[ECOLOG-L] Bird Agroecology/Disease Ecology - Postdoc and PhD students

2015-09-28 Thread Bill Snyder
Opportunities for Postdoctoral Scientist and PhD students, in Bird
Agroecology/Disease Ecology. We are building an interdisciplinary team to
examine the ecological roles of songbirds on west-coast organic farms. Wild
birds serve both as predators of herbivorous insects and as vectors of
human/livestock pathogens and parasites. Thus, our USDA-funded project
integrates predator-prey interactions and disease ecology. Project partners
include the Nature Conservancy, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, and a
large group of cooperating growers. The research bridges landscape ecology,
molecular biology, host-parasite interactions and disease modeling in the
framework of agricultural systems. We are seeking candidates with experience
in one or more of these areas. For more information please visit
http://entomology.wsu.edu/bill-snyder/, and to apply send CV and statement
of interest to Bill Snyder (wesny...@wsu.edu) or Jeb Owen (jo...@wsu.edu).

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantship in Forest Demography at Utah State University

2015-09-28 Thread Jim Lutz
Utah State University seeks a graduate student in forest demography. The 
successful candidate will work with Jim Lutz and his colleagues to examine tree 
neighborhood, community, pathogen, and climatic correlates of tree recruitment, 
growth, and mortality. The overall project is funded under an NSF Dimensions of 
Biodiversity grant examining the effects of oomycetes on forest plants. The 
successful candidate will work with tree demographic data and data on oomycete 
diversity, distribution, and pathogenicity, and will collaborate with the 
oomycete genetic team to examine the effect of oomycetes on forest composition 
and structure. 

This is a chance for a student to work with one of the finest forest 
demographic data sets in the world. The Wind River Forest Dynamics Plot 
(wfdp.org), a 25.6 ha permanent plot affiliated with the Smithsonian ForestGEO 
program (forestgeo.si.edu), is the study site for this research. In this 
old-growth (525 yr) Douglas-fir/western hemlock forest, all stems ≥1 cm dbh 
have been identified, tagged, and mapped to a high degree of spatial accuracy. 
The plot was established in 2010-2011, and since that time, annual surveys of 
mortality (including contributing factors) and recruitment have taken place. A 
recensus in 2016 and continuing mortality and recruitment surveys complete the 
demographic data. Woody debris maps, dendrometer data, atmospheric flux data, 
soil properties, and LiDAR data increase our ability to examine drivers of 

The combination of a large number of trees (30,973) and snags (1,966) in a 
spatially contiguous block and annual mortality data by cause is unique. In 
addition to his or her dissertation work, the successful candidate will 
participate in a variety of other research in other Smithsonian-affiliated Big 
Plots leading to co-authorships.

Requirements: A strong quantitative background, as demonstrated by courses 
taken, programming skills, and GRE scores, is required. A well rounded 
educational and field background in plant pathology, entomology, taxonomy, and 
disturbance ecology is desired. Exceptional candidates with a BA/BS and 
relevant experience will be considered, but an MS is preferred. The position 
will begin in summer 2016 with field work, with the first semester at USU being 
autumn of 2016. 

This position has four years of RA funding (to be finalized by 1/2016). The 
successful candidate will be expected to work on an academic schedule (eleven 
months of work per year, with time off primarily scheduled during academic 
breaks). The stipend is $1,667 per month, on a twelve month basis (plus tuition 
& fees waiver and health insurance). This level of funding goes particularly 
far in Logan, a mountain town in northern Utah.  

Apply using the USU on-line system. Applications must be complete (including 
receipt of references) by December 31, 2015. To begin a dialog, please send, in 
a single PDF document, a cover letter, CV, unofficial transcripts, GRE scores, 
and examples of publications or posters to james.l...@usu.edu. Prior to 
inquiring, please refer to jamesalutz.com and westernforestinitiative.org. 

