAR-B2
Closing Date: 11/08/11
POC: Technical Contact: Brandon Jones 
Eligibility Contact: James Gentry 
Electronic Email Submissions: Todd Peterson 
(mailto:peterson.t...@epa.govpeterson.t...@epa.gov), phone: 703-308-7224

[ECOLOG-L] Answers to Software for spatially explicit models

2011-10-04 Thread Kim van der Linde

Hi All,

Thank you all for the kind responses. I got the following suggestions, 
of which only NetLogo got more than one vote (6):

Free software:
NetLogo (http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/)
SADIE (http://www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/pie/sadie/SADIE_home_page_1.htm)
SELES  = Spatially Explicit Landscape Event Simulator 

Paid software:
Simile (http://www.simulistics.com/)
Stella (http://www.iseesystems.com/softwares/Education/StellaSoftware.aspx)
Ecobeaker (http://simbio.com/products-college/EcoBeaker)




[ECOLOG-L] Faculty position in Environmental Sustainability at Oklahoma University

2011-10-04 Thread Jason Julian


The Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability at the 
University of Oklahoma (http://geography.ou.edu/) invites applications 
for a tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant or 
Associate Professor. Initial appointment to this position will begin 
August 2012.

*The Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability*
In 2010, the department of Geography added new degree programs in 
environmental sustainability (ES) and subsequently received Regents' 
approval to change its name to the Department of Geography and 
Environmental Sustainability. The curriculum and faculty expertise in 
the department focus around four thematic areas. These are: (i) Natural 
Systems (or Physical geography), including the integrated analysis of 
the natural environment and how that environment is being affected by 
human activities; (ii) Cultural and indigenous Geographies, focusing on 
how indigenous peoples, cultures, and economies throughout the world 
have been impacted by globalization, environmental degradation, climate 
change, and other changes in the natural environment; (iii) Analytical 
and applied geospatial methods, including Geographic Information Systems 
(GIS), Remote Sensing, Statistics, and Computer Mapping; and (iv) 
Environmental Sustainability, including concentrations in Sustainability 
Science and Natural Resources, Sustainability Planning and Management, 
and Sustainability, Culture and Society. The department offers the 
following degrees; B.A., B.S. (Geography); B.A., B.S. (Environmental 
Sustainability), M.A., Ph.D. (Geography). Graduate programs in 
Environmental Sustainability are under development.

*The New Environmental Sustainability Program*
The premise of the new OU environmental sustainability (ES) degree 
program is that meeting the world's contemporary environmental 
challenges requires new educational paradigms that weave environmental, 
economic, and social issues together to provide students with an 
interdisciplinary education designed for dealing with such complex 
issues. The curriculum for these degrees comprises courses and 
instructors from 14 different departments and programs on the Norman 
campus. Graduates of the new environmental sustainability degrees will 
be educated to become leaders in research, decision-making, and policies 
that underpin the drive for sustainability.
Sustainability related research and collaborative opportunities exist in 
several colleges on the Norman campus, including the Price College of 
Business and the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, which are 
interested in issues of energy sustainability, as well as the Division 
of Regional and City Planning (College of Architecture) and the College 
of Engineering, which are interested in urban and transportation 
sustainability. Other University centers offer additional opportunities 
for research collaboration, including the Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative 
(http://www.ocgi.okstate.edu/owpi/), the Center for Spatial Analysis 
(http://csa.ou.edu/), the Center for Earth Observation and Modeling 
(http://www.eomf.ou.edu/), and the Center for Applied Social Science 
Research (http://casr.ou.edu/).

*Candidate Qualifications*
The Department seeks a candidate whose research addresses one or more 
aspects of environmental sustainability. Areas of demonstrated expertise 
may include: economics of sustainability; global environmental change 
and sustainability; human dimensions of sustainability; or urban and 
regional sustainability.
The successful candidate will help lead the development of a new 
interdisciplinary environmental sustainability program headquartered in 
the department, develop a funded research program, and teach graduate 
and undergraduate courses in environmental sustainability. Candidates 
are expected to have attained a doctoral degree in environmental 
sustainability, geography, or closely related field by the start date.

*Application Process*
Confidential review of nominations, indications of interest and 
applications will begin October 15, 2011 and continue until the position 
is filled. Candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest 
describing their research vision and demonstrating how they fulfill the 
qualifications noted above, a detailed curriculum vitae, and the names 
of four references.

Applicants must submit all materials electronically, preferably in PDF.

