[ECOLOG-L] Natural Selection music video

2012-09-24 Thread Gary Grossman
Greetings Ecologgers, here is my second venture into ecology music videos
g.  This is Natural Selection and the link is
www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRlbLJY-Uig  . Please let me know via personal
email if you intend to use these videos for your class/s - that will help
me get support for future ecological videos, or just if you found them
useful. If you're using Speciation Stylin I'd also appreciate that
information. cheers, g2

Gary D. Grossman, PhD

Professor of Animal Ecology
Warnell School of Forestry  Natural Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA 30602

http://grossman.myweb.uga.edu/ http://www.arches.uga.edu/%7Egrossman

Board of Editors - Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Editorial Board - Freshwater Biology
Editorial Board - Ecology Freshwater Fish

[ECOLOG-L] Assistant Professor of Biology

2012-09-24 Thread Mozdzer, Thomas
The Department of Biology at Bryn Mawr College invites applications for a 
full-time, beginning tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of 
Genomics to begin on July 1, 2013. We are searching for an individual who takes 
a genomics approach to biological problems using a combination of 
bioinformatic, statistical, computational and biological methodologies, and who 
will thrive in an environment that combines teaching, research and 
interdisciplinary collaboration. The successful candidate is expected to teach 
at all levels of the curriculum and establish an externally funded research 
program that provides rigorous collaborative research projects for 
undergraduates. Teaching responsibilities include courses in genomics and in 
the candidate’s area of expertise, as well as involvement in the team-taught 
introductory biology sequence. A Ph.D. and at least one year of post-doctoral 
research experience are required.

Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement and teaching 
philosophy that includes a short description of potential courses to be offered 
by October 5, 2012 to Genomics Search Committee, c/o Jodi Jacoby, Department of 
Biology, 101 N. Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. In addition, arrange to 
have three letters of recommendation sent to the same address.

Thomas J. Mozdzer, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 190 10

Phone: 610-526-5098
Fax: 610-526-5086

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc in population dynamics at Rice University

2012-09-24 Thread Tom Miller
I am seeking a post-doctoral collaborator to join my lab group in the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice University (Houston,
TX). We study population dynamics, plant-animal interactions, and
evolutionary ecology; see the lab website for general information about what
we do: http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~tm9/. The post-doc will lead the
development of a new project on sex-structured population dynamics in
dioecious plants. Specific research questions are focused on the causes of
geographic clines in sex ratio, the demographic processes that generate
range boundaries, and how sex-structured populations will respond to climate
change. Papers related to this project are provided below. 

The ideal candidate will have field experience in plant or animal demography
and be excited about combining field data and structured demographic models
(matrix-based or integral projection). Strong quantitative and computational
skills, including working knowledge of R (or interest in learning it), are
required. Experience with GIS and basic molecular techniques (DNA extraction
and PCR amplification) are pluses. The candidate must be willing to travel
throughout the southern Great Plains for field work during our spring and
fall field seasons. There will be opportunities for collaborative
grant-writing. Strong written and oral communication skills are essential.  

The focal project on sex-structured population dynamics is in the early
stages of development and there is potential for the postdoc to guide the
trajectory of the research. In addition, there will be time and resources
available for the postdoc to develop other projects that suit our mutual
interests. Thus, I am looking for someone that can bring their own ideas and
expertise to the collaboration. 

In addition to scientific qualifications, I value enthusiasm, engagement,
and leadership. The postdoc will be expected to be an interactive
departmental citizen and help train a fantastic group of graduate and
undergraduate students in our lab. I also value diversity, and members of
groups under-represented in science are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Funding is available for up to two years. The preferred start date is early
2013 but later may be possible. To apply, submit a CV, a statement of
research interests (including summary of dissertation research and vision
for future research directions), one representative publication, and the
names and contact information for three references. These materials and any
questions about the position should be directed to me (tom.mil...@rice.edu).
Review of applications will begin October 1, 2012. 