[ECOLOG-L] Coral Reef Ecology Winter Field Course in Panama

2015-09-28 Thread Peter Lahanas
COURSE LOCATION:  Bocas del Toro Biological Station, Boca del Drago, Isla
Colon, Republic of Panama.  The biological station is located on a hill
facing the Caribbean Sea.  Coral reef, seagrass and mangrove ecosystems are
in front of the station and lowland tropical forests lie directly behind. 
This juxtaposition of the two most biologically diverse ecosystems provides
tremendous opportunities for education and research.  See
http://www.itec-edu.org/  details.

INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Elizabeth Lacey, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey,
email: elizabeth.la...@stockton.edu.  Specialty: coral reef ecology and
dynamics, community structure, symbiotic relationships.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  NOTE: Diving certification is not necessary to enroll
in this course, but is recommended. For SCUBA-certified (PADI, NAUI, or SSI
certified) students who will be diving, there is a $100 Lab Fee with this
course which covers tank-recharging fees.  Students with SCUBA certification
are expected to bring their own BC, regulators, mask/fin/snorkel and proof
of certification.  For those not diving certified, students are expected to
bring mask/fin/snorkel.  Students using only mask and snorkel are exempt
from the lab fee.

This course is designed to provide the student with a sound foundation in
ecological concepts, techniques and experimental design in field research as
applied to coral reef ecosystems. The material covered is equivalent to a
university upper level course in coral reef field ecology. The course will
begin with a global ecosystem perspective and then will progressively narrow
to assess the way in which local reefs are influenced by both global and
local phenomena. We will briefly survey reef systems in various parts of the
world and focus in depth on Caribbean reefs. Using the reef at Bocas del
Toro as an example, we will carry on an inventory of representative reef
biota to characterize a general reef community. We will examine several
theories of the origins of reefs and discuss some controversial arguments on
the ecological processes ruling the dominant state and health of coral
reefs.  Students will learn to characterize a general reef community and its
place among surrounding marine habitats.  The major reef biota will be
discussed in terms of their phylogeny, biology, physiology, ecological
requirements and roles in species interactions on reefs.  We will discuss
the impacts of anthropogenic stressors to coral reefs and the role of marine
reserves in reef restoration and conservation.  In the inventory we will
examine several experimental designs and sampling schemes with regard to
their usefulness in a reef setting.

FORMAL LECTURES:  Lectures will present topics that provide a background for
the fieldwork in an interactive discussion format. Topics are selected to
teach students about the biology and ecology of the reef organisms they will
encounter and permit students to develop an awareness of the objectives of
research on coral reefs as well as an appreciation of current theoretical
and practical issues in ecology.

Lecture Topics 
* Fundamentals of oceanography, global ecology
* Plate tectonics, formation of ocean basins, continents and ocean currents
* Reef morphology, distribution of reef systems
* Seagrasses and mangroves: interactions with reef systems
* Coral reef community study - sampling methods for distribution and
abundance of organisms
* Coral reef community study - components and interactions, trophic dynamics
* Biology of coral reef organisms: Cnidarians
* Biology of coral reef organisms: Poriferans
* Biology of coral reef organisms: Echinoderms, Arthropods and Annelids
* Biology of coral reef organisms: Fishes
* Biology of coral reef organisms: Macroalgae
* Ecosystem stability, resilience and fragility
* Anthropogenic effects on reefs: climate change, over-fishing, diseases
* Marine protected areas and reserves
Readings.  Assignments relating to lecture topics will be made from the
texts and supplementary research articles provided in the library.

Required Texts 
Sheppard, CRC, Davy, S.K. and G.M. Pilling The Biology of Coral Reefs,
Oxford Press, USA. 
Humann, Paul. Reef Coral Identification, New World, Jacksonville, FL.
Humann, Paul. Reef Creature Identification, New World, Jacksonville, FL.

FIELD WORK BRIEFINGS.  Prior to departing for the reef site, dive teams will
be formed and the objectives for the day will be outlined and discussed. 
Assignments will be made to the dive teams and coordinated.