All application information and inquiries should be directed to:
Dr. Aondover Tarhule, Chair
Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability
100 E. Boyd Street, Sarkeys Energy Center
Rm 510, University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma, 73019-1007
Email: (atarh...@ou.edu).
Additional information about the Department of Geography and 
Environmental Sustainability can be found at http://geography.ou.edu.
The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

[ECOLOG-L] USU College of Natural Resources Quinney PhD Fellowship

2011-10-04 Thread Lise Aubry
The Department of Wildland Resources, in the College of Natural Resources 
at Utah State University, will award a S. J. and Jesse E. Quinney PhD 
Fellowship to start fall 2012. The Fellowship provides four years support 
of $20,000 per year as a Graduate Research Assistant, plus tuition, student 
fees, and health insurance.

The Department of Wildland Resources (http://www.cnr.usu.edu/wild/) has a 
diverse faculty and a large, dynamic graduate student body. Research 
focuses on basic and applied aspects of the ecology, conservation, 
restoration, and management of a wide breadth of wildland ecosystems. The 
Department is an integral part of the three-department College of Natural 
Resources and the inter-collegiate Ecology Center 
(http://www.usu.edu/ecology/), and houses the USDA Predator Ecology Lab
part of the USGS Utah Cooperative Fish  Wildlife Research Unit 
(http://ella.gis.usu.edu/~utcoop/), and the USU RS/GIS Laboratory 
(http://www.gis.usu.edu/). We also have important links with the USDA 
Forage and Range Research Lab (http://uaes.usu.edu/htm/farms-and-
facilities/usda-forage-and-range-research-laboratory/) and Poisonous Plants 
Research Lab (http://uaes.usu.edu/htm/farms-and-facilities/usda-poisonous-
plantresearch-lab/), the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research 
Station (http://www.fs.fed.us/rmrs/), and the Center for Integrated 
Biosystems (http://www.biosystems.usu.edu/).

Applicants should work with a potential faculty PhD advisor that will 
strongly support the application and apply for admission to the School of 
Graduate Studies. In addition to the graduate application, applicants
should submit (1) a letter of interest explaining why he or she would like 
to join the potential advisor’s research group and (2) a complete 
curriculum vitae. These materials should be sent to Marsha Bailey
(marsha.bai...@usu.edu). Review of complete applications will begin 27 
January 2012. Founded in 1888 as Utah’s land-grant university, USU’s main 
campus in Logan is composed of eight colleges and boasts a friendly, 
supportive faculty and campus environment. Currently, the University
hosts an enrollment of about 25,000 students, including 3,400 graduate 
students. Logan is a valley community of about 125,000 people nestled in 
between the Wellsville Mountains and the Bear River Range in northeastern 
Utah. In addition to providing access to extraordinary ecosystems for 
research, the many ski resorts, lakes, rivers, and mountains in the area 
make it one of the finest outdoor recreation environments in the nation. 
The city of Logan boasts a low crime rate, low cost of living, fine 
restaurants, a gardener’s market, summer arts festivals, and nationally 
known events, such as the annual Utah Festival Opera. The campus is 90 
miles north of Salt Lake City. With views of a natural area reserve from 
campus, the pristine natural environment of the area makes Logan one of 
America’s most desirable and affordable university towns 

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Environmental Educator of the Konza Prairie Biological Station

2011-10-04 Thread David Inouye

Position Title: Environmental Educator of the Konza Prairie Biological Station

Background: Konza Prairie Biological Station 
(KPBS) is located on a 3,487 hectare native 
tallgrass prairie preserve jointly owned by The 
Nature Conservancy and Kansas State University. 
KPBS is operated as a field research station by 
the KSU Division of Biology. The station is 
dedicated to a three-fold mission of long-term 
ecological research, education, and prairie 
conservation. It has been a Long Term Ecological 
Research (LTER) site since 1981. Konza Prairie is 
located in the Flint Hills region of northeastern 
Kansas, approximately 10 km south of Kansas State 
University and the city of Manhattan (39°05'N, 
96°35'W). (See 
for more information about KPBS.)