Related papers. (Note that these papers are based on theoretical and
laboratory approaches. The new work will transfer these ideas to field systems.)

Miller, T.E.X. and B.D. Inouye. 2011. Confronting two-sex demographic models
with data. Ecology 92:2141-2151

Miller, T.E.X., A.K. Shaw, B.D. Inouye, and M.G. Neubert. 2011. Sex-biased
dispersal and the speed of two-sex invasions. American Naturalist 177:549-561

[ECOLOG-L] Tropical Ethnobotany Field Course in Panama

2012-09-24 Thread Peter Lahanas


BOCAS DEL TORO, PANAMA  DEC 20 2012 - JAN 9, 2013

COURSE LOCATION: Institute for Tropical Ecology 
and Conservation (ITEC), Bocas del Toro 
Biological Station, Boca del Drago, Isla Colon, 
Republic of Panama.  The biological station is 
located on a beach facing the Caribbean Sea. 
Coral reef and seagrass ecosystems lie out in 
front of the station and lowland tropical 
rainforests lie directly behind.  The 
juxtaposition of the two most biologically 
diverse ecosystems along with Panama's rich 
cultural diversity provides tremendous 
opportunities for education and research.  See 
http://www.itec-edu/org/index.html for details.

INSTRUCTOR: Jillian De Gezelle, PhD Candidate and 
Lecturer, The New York Botanical Garden  The 
City University of New York.   Email: 
jdegeze...@nybg.org   Phone: (917) 443-5102

Specialty: Ethnobotany, Ethnomedicine, Tropical Plant Ecology

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 3 week course will 
emphasize tropical ethnobotany in the context of 
rainforest and island ecosystems.  The material 
covered is equivalent to an upper level 
university course in ethnobotany.  Readings and 
lectures will focus on the plant use and 
traditional cultures of Panama and the 
surrounding regions of Central and South America 
and the Caribbean, as well as innovative 
methodologies and current theory in the 
discipline.  Much of the course will be spent 
learning field techniques and carrying out 
various class activities and exercises in the 
surrounding rainforest and local communities. 
The course will include demonstrations by local 
healers, artisans and other specialists who 
utilize plants.  Students will each complete a 
course research project in local ethnobotany 
based on their individual interests, under the 
direction of an experienced field ethnobotanist. 
The field work for these projects will be carried 
out with a small group of other students, with 
each student having their own focus.


o   Definition and History of Ethnobotany
o   Tropical Forest and Plant Ecology
o   Neotropical Plant Families
o   Cultures of Bocas del Toro and Panama
o   Ethnobotanical Research Project Development
o   Research Ethics and Intellectual Property
o   Ethnography and Ethnographic Methods
o   Gender, Bias, and Gendered Knowledge
o   Traditional Medical Systems
o   Culture-Bound Syndromes and Spiritual Diseases
o   Wild Foods, Medicinal Foods and Traditional Diets
o   Tropical Agriculture and Agroforestry
o   Psychoactive Plants of the Neotropics
o   Conservation and Use of Endangered Plants
o   Plant Collection, Pressing and Drying
o   Knowledge Elicitation Techniques
o   Quantitative Methods in Ethnobotany
o   Photo and Video Documentation
o   Returning Research Results and Community Projects