GROUP EXERCISES.  During the first week, students will visit several sites
in the vicinity of the station to familiarize themselves with the area and
to make observations that may lead to hypotheses that could be tested in
individual projects.  Students will be organized into dive teams and will
carry out field exercises in which they will gain experience in the use of
sampling equipment and 

[ECOLOG-L] Job: UTEP - assistant/associate professor - infectious disease ecologist

2015-09-28 Thread Michael Moody
University of Texas at El Paso, College of Science, Department of 
Biological Sciences

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Department of Biological Sciences and the 
Border Biomedical Research Center (BBRC) at the University of Texas at 
El Paso (UTEP) seeks to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant or 
Associate professor level in the area of ecology of infectious diseases.  
Anticipated starting date is spring 2015.

Applicants should possess the ability to develop an independent 
extramurally funded research program, and teaching and mentoring at both 
the undergraduate and graduate levels (M.S. and Ph.D.). The department 
offers Ph.D. degrees in ecology/evolution and pathobiology. Research 
infrastructures in Biological Sciences/BBRC include state-of-the-art 
molecular, genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, imaging, bioinformatics and 
statistical core facilities as well as BSL-2 and BSL-3 laboratories and 
ABSL-2 and ABSL-3 animal facilities. The candidate is expected to work 
closely within this program as well as to collaborate with other BBRC 
investigators and with investigators in the community.

Our goal is to foster and support research on various aspects of 
infectious diseases in the U.S.-Mexico border communities. 

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Ecosystems play an important role in human 
health. The recent outbreak and spread of various infectious diseases in 
developed and developing countries have been attributed to emergence of 
novel microbes, genetic change in existing microbes, human population 
increase, urbanization, and rapid modes of transportation as well 
changes in climate and ecosystem. Therefore, the Department of 
Biological Sciences seeks to recruit an ecologist of infectious diseases 
with a Ph.D. degree, who has postdoctoral research experience and a 
strong record of research accomplishments. The candidate must employ an 
interdisciplinary approach to conduct research on emerging infectious 
diseases caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, especially 
diseases that affect human health in US-Mexico border communities.  

APPLICATION PROCEDURES:  Review of applications will begin immediately 
and will continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates 
should submit (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a brief statement of research 
and teaching interests and (3) Three  letters of recommendation to: 

Chair of the Ecology and Infectious Diseases Search Committee, 
The Border Biomedical Research Center and Dept. of Biological Sciences, 
University of Texas at El Paso, 
500 W. University Avenue, El Paso, TX 79968-0519; 

Email: s...@utep.edu 

The University of Texas at El Paso is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 
Action employer.  The University does not discriminate on the basis of 
race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic 
information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity in 
employment or the provision of services.

[ECOLOG-L] 2016 ESA Annual Meeting: Proposals for Ignite, Workshops, Special Sessions, Field Trips Due Nov. 19

2015-09-28 Thread Jennifer Riem
Call for Proposals
Ignite ESA, Workshops, Special Sessions, Field Trips

101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
August 7-12, 2015

Deadline for Submission: November 19, 2015 
Only complete proposals submitted by 5:00 PM Eastern Time (2:00 PM Pacific) 
will be considered.

We invite proposals for Ignite ESA Sessions, Workshops, Special Sessions, and 
Field Trips for ESA's 101st Annual Meeting. Join us in sunny Fort Lauderdale 
next summer as we begin ESA's second century with sessions that explore our 
meeting theme, "Novel Ecosystems in the Anthropocene."

With a rapidly changing climate, altered hydrological and nutrient cycles, 
dominance of large regions by agricultural and urban ecosystems, and massive 
movement of species to new continents, the Earth has entered a new epoch 
characterized by human influence. Understanding the basic principles of ecology 
will be more important than ever before, to predict how new combinations of 
species in new environments will develop into functioning, novel ecosystems. We 
encourage proposals that address ecosystem structure and function responses to 
multiple drivers of change, management of developing novel ecosystems, and 
potential benefits and problems that society will face as we progress into the 
Anthropocene Epoch.

