[ECOLOG-L] advice on metadata standards and software

2016-10-10 Thread Brian Anacker

I am beginning a metadata project for Boulder's Open Space and Mountain 
Parks Department. I would like some advice of which metadata language 
and software I should consider. 

The project is focused on tabular data for now, with the possibility of 
expanding to spatial data in a later phase. I am currently looking into 
EML as a standard and the software program of Morpho. 

Does anyone have success or horror stories around creating metadata for 
your organization? Is one format or software better than another? Thanks 
for your feedback. I will repost with a summation of the replies.

Scott Brooks
GIS Seasonal   
City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: Assessing the sensitivity of North American ecosystems to climate variability

2016-10-10 Thread Smith, William Kolby - (wksmith)
Postdoc: Assessing the sensitivity of North American ecosystems to climate 

The School of Natural Resources and the Environment is hiring a Postdoctoral 
Research Associate I to work in the The Ecosystem Climate Dynamics Laboratory. 
The ideal candidate will be a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher 
interested in studying the sensitivity of North American ecosystems to climate 
variability utilizing a combination of novel field-, modeling-, and remote 
sensing-based approaches. The postdoc’s primary mentor will be Assistant 
Professor, Bill Smith, and 
funding will be available for up to 3-years based on satisfactory performance. 
Funds will also be available to cover travel costs for select workshops and 
national meetings.

An initial focus will be semiarid ecosystems. Recent global analyses suggest 
that semiarid ecosystems have played a major role in driving increasing 
interannual variability of the global land carbon sink. The candidate will have 
the opportunity to explore these trends in depth by evaluating the ability of 
different satellite indicators to detect interannual variability of gross 
primary productivity (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET) measured at 25 eddy 
covariance sites distributed across gradients in temperature (2 – 25 °C) and 
precipitation (100 – 1000 mm) for southwestern North America. Remote sensing 
indicators of interest include normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), 
enhance vegetation index (EVI), photosynthetic reflectivity index (PRI), and 
solar-induced fluorescence (SIF). There will also be opportunities for the 
selected postdoctoral researcher to develop and explore their own research 
questions within the scope of the project.

The postdoc will have the opportunity to work closely with a diversity of top 
research labs at the University of Arizona, including the Arizona Remote 
Sensing Center, Terrestrial Vegetation 
and Climate Lab, Terrestrial