o	Bletter, N. 2006. Talking Books: A New 
Method of Returning Ethnobiological Research 
Documentation to the Non-Literate. Economic 
Botany 60(1):85-90.
o	Calderon, A.I., C.K. Angerhofer, J.M. 
Pezzuto, N.R. Farnsworth, R. Foster, R. Condit, 
M.P. Gupta, D.D. Soejarto. 2000. Forest Plot as a 
Tool to Demonstrate the Pharmaceutical Potential 
of Plants in a Tropical Forest of Panama. 
Economic Botany 54(3):278-294.
o	Dalle, S.P., C. Potvin. 2004. 
Conservation of Useful Plants: An Evaluation of 
Local Priorities from Two Indigenous Communities 
in Eastern Panama. Economic Botany: 58(1):38-57.
o	Elvin-Lewis, M. 2006. Evolving Concepts 
Related to Achieving Benefit Sharing for 
Custodians of Traditional Knowledge. Ethnobotany 
Research  Applications 4:075-096.
o	Fuller, R.J.M. 2007. Guidelines for Using 
Video to Document Plant Practices. Ethnobotany 
Research  Applications 5:219-231.
o	Gupta, M.P., P.N. Solis, A.I. Calderón, 
F. Guinneau-Sinclair, M. Correa, C. Galdames, C. 
Guerra, A. Espinosa, G.I. Alvenda, G. Robles and 
R. Ocampo. 2005. Medical Ethnobotany of the 
Teribes of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Journal of 
Ethnopharmacology 96(3):389-401.
o	McDade, T.W., V. Reyes-Garcia, P. 
Blackinton, S. Tanner, T. Huanca, and W.R. 
Leonard. 2007. Ethnobotanical Knowledge is 
Associated with Indices of Child Health in the 
Bolivian Amazon. Proceedings of the National 
Academy of Sciences 104(15):6134-6139.
o	Reyes-García, V., N. Martí, T. McDade, S. 
Tanner and V. Vadez. 2007. Concepts and Methods 
in Studies Measuring Individual Ethnobotanical 
Knowledge. Journal of Ethnobiology 27(2):182-203.
o	Thomas, E., I. Vandebroek, P. Van Damme. 
2007. What Works in the Field? A Comparison of 
Different Interviewing Methods in Ethnobotany 
with Special Reference to the Use of Photographs. 
Economic Botany 6(14):376-384.
o	Velasquez Runk, J. 2002. Wouman and 
Embera Use and Management of the Fiber Palm 
Astrocaryum standelayanum (Aracaceae) for 
Basketry in Eastern Panama. Economic Botany 
o	Voeks, R.A. 2004. Disturbance 

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Assistantships at the Savannah River Ecology Lab, University of Georgia

2012-09-24 Thread James C. Beasley
The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) is 
recruiting a cohort of 7 M.S. and 5 Ph.D. level graduate students to work on 
various topics in the fields of radioecology, toxicology, conservation biology, 
and restoration ecology.  Specific topic areas and faculty mentors include:  
Radionuclide and heavy metal contamination in long-lived reptiles (Dr. Tracey 
Tuberville - 2 M.S.); Scavenging ecology and contaminant uptake (Dr. Jim 
Beasley -1 M.S/Ph.D. and Dr. Gene Rhodes - 1 M.S.); Spatial ecology of 
vertebrates in relation to radionuclide exposure (Dr. Jim Beasley - 1 Ph.D.); 
Genomic biomarkers and genotoxicology in wildlife exposed to chronic low dose 
irradiation and/or metals (Dr. Stacey Lance - 1 Ph.D.); Amphibian ecotoxicology 
and evolutionary toxicology (Dr. Stacey Lance - 1 M.S.); Metagenomics of 
bacterial communities exposed to chronic radionuclide contamination  (Dr. J 
Vaun McArthur - 1 Ph.D.); Biogeochemical quantification of tritium in living 
organismal tissues (Dr. John Seaman - 1 Ph.D.); Biogeochemistry, 
bioavailability and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in constructed wetlands 
(Dr. Gary Mills - 1 M.S.); Restoration ecology of invertebrate communities in 
erosion impacted watersheds (Dr. J Vaun Mcarthur - 1 M.S.); Soil restoration 
and erosion mitigation (Dr. John Seaman - 1 M.S.); and Mitigation of invasive 
species impacts on threatened and endangered species in the Pacific (Dr. Gene 
Rhodes - 1 Ph.D.).
It is anticipated that students would start their programs of study in the 
spring or summer of 2013.  SREL is located on the Savannah River Site in Aiken, 
South Carolina, approximately 2.5 hours from the main UGA campus.  Students 
will be directly supervised by SREL faculty and will be appointed through 
various departments on the main UGA campus depending upon their ability to meet 
the admission requirements of individual academic units and the departmental 
affiliation of the SREL faculty member with whom they work.  Prospective 
departments include:  The Odum School of Ecology (Rhodes, Lance, McArthur); the 
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources (Tuberville, Beasley, Mills, 
Rhodes); and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (Seaman).