Although session proposals related to the meeting's theme are encouraged, any 
timely and coherent subject of broad interest to ecologists will be considered. 
We also welcome proposals that explore interdisciplinary connections with areas 
of social and natural science outside of ecology or that relate to ecological 
education at any level. All proposals will be peer reviewed using criteria 
described in the proposal calls. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Program Chair, Lee Frelich 
(freli...@umn.edu) or the Science Programs Coordinator, Jennifer Riem 

To submit, visit: http://eco.confex.com/eco/2016/cfp.cgi. 


2015-09-28 Thread Rebecca Lewison

We seek a creative and productive plant evolutionary biologist at the 
Assistant Professor level who uses modern and innovative methods to 
address fundamental questions in plant evolutionary biology. We are 
especially interested in candidates who are conducting research that 
explores the interface between organismal and genetic/genomic approaches 
and who work at the interface of evolution and ecology. Research 
expertise should involve, but is not limited to, questions regarding the 
process of adaptation, life history and/or mating system evolution, the 
evolution of interspecific interactions, conservation/population 
genetics, speciation, and the impact of climate change on plant 
evolutionary processes.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Plant Evolutionary Biology or a 
related field, relevant post-doctoral experience, and a strong record of 
research accomplishments and funding. The successful candidate should 
also display a commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching. 
Teaching responsibilities will include participation in undergraduate 
biology courses, and additional graduate courses in the candidate’s 
areas of expertise. The successful candidate will participate in the MS 
and Ph.D. programs in Evolutionary Biology and may also participate in 
the department’s MS and Ph.D. programs in Cell and Molecular Biology, 
and Ecology. Preference will be given to candidates that can and wish to 
train graduate students in more than one graduate program.

SDSU is a large, diverse, urban university and Hispanic-Serving 
Institution with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusive 
excellence.  Our campus community is diverse in many ways, including 
race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual 
orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, pregnancy, 
medical condition, and covered veteran status.  We strive to build and 
sustain a welcoming environment for all.  SDSU is seeking applicants 
with demonstrated experience in and/or commitment to teaching and 
working effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and 
members of underrepresented groups.  The College of Sciences is host to 
a large number of federally-funded minority training programs (described 
at http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/casa/).

Apply via Interfolio at http://apply.interfolio.com/31416.  Review of 
applications will begin October 15, 2015, and will continue until the 
position is filled.
Applicants should submit single .pdf which includes a cover letter, a 
curriculum vitae, statement of research, statement of teaching interest, 
and three representative publications. Applicants will be required to 
request three letters of recommendation that will be submitted directly 
to Interfolio. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed full 

The person holding this position is considered a "mandated reporter" 
under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is 
required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive 
Order 1083 as a condition of employment. SDSU is a Title IX, equal 
opportunity employer and does not discriminate against persons on the 
basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, 
gender identity and expression, marital status, age, disability, 
pregnancy, medical condition, or covered veteran status.  

[ECOLOG-L] Assistant or Associate Professor in Ecology at Georgia Tech, Deadline: 10/1/2015

2015-09-28 Thread Joshua Weitz
Assistant or Associate Professor in Ecology at Georgia Tech, Deadline: 10/1/2015

As part of a substantial expansion in the biological sciences, the School of 
Biology at Georgia 
Tech is seeking applications for tenure-track positions in Ecology from 
candidates whose 
research would thrive in our community - http://www.biology.gatech.edu

Applications are particularly encouraged in the following areas:  molecular 
chemical ecology, 
microbial ecology, and behaviors and interactions that are mediated by chemical 
signals and 
cues. Candidates will be favored whose research integrates well with the 
strengths in chemical ecology, ecology and evolutionary biology, microbiology, 
or marine 

Candidates should submit an application online at 
including  a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research 
interests and plans, 
and contact information for three references. Review of applications begins 
October 1, 2015 
and will continue until positions are filled.