Position Overview: The Konza Prairie Biological 
Station Environmental Education Program (KEEP) is 
lead by the Environmental Educator (EE) (See 
for more information on the Konza Environmental 
Education program). The purpose of the education 
program is to build public awareness of the 
importance of the tallgrass ecosystem and the 
conservation and management of the prairie 
through long-term ecological research. The EE is 
responsible for the development and 
implementation of programs for a variety of age 
groups, with special emphasis on the school age 
child and will be involved with the School Yard 
LTER Program at KPBS. The EE is directly 
responsible to the Director of KPBS while closely 
cooperating and communicating with KPBS research 
faculty, the KPBS site manager, Friends of Konza 
Prairie (FOKP) and school districts in the area. 
This is a full-time term position renewed 
annually contingent upon availability of funding 
and satisfactory performance of the EE. We 
anticipate this position to start January 15, 2012.

Required Qualifications: The successful candidate 
will have superior organizational skills and 
strong verbal communication skills with a minimum 
of a MS degree in the biological sciences and 
familiarity with the natural history of the 
tallgrass prairie. He/she should be highly 
personable and have experience establishing 
successful working relationships. He/she must be 
enthusiastic, creative, have an entrepreneurial 
spirit and be an effective team member and 
leader. Experience with environmental education 
programs or the equivalent; experience in 
teaching and in program and facility development; 
possession of a valid driver's license and personal transportation.

Preferred Qualifications: Working knowledge of 
computers and multi-media and experience in grant writing and fund raising.



1. plan and coordinate tours with KEEP staff, docents and research scientists

2. assist the Konza Director, KEEP staff and the 
FOKP Education Facilities Committee with the 
development of educational facilities

3. supervise and evaluate other KEEP staff

4. write grants to help support education program 
development and when successful implement and coordinate grant(s)

5. prepare annual budget for KEEP and keep 
financial information up-to date, i.e. accounts, 
grant expenditures, salary funds

6. purchase program supplies and equipment

7. oversee the KEEP website and updates

8. maintain communications with cooperators, answer questions, etc. (e-mail)

9. manage, maintain, update KEEP student-generated databases

10. maintain all education program files present and past


1. serve as primary educator for the general public, including regional schools

2. develop and implement education programs with 
the KEEP staff, FOKP Education Program Committee, and the Docent Committee

3. develop and implement the docents' training 
program for FOKP and supervise the docent program

4. write and update material for newsletters, 
articles, KEEP material, and program training information

5. implement and maintain communication and 
professional development opportunities for 
teachers involved with KEEP/SLTER/PAK


1. act as liaison with community organizations 
and spokesperson for and about KEEP

2. over see docent program in cooperation with other staff members

3. provide monthly and annual reports to FOKP Board and KPBS Director


1. Oversee and coordinate special projects:

a. serve as curator of displays and collections 
in the education center and other areas

b. maintain Citizen Science databases (phenology)

c. Hokanson Homestead, ranch house and education gardens

To apply: Send a pdf file containing a letter of 
interest, CV, and the names, phone numbers, and 
email addresses of three references to:

mailto:biol...@ksu.edubiol...@ksu.edu (John M. 
Briggs, Professor of Biology and Director of 
Konza Prairie Biological Station) by 28 October 2011.

Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer

and actively seeks diversity 

[ECOLOG-L] MS and PhD Research and Teaching Assistantships in Aquatic Ecology

2011-10-04 Thread Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens
The Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at Washington State University Vancouver,
directed by Dr. Stephen Bollens and Dr. Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, has paid
assistantships available for new graduate students to contribute to a
growing and dynamic program in Aquatic Ecology.   We are currently accepting
applications to begin study in January 2012, or August 2012.
Specific research opportunities exist in the following areas:  1) aquatic
invasive species (e.g. zooplankton, crayfish, fish), 2) harmful algal
blooms, 3) fish and invertebrate response to wetland restoration, and 4)
diel vertical migration of plankton.
Graduate students are supported on a combination of Research Assistantships
and traditional Teaching Assistantships.  Students who begin in January 2012
are also eligible to apply for one-year “GK-12” Teaching Fellowships which
pay a $30,000 annual stipend with the expectation of 15 hours/week
collaborating with a middle school science teacher in a local school district.  
Degree programs:  M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Science; M.S. and Ph.D. in
Zoology.  Application deadlines:  For January 2012 admission, apply as soon
as possible.  For August 2012 admission, applications will be accepted
through March 2011; but priority will given to those who apply by January
10, 2011.
Campus and Facilities:  Washington State University Vancouver is one of four
campuses in the WSU system, and is a rapidly expanding institution located
within the greater Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA metropolitan area, near the
Columbia River, Cascade Mountains and coastal Pacific ocean.  The 351-acre
campus offers new, state-of-the-art classroom and research facilities, where
teaching and research are conducted in an interdisciplinary and
collaborative atmosphere.
For more information please visit the WSUV Aquatic Ecology Laboratory
website (http://research.vancouver.wsu.edu/aquatic-ecology-lab), or the WSU
Vancouver Science Programs website (http://science.vancouver.wsu.edu/) or
contact us directly:
Dr. Stephen M. Bollens (sboll...@vancouver.wsu.edu)
Dr. Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens (rollb...@vancouver.wsu.edu)
Washington State University Vancouver
14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue
Vancouver, WA