Graduate Assistantship support for M.S. students ($21,308.00) and Ph.D. 
students ($23,031.00) will be provided to successful applicants on an annual 
basis.  Students on an annual stipend receive tuition waivers, however student 
fees of approximately $1,095 per semester, which include the matriculation fee 
and activity, athletic, health, student facilities, technology and 
transportation fees will be assessed.

Students should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in a field closely related to their 
prospective research topic.  We are seeking students with a strong work ethic, 
excellent verbal and written communication skills, excellent quantitative 
skills, the ability to work independently and as a productive member of a 
research team, and the ability to perform work in challenging field conditions 
or in laboratory environments as required. Student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA 
and competitive GRE scores.  Please see the following links for specific 
requirements for each school/department:
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Odum School of Ecology
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Department of Geology

Please contact the individual SREL faculty member with whom you are interested 
in working at the email address given below by October 15 for full 
consideration.  With your email, please provide a statement of interest, a 
current C.V., copies of your most recent GRE scores, and a copy of your 
transcripts.  If selected to compete for these assistantships, you will be 
encouraged to apply to the appropriate UGA department.

Tracey Tuberville (tubervi...@srel.edumailto:tubervi...@srel.edu); Jim 
Beasley (beas...@srel.edumailto:beas...@srel.edu); Gary Mills 
J Vaun Mcarthur (mcart...@srel.edumailto:mcart...@srel.edu); Stacey Lance 
(la...@srel.edumailto:la...@srel.edu); John Seaman 
(sea...@srel.edumailto:sea...@srel.edu); Gene Rhodes 

This message was scanned by the SREL spam scanner and is believed to be clean.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Research Assistantship

2012-09-24 Thread Jyotsna Sharma
Dr. Jyotsna Sharma
Department of Plant and Soil Science
Texas Tech University
253, Plant Science Bldg, 15th St.
Lubbock, Texas 79409; USA
jyotsna.sha...@ttu.edu; 806.742.2637

An Graduate Research Assistant (M.S. or Ph.D.)is needed to investigate field
and molecular mycorrhizal ecology of a federally listed Midwestern orchid
species. The position will begin in January 2013.

1.B.S. and/or M.S. degree in an ecology-based discipline in Plant or
Biological Sciences, or a closely related field.

2.Field work experience in studying plants (auto- or synecology).
Experience with rare plant species, especially orchids, is highly desirable.

3.Laboratory experience with molecular biology techniques. Familiarity
with analyses of data is highly desirable.

4.Keen attention to detail, ability to follow directions, ability to
efficiently conduct field sampling away from Lubbock (if needed) and
molecular biology work in the laboratory, strong organizational and
coordination skills, and ability to communicate (verbal and written)
effectively in English.

5.A strong work ethic, ability to work independently and as a productive
member of a research team, ability to work non-regular hours, as needed.

6.Ability to complete all admission requirements.

Salary and Benefits:
Competitive salary. Assistantships include partial tuition payment, payroll
fringe, and health benefits.