Joshua S. Weitz
Associate Professor, School of Biology
Courtesy Associate Professor, School of Physics
Director, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Quantitative BioSciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
310 Ferst Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30332

email: jswe...@gatech.edu
phone: 404-385-6169
office: Cherry Emerson 219
group: http://ecotheory.biology.gatech.edu/
web: http://www.biology.gatech.edu/people/joshua-weitz
QBioS: http://qbios.gatech.edu
twitter: @weitzlab & @QBioS_GT

[ECOLOG-L] PhD/MS Assistantships - Auburn University (AL) - aquatic ecology/limnology

2015-09-28 Thread Alan Wilson
Two graduate research assistantships (Ph.D. or M.S.) in aquatic ecology and 
limnology are available in Alan Wilson's lab at Auburn University 
(http://www.wilsonlab.com).  Current lab research projects take advantage of 
our large field station, which includes hundreds of ponds, and nearby 
reservoirs where we answer basic and applied questions associated with 
understanding the ecological, evolutionary, and limnological mechanisms 
controlling the structure and function of freshwater plankton communities with 
an emphasis on harmful algal blooms.  My students are welcome to participate on 
existing projects but are strongly encouraged to develop their own projects in 
addition to applying for external grants and fellowships.
Ideal candidates will be hard-working, honest, team-oriented, and excited about 
studying freshwater communities using lab and field-based approaches.  Prior 
coursework in ecology and statistics, a strong interest in mentoring 
undergraduates, and relevant research experiences (including analytical skills, 
such GC-MS, HPLC, ELISA), are desirable.
Interested students are encouraged to email Alan Wilson (wil...@auburn.edu) 
describing why the lab is a good fit for you by 1 November 2015 for full 
consideration.  In addition, please include your resume (including GRE scores), 
copies of transcripts, and contact information for three references.
Alan Wilson - Associate Professor
Auburn University - Fisheries
www.wilsonlab.com - 703-292-5190

[ECOLOG-L] Tomorrow's AASHE webinar: The Power of Civic Engagement in Sustainability

2015-09-28 Thread Daita Serghi
Dear All,

Please join us for the second webinar in the “Engaging Across Boundaries" 
series, tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET. Speakers of "The 
Power of Civic Engagement in Sustainability” will explore civic engagement from 
a sustainability lens and how this can enhance learning and increase engagement 
in your communities.
Learn more and register here: 
http://www.aashe.org/events/webinars/2015/Engaging-Across-Boundaries-2. AASHE 
webinars are free.

Missed a webinar? Video recordings and presentation materials are available for 
AASHE members in the webinar archive at any time. Not a member? Join AASHE 


Daita Serghi, PhD
Programs Coordinator
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
www.aashe.org | daita.ser...@aashe.org | (888) 347-9997 ext. 124

Registration  is open for the *AASHE 2015 
Conference & Expo*, themed Transforming Sustainability Education, in 
Minneapolis, Oct. 25-28. We look forward to seeing you there!