[ECOLOG-L] Strategic planning for field stations and marine labs

2011-10-04 Thread Ian Billick
The Organization of Biological Field Stations and the National 
Association of Marine Labs are conducting strategic planning for field 
stations and marine labs.  We want to make certain that field stations 
and marine labs are positioning themselves for the future-- what do 
scientists, educators, and resource managers need us to be?

There will be a workshop addressing these issues in mid-November in 
which scientists, educators, policy managers, and field station 
directors discuss these issues face to face.  We are in the process of 
developing our agenda for the meeting and would appreciate any thoughts 
the ecology community has.

You can get more information about this planning effort from

We have set up a discussion board that allows people to submit comments 
and engage in discussion at:


If you have thoughts about field stations and marine labs, please join 
the discussion board and share your opinion.

Thank you!

Ian Billick
Executive Director
PO 519, Crested Butte, CO 81224
970 349 6669

[ECOLOG-L] Research Technician: University of Rhode Island

2011-10-04 Thread Jason Kolbe
Research Technician: University of Rhode Island

The Kolbe lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of 
Rhode Island seeks a full-time research technician and laboratory manager.  
Research in our lab focuses on the evolutionary ecology and evolutionary 
genetics of invasive species, particularly Anolis lizards.  This position 
requires a B.S. in biology or a related field, molecular genetic and/or 
evolutionary genetic laboratory research experience including PCR, and 
preferably, experience with microsatellite or SNP genotyping.  Strong 
organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills are required. 

Duties will include ordering lab supplies; preparing solutions and reagents; 
carrying out of DNA extractions, PCR, sequencing and genotyping; and conducting 
phylogenetic and population-genetic analyses of molecular data.  Will supervise 
adherence to Chemical Safety and IACUC and related policies and practices; 
maintain live animals (lizards); train students in molecular techniques; and 
maintain lab equipment.  Must be self-motivated and interested in collaborating 
with the PI and students on all aspects of the research process. 

Please direct questions to Dr. Jason Kolbe at jjko...@mail.uri.edu and visit 
our website at https://jobs.uri.edu to view complete details and apply for 
posting # (6000557).  Online applications will require two PDF attachments:  1) 
a cover letter, and 2) a resume to include the names/addresses/email addresses 
for 3 references.  Online applications will close October 21, 2011.  The 
University of Rhode Island is an AA/EEOD employer and values diversity.

Jason J. Kolbe
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Rhode Island
CBLS 189, 120 Flagg Rd.
Kingston, RI  02881  USA
Email:  jjko...@mail.uri.edu
Website:  http://web.me.com/jjkolbe

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty position in Ecology, Fordham University

2011-10-04 Thread {JD Lewis}
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at the Assistant or 
Associate Professor level in 
the Department of Biological Sciences. We seek an evolutionary and/or 
population ecologist 
working in microbial ecology, and who conducts hypothesis-driven research using 
methods and/or genomics. 

The successful applicant will establish a research program at Fordham’s 
biological field station, the 
Louis Calder Center, and can participate in our Center for Urban Ecology (CUE). 
There are also 
opportunities to collaborate with scientists at the New York Botanical Garden, 
Wildlife Conservation 
Society, and the American Museum of Natural History. 

A commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching and research is required. 
Professor candidates must demonstrate the potential to use regional resources 
to develop a 
rigorous, externally funded research program. Associate Professor candidates 
must have a proven 
record of external, peer-reviewed funding and indicate future directions using 
regional resources. 

Applicants should email one PDF application file containing a cover letter, 
curriculum vitae, contact 
information for three references, teaching and research statements, and three 
reprints to 
jdle...@fordham.edu. The cover letter should be addressed to Dr. J.D. Lewis, 
Chair, Department of 
Biological Sciences, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458. Review of 
applications will begin 
November 1st, 2011. 

Fordham University is an independent, Catholic university in the Jesuit 
tradition that welcomes 
applications from men and women of all backgrounds. Fordham is an EOE.