Please submit to jyotsna.sha...@ttu.edu:

1.A statement of interest describing past experience and future goals.
The applicant should specifically address how their experience, skills, and
goals match the position description and requirements listed above;

2.Curriculum vitae, including names, complete address, phone, and e-mail
for at least three references;

3.Academic transcripts;

4.GRE scores; and

5.TOEFL scores (if applicable)

[ECOLOG-L] Tenure-track climate position at Univ. of Nevada, Reno

2012-09-24 Thread Franco Biondi
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Climate Science (Search Number 71148)

The Department of Geography at the University of Nevada, Reno, seeks
applications for a tenure-track faculty appointment at the Assistant
Professor level in the area of climate science with an expected start date
of July 1, 2013.

We seek applicants with broad research interests in processes and mechanisms
of climate science, such as interannual to multidecadal climate variability,
interactions between Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land surfaces,
regional-scale weather and climate processes in natural and human-modified
landscapes, long-term coupling and feedbacks between climate and landscape
evolution; and/or hydroclimatology of arid and semiarid regions. The
successful candidate will have strong quantitative skills, interest in
collaborating with a range of natural and social scientists on
interdisciplinary topics, and a commitment to quality teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels. A demonstrated track record in research
and teaching is preferred.

Candidates will be evaluated on previous experience, communication skills,
publication record, grant and contract activities, ability to work both
collaboratively and independently and personal area of expertise that
complements existing faculty. We seek a candidate who will develop their own
externally funded research projects as well as be willing to work
collaboratively with department faculty and contribute to existing projects.

Required Qualifications:
•   Ph.D. in climatology, geography, meteorology, earth science, or other
relevant disciplines at time of appointment.
•   Record of climate related peer-reviewed journal articles and 
at professional meetings.

Preferred Qualifications:
•   Demonstrated ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses.
•   Familiarity with installation, maintenance, and use of data collection
networks for weather and climate studies.   
•   Record of climate related research program development or other
demonstrated ability to obtain and complete research grants and contracts
from governmental or private funding agencies.
•   Experience with the analysis of climate data sets.
•   Experience with analysis of climate simulations and/or data to 
impacts on water resources and fire regimes.
•   Ability to use and/or modify regional climate models.

For questions on the position, please contact the Search Chair, Dr. Douglas
Boyle, dougl...@unr.edu.

Please attach a resume/cv, a cover letter that describes how your
background, experience, and current activities match the position
description, and include contact information for three professional
references. In addition, please include a Statement of Teaching Interests
and a Statement of Research and Plans. For full consideration, apply by
January 2, 2013, using the online system available at

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate (MSc) Research Opportunity in Ecosystem Carbon Cycling of the Everglades

2012-09-24 Thread Brian Benscoter
A master's graduate research position is available in the Plant Ecology Lab at 
Florida Atlantic University 
(www.science.fau.edu/benscoterlabhttp://www.science.fau.edu/benscoterlab) for 
the Spring 2013 semester.  We are seeking students interested in graduate 
research investigating fire ecology and carbon cycling in the Greater 
Everglades watershed through US Geological Survey and US Department of 
Energy-funded projects. Research in the Plant Ecology Lab focuses on the 
influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on plant community 
structure and ecosystem carbon cycling in peatlands from the Everglades to 
Alaska, providing opportunity for synergistic activities with other on-going 
research projects.

Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree in biology, ecology, hydrology, or a 
related field (currently or prior to enrollment). Successful candidates must 
demonstrate an aptitude for research and the ability to work independently.  
Prior research experience in fire ecology, carbon cycling and/or plant ecology 
is preferred, as is the ability to conduct rigorous fieldwork in remote 
settings. A current, valid U.S. driver's license and good driving record is 

Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until 
the position is filled. The application deadline for the Environmental Sciences 
Master's Program is October 1. Interested applicants should send a copy of 
their CV or resume, GPA and GRE scores, a written statement of graduate 
research interest, and names and contact information for two references via 
email to Dr. Brian Benscoter (bbens...@fau.edumailto:bbens...@fau.edu) .