Connect with us:   Website  | Facebook 
 | Twitter 
 | LinkedIn 

Email Confidentiality Notice 

[ECOLOG-L] Post-doc opportunity: Evolutionary Ecology of Communities

2015-09-28 Thread Adam Michael Siepielski
A full-time Post Doctoral Fellow position in Evolutionary Ecology is available 
in the Siepielski Laboratory 
 housed in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Arkansas 
Main Campus (Fayetteville, AR). The position is available for one year 
(starting January 2016; start date is flexible), with possibility of extension 
based on satisfactory performance. The applicant will explore contemporary 
issues in ecology and evolutionary biology adopting cutting-edge theoretical, 
observational and experimental approaches.
Summary of job duties. The applicant will conduct field, laboratory and 
theoretical studies aimed at understanding the contributions of ongoing 
evolutionary processes in shaping community structure of aquatic invertebrates. 
The applicant is also expected to oversee daily operations in the lab, organize 
field studies, prepare reports and manuscripts and present results at 
scientific conferences.
Minimum requirements: Ph.D. in Natural Resources, Environmental Sciences, 
Ecology, Evolutionary Biology or related field.
Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience with analyzing large data 
sets; quantitative genetics, mathematical theory; experimental design. 
Applicants with backgrounds primarily in theoretical and mathematical 
approaches are also encouraged to apply. Prior experience in aquatic systems is 
preferred, but not necessary.
Applications include: Cover letter, CV, research statement, names and contact 
information of three references. All documents are to be submitted to the 
online application site: http://jobs.uark.edu/postings/9447  by December 1, 
Questions can be addressed to Adam Siepielski at 
 The University of Arkansas is an Affirmative Action/EOE institution committed 
to achieving diversity in its faculty and staff. We encourage applications from 
all qualified candidates, especially individuals who contribute to diversity of 
our campus community. The University welcomes applications without regard to 
age, race, gender (including pregnancy), national origin, disability, religion, 
marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic 
information, sexual orientation or gender identity. All applicant information 
is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 
and persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on 
the first day of employment.
Adam M. Siepielski
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville AR, 72701
Ph: 1-479-575-6357

[ECOLOG-L] International Ginseng Expo Dec. 4-5, 2015, Asheville, NC

2015-09-28 Thread Jonathan Horton
The North Carolina Natural Products Association is excited to announce the
second International American Ginseng Expo on December 4 & 5, 2015 to take
place at Highsmith Union on the campus of UNC Asheville! Speakers include
growers, wild-harvesters, researchers, herbalists, botanists, regulatory
officials on the state and national level, academics, conservationists, and
private sector business leaders in the ginseng industry. On Friday attendees
will have an opportunity to take part in an afternoon intensive session on
growing ginseng OR participate in an open roundtable discussion with our
speakers and other experts in the ginseng industry. Friday's event offers
unique opportunities for those in the industry to have direct conversations
with each other regarding ginseng industry concerns. Saturday is a full day
of plenary and concurrent sessions on a variety of topics related to the
industry and other forest botanicals. Sponsors and vendors will be on hand
during breaks, while poster sessions will be on display. We welcome any and
everyone interested in the ginseng industry to attend!
Early bird registration ends October 31. Register online for the Expo here:

A limited number of scholarships are available for students or others
experiencing economic hardships. Attendees may wish to attend the ticketed
reception. Registration for the reception must be made separately and will
be announced. To inquire about scholarships or sponsorship/exhibiting at the
event, please contact Jennifer Flynn s...@blueridgenaturally.org

Research poster presentations are encouraged. Posters will be displayed for
the entire conference and presenters will be available to discuss their
papers during breaks. Presenters are required to register for the expo. If
you are interested in presenting a poster, please send an abstract to Dr.
Jonathan Horton (jhor...@unca.edu) by November 13th. Posters should be
formatted to fit in a 3' x 4' space.

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantships in Forest Ecophysiology & Energy Ecology

2015-09-28 Thread Doug Aubrey
The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) and 
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are seeking two Ph.D. 
students to conduct research focused on the physiological ecology of trees 
and forest ecosystem processes in the Aubrey Lab beginning summer or fall 
of 2016. Ideal candidates would already possess extensive field and 
laboratory experience, proven problem-solving skills, excellent written and 
verbal communication skills, a solid statistical background, an ability to 
work both independently and as a productive member of a research team, and 
motivation to develop, conduct, and publish basic and applied research in 
the field of forest ecophysiology and Energy Ecology. Candidates should 
possess a M.S. degree in ecology, plant biology, or a related discipline; 
however, exceptional candidates with a BS in a related discipline will also 
be considered. The successful candidates will receive a four year graduate 
assistantship that consists of an annual stipend of approximately $21k and 
tuition waiver. The graduate assistantship will have both teaching and 
research responsibilities—the student will be on a teaching assistantship 
while completing coursework at Warnell and on a research assistantship 
while completing research at SREL. Student fees of approximately $1k per 
semester, which include the matriculation fee and activity, athletic, 
health, student facilities, technology, and transportation fees will be 
assessed. If you are interested in this opportunity, please familiarize 
yourself with Warnell’s admission requirements and deadlines and send a 
single pdf containing: (1) a 1-2 page statement of your research interests 
and a summary of your professional career goals that explains why you think 
working in the Aubrey Lab will help you realize these goals; (2) a current 
CV; (3) unofficial transcripts showing all previous coursework, degrees, 
and GPA; (4) GRE scores; and (5) contact information of three references to 
Dr. Doug Aubrey (daub...@srel.uga.edu). If selected to compete for one of 
these assistantships, you will be encouraged to submit an application to 
the UGA Graduate School prior to December 31st 2015.