Brian W. Benscoter, MSc PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Florida Atlantic University
3200 College Ave
Davie, FL 33314 USA
Email: brian.bensco...@fau.edumailto:brian.bensco...@fau.edu

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Emory University Evolutionary Genetics

2012-09-24 Thread Gerardo, Nicole Marie
Tenure Track Position in Evolutionary Genetics

The Department of Biology at Emory University seeks an investigator who
studies the mechanisms of evolution. We will consider applicants holding a
PhD or equivalent degree with training and experience in a wide range of
specializations including, but not limited to, evolutionary genetics,
molecular genetics, population genetics, molecular ecology, experimental
systems biology, and functional genomics/bioinformatics. This position is
for a tenure-track Assistant Professor, although an appointment at a
higher rank will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Applicants are expected to establish a vigorous, extramurally funded
research program and enthusiastically participate in the undergraduate and
graduate teaching missions of the Biology Department and Interdepartmental
Graduate Program in Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution

In addition to a CV and publication list, applicants should submit a
single PDF file with the following:
(1) A statement of their current and soon anticipated research and
approach with a clear description of the questions they are addressing.
This statement should explicitly indicate the significance of their
research to evolutionary biology at large.
(2) The applicant should describe how they will contribute to the
Department¹s teaching mission at both the undergraduate and graduate
(3) A list of names and e-mail addresses of five potential referees.  Do
not include letters of recommendation with your application or request
that letters of recommendation be sent without being solicited by the
Department of Biology.

The Emory University Biology Department (http://www.biology.emory.edu/) is
housed in a modern, well-appointed building.  The Biology faculty is
productive, well funded, and actively engaged in the research and teaching
missions of the University. The successful applicant will have access to
state-of-the-art facilities, resources, and academic interactions with
over 300 faculty engaged in biological research in the College and Medical
School at Emory University and regional institutions including the Centers
for Disease Control.  Emory is located on a beautiful campus at the
periphery of the City of Atlanta, a vibrant, affordable, and culturally
diverse city in the wooded foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
Applications should be submitted electronically, to evobiols...@emory.edu.
Review of applications will begin January 3, 2013.

Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer;
Applications from Women and Minorities are particularly welcome.

This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of
the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution
or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly

If you have received this message in error, please contact
the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the
original message (including attachments).

[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. Assistantship available in Microbial Ecology

2012-09-24 Thread Brian Badgley
Hi everyone, please see the following announcement for one to two 
assistantships available for Ph.D. students in the Crop and Soil Environmental 
Science Department at Virginia Tech.  Please feel free to forward or contact me 
with any questions.

Ph.D. Assistantship available in Microbial Ecology
Microbes mediate many important processes at the ecosystem and global scales, 
yet approximately 99% of all microbes are not culturable, meaning we know 
little or nothing about their distribution or role in the environment.  Now, 
however, new molecular tools allow us to begin to answer very basic questions 
in microbial ecology. What microbes are present in a particular habitat? What 
kind of important or beneficial ecological functions might they provide?  By 
combining new molecular methods with traditional culture based techniques we 
can seek to gain new insights into these important questions in a variety of 
Assistantship support is available for one or two incoming doctoral students 
focusing on microbial ecology in the Crop  Soil Environmental Sciences 
Department at Virginia Tech.  Support is available to start in either spring or 
fall semesters of 2013.  The Department offers ample resources for student 
research in environmental microbiology, including extensive laboratory and 
field equipment, opportunities to collaborate with a wide variety of colleagues 
within and beyond Virginia Tech, and access to a wide variety of natural and 
managed ecosystems for study.
Students would work under the advisement of Dr. Brian Badgley, with the 
opportunity to conduct independent research on variety of topics in microbial 
ecology.  Work in the laboratory focuses on the structure and function of 
microbial populations and communities in environmental matrices such as surface 
waters, sediment, and soil.  Students will use a combination of field work and 
laboratory techniques such as culturing, genomics, metagenomics, 
transcriptomics, or genetic fingerprinting.  A background in microbiology, 
ecology, environmental science, or other related field is required. Experience 
in molecular biology is beneficial but not necessary. 
Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.