[ECOLOG-L] Neuropteran ID & defensive behavior

2015-09-28 Thread John A.
Recently I had a late-night encounter with a Neuropteran, maybe a 
Dendroleon or Myrmeleon, which involved a couple of interesting defensive 

If anyone would be willing to look at a photo and help identify the genus 
and species, and maybe offer some insight into the creature's behavior, please 
contact me off-list with my thanks in advance.

 - J. A.

[ECOLOG-L] M.A./PhD student wanted for work on savanna tree spatial dynamics in Serengeti

2015-09-28 Thread David Inouye

M.A./PhD student wanted for work on savanna tree spatial dynamics in Serengeti

I am recruiting a Master's or Ph.D. student to participate in a 
recently-funded NSF project designed to investigate if and how 
spatial processes drive savanna tree recruitment dynamics at multiple 
scales across a climatic gradient in Serengeti, Tanzania. The broader 
project spans three institutions: Wake Forest University, the 
University of Missouri, and the University of Denver. The student 
will be based in the Division of Biological at the Sciences 
University of Missouri and conduct field work in Serengeti National 
Park. (S)he will be involved in the following aspects of the study: 
i) collection of observational data on tree demographic rates; ii) 
the deployment of a custom-built sensor network designed to monitor 
spatiotemporal variation in soil moisture availability, fire 
intensity, and light environment; and iii) statistical modeling. I am 
particularly interested in recruiting a student with some programming 
experience (R, Matlab or other). A basic knowledge of electronics or 
microcontrollers would be a plus, but a willingness to learn these 
things can be a good substitute. Students with a range of backgrounds 
are encouraged to apply, including biology, engineering, and computer science.

Funding for this position is available through a combination of TA 
and RA support. Columbia is an attractive college town with excellent 
amenities and recreational opportunities and affordable housing, and 
is less than 2 hours from the St. Louis airport.

Interested applicants please send a CV to Dr. Ricardo Holdo at 


[ECOLOG-L] PhD Fellowship, Oklahoma State University - Large Scale Avian Conservation in the Great Plains

2015-09-28 Thread Loss, Scott
A PhD fellowship in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management 
at Oklahoma State University is available as part of the Dr. Fritz L. Knopf 
Doctoral Fellowship Program in Avian Conservation. This position will focus on 
large-scale conservation issues for bird populations and/or communities in the 
Great Plains region. The PhD Fellow will bring together diverse existing data 
sets to answer conservation-relevant questions related to factors that operate 
at landscape, regional, and/or national scales (e.g., land use practices, 
climate change, energy development, disturbance regimes).

Within these broad objectives, the Fellow will have the flexibility to pursue 
independent research interests under the advisement of Dr. Scott Loss and in 
collaboration with Drs. Craig Davis, Dwayne Elmore, Sam Fuhlendorf, and Tim 
O’Connell. There will also be an opportunity to conduct collaborative 
side-projects and interact with other Knopf Fellows (at Iowa State University, 
University of Colorado Denver, and Utah State University) and to participate 
in, contribute to, and use data from existing field projects at OSU. The fellow 
will be expected to participate in grant applications, peer-reviewed and 
popular publications as first author and co-author, presentations at regional 
and national meetings, and professional organizations.