Formal application to the graduate program is required as described here:

In the meantime, applicants may submit unofficial copies of the following 
materials to badg...@vt.edu:

1.A statement of interest describing past experience, research interests, 
and future goals.  Please specifically address how your experience, skills, and
goals match this particular position in my laboratory;

2.Curriculum vitae, including contact information for at least three 

3.Academic transcripts;

4.GRE scores; and

5.TOEFL scores (if applicable)

Brian D. Badgley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Virginia Tech
Crop  Soil Environmental Science Dept.
328-A Smyth Hall (0404)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
phone: (540) 231-9629
FAX: (540) 231-3431

[ECOLOG-L] Vertebrate Physiologist Search

2012-09-24 Thread Doug Aubrey
Georgia Southern University’s Department of Biology invites applications 
for a vertebrate physiologist position. The full text advertisement, 
including information about the department, faculty, and the complete 
position announcement with all qualifications and application 
instructions, is available at www.bio.georgiasouthern.edu.  The position 
requires teaching, service, and research responsibilities as well as a 
terminal degree.  We seek a vertebrate physiologist with broad training in 
physiology and anatomy.  The successful candidate's research will address 
questions in organismal physiology using approaches that integrate 
multiple levels of organization.  The successful applicant will teach 
undergraduate and graduate courses, including Comparative Animal 
Physiology.  Ability to teach Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy is preferred. 
Required qualifications: Ph.D. by December 31, 2012; Demonstrated 
excellence in research; Potential to attract extramural funding; Expertise 
to teach Comparative Animal Physiology. Preferred Qualifications: Post-
doctoral experience; Expertise to teach Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. 
Screening of applications begins November 5, 2012 and continues until the 
position is filled. The preferred position starting date is August 1, 
2013. A complete application consists of a cover letter addressing the 
qualifications cited above; a curriculum vitae; statements of research 
interests and teaching interests/philosophy; three letters of reference. 
Applications must be sent electronically as a single PDF attachment 
(include applicant name in file name); letters of recommendation in PDF 
format may be sent separately via email. Other documentation may be 
requested. Only complete and electronically submitted applications will be 
considered. Finalists will be required to submit to a background 
investigation. Georgia is an open records state. Georgia Southern is an 
AA/EO institution. Individuals who need reasonable accommodations under 
the ADA to participate in the search process should contact the Associate 

Applications and nominations should be sent to

Dr. C. Ray Chandler, Search Chair, Search #67064
Electronic Mail: chand...@georgiasouthern.edu
Telephone: 912-478-5657

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral opportunity - Uncertainty ecosystem services modeling

2012-09-24 Thread Ted DeWitt
Postdoctoral Research Opportunity to Explore  Model Uncertainty Associated 
with Estimates of Ecosystem Service Production and Value

A postdoctoral research project training opportunity, administered by the 
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), is available at the 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Health and Environmental 
Effects Laboratory based at the Western Ecology Division’s coastal ecology 
laboratory in Newport, Oregon.  The postdoctoral trainee will be participate 
in a project to explore and model the propagation of statistical uncertainty 
through linked models of the ecological production and benefits valuation of 
ecosystem good and services (EGS).  This research supports EPA’s Sustainable 
and Healthy Communities Research Program to develop spatially-explicit 
decision support tools for communities to evaluate how land use practices 
and environmental management policies affect the production and value of EGS 
to their populace.  The participant will be involved with a team of 
ecologists, ecological economists, and modelers who are developing systems 
to estimate the production and value of multiple ecosystem services for 
coastal, forested and agricultural watersheds.  These models will be used to 
generate scenarios of future outcomes of different land use practices, 
environmental management policies, or climate change.  The postdoctoral 
trainee will be involved in coupling uncertainty analysis to those systems 
models to evaluate the statistical confidence with which modeled outcomes of 
different scenarios can be distinguished, and to use the results of those 
analyses to identify ways to reduce uncertainty in modeling the production 
and valuation of EGS.

For a full description of this opportunity and to obtain application 
materials, visit the website: http://orise.orau.gov/epa/description.aspx?

For more information about the research, contact Ted DeWitt (mentor)

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Theoretical Ecology Postdoctoral Position

2012-09-24 Thread Elise Anne Larsen
**Contact information for Dr. Fagan provided below**

Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Ecology 

A postdoctoral position is available in an NSF-funded project focusing on the 
development and analysis of spatial models for structured populations.  The 
successful candidate will lead efforts to build two or more detailed, 
empirically parameterized case-study type models for well-known invasive 
species featuring size- or age-structured populations.  In addition, the 
successful candidate will also collaborate on model development and analysis 
for spatial models pertaining to a suite of ecological scenarios, including 
work from both the invasion dynamics and critical patch size perspectives.  The 
underlying mathematics will comprise reaction-diffusion, integro-difference, 
and integrodifferential equations, as well as hybrid dynamical systems and 
other modeling approaches. 
A PhD in applied mathematics, theoretical ecology, or a related field is 
required. Experience in model development and in analytical and computational 
approaches to research problems in mathematical biology is advantageous. The 
position is based in the Fagan lab at the University of Maryland in College 
Park, MD, but will involve close collaboration with Prof. Bingtuan Li and his 
research group in the Mathematics Department at the University of Louisville.  
Opportunities for additional collaboration also exist in connection with other 
funded research projects in Fagan's lab. Appointment is for one year with the 
possibility of a second year pending good performance. Benefits are included 
and pay will be commensurate with experience. The expected start date is June 
2013, but that is flexible.  Applications are due by Dec 1st, 2012.

To view the funded NSF proposal see:


To apply for the position, please email a CV and the names and email addresses 
of three references to:

Bill Fagan
Professor of Biology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742


[ECOLOG-L] M.S. Position Available to Study Fire, Larch Trees, and C Dynamics in Siberia

2012-09-24 Thread Heather D. Alexander
M.S. Position Available to Study Fire, Larch Trees, and C Dynamics in Siberia

I am seeking a MS-level graduate student to conduct research on fire, larch
tree recruitment, and carbon dynamics in far northeastern Siberia.  Research
will include measurements of larch recruitment on experimental burn plots
and across natural burn gradients, quantification of changes in permafrost
characteristics following fire, and estimation of carbon pools in stands
with varying fire histories. See the following blog posts from the last
summer’s field season in Siberia for more details:

The position will begin in spring 2013 in the Biological Sciences Department
at the University of Texas-Brownsville (http://www.utb.edu/biology/). The
student will be employed as a teaching assistant and will be expected to
work 8-9 hours/week as assistant instructor in undergraduate biology
laboratory classes, assist his/her faculty teaching mentor with laboratory
preparation and grading, and participate in departmental outreach events.

Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree in biology, ecology, or a related
field. Successful candidates must demonstrate an aptitude for research and
ability to work independently. Prior experience in fieldwork related to
plant and ecosystem ecology is preferred. The applicant must be able to
travel internationally and be field capable. A current, valid U.S. driver's
license and good driving record is also preferred. The successful applicant
will be expected to enroll full time in the UTB Biology Master’s program
pursuing the thesis option. The available teaching assistantship has $1100
per month, is benefits eligible, and includes a waiver for in-state-tuition
for out-of-state students. Additional summer salary is likely available.
Please note that tuition is the student’s responsibility and is ~$2500/semester.

Interested applicants should send to Dr. Heather Alexander
(heather.alexan...@utb.edu) a copy of their CV or resume, GPA and GRE
scores, a written statement of graduate research interests, and contact
information for two references. Review of applications will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.