The Knopf Fellowship provides funding to support advanced training of doctoral 
candidates in pursuit of an illustrious career in avian ecology and 
conservation. The intent of this funding is to provide the candidate with the 
opportunity to develop the professional network and prolific record of 
technical and popular presentations and publications needed to develop a highly 
competitive young professional. The funding provides a stipend for 4 years 
(~$21,000 per year), tuition and fees, health insurance, and a professional 
development allowance to present at professional conferences and for short-term 
research residencies in labs where other Knopf fellows are based.

Fellowship selection will be based on academic merit as demonstrated by: (1) 
Academic and professional strengths articulated in letters of nomination, (2) 
Clarity of direction and commitment to avian ecology research articulated in 
student’s letter of interest, (3) GPA, (4) Demonstration of effective oral and 
written communication as demonstrated by professional presentations and/or 
relevant research published in refereed scientific journals; and (5) 
Demonstrated leadership. Applicants with extensive experience in spatial 
analyses (e.g., GIS) and quantitative approaches will be especially 
competitive. A master's degree is preferred but not required for students with 
independent research experience.

TO APPLY: send (by October 23rd, **note, this is an extended deadline on an 
earlier posting**) applications consisting of a single ZIP file that includes: 
(1) a statement of interest (2-page max) outlining general interests in avian 
ecology and specific potential research topics under this fellowship, (2) 
resume/CV, (3) unofficial academic transcripts, (4) GRE Scores, and (5) contact 
information for 3 references (that are able to write letters of nomination upon 
request) to Dr. Scott Loss (scott.l...@okstate.edu; questions should be 
directed here as well).

[ECOLOG-L] Symposium on species dominance in tropical forests ( Göttingen, 23-26 February, 2016)

2015-09-28 Thread Gabriel Arellano
 I am writing to announce the Symposium “Patterns and processes of species
dominance in tropical forests” that will be held in the European Conference
of Tropical Ecology in Göttingen (Germany), 23-26 February 2016 (
http://www.gtoe-conference.de). This Symposium aims to cover the study of
patterns and processes of dominance in tropical forests, at the time that
will serve as a forum for meeting of different tropical research groups.

Why some species widely dominate tropical forests across different
assemblages, whereas many other species are just sparsely distributed? Why
dominant and oligarchic species tend to concentrate on certain families and
genera? Which specific mechanisms provide the superior fitness of these
species? Regardless of the causes creating dominance, the great importance
of common species has significant consequences for the soil nutrient
cycling, ecosystem functioning, plant and animal inter-specific
relationships, and finally for the use and management of tropical forests.
This session aims to draw on examples from both basic and applied

We would like to invite to any researcher or student that could contribute
to the Symposium with a 15 minutes oral presentation in any relevant topic
on taxa dominance in tropical forests. The deadline for abstract submission
is October 15th. If you plan to attend the conference and you are
interested in our session, please write Gabriel Arellano (
gabriel.arellano.tor...@gmail.com) or Manuel J. Macía (manuel.ma...@uam.es),
so we can organize the details. Please take into account that the
organizers of the conference do not cover travel and registration fees.

We would be very grateful if you could circulate this information to your
students, peers, or colleagues who might be interested in attending this
session. I hope you find this initiative interesting. Hoping to see you in

Best wishes,

Gabriel Arellano and Manuel J. Macía
(Symposium Steering Committee)

Gabriel Arellano, PhD
Skype: gabrielareto

[ECOLOG-L] JOBS: Faculty positions at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

2015-09-28 Thread Sasha Mikheyev
We are looking for seven or more new faculty members in a wide variety of 
fields of science, 
including in ecology and environmental sciences. You can find more information 
about the jobs 
and OIST at https://groups.oist.jp/facultypositions

Alexander Mikheyev
Assistant Professor
Ecology and Evolution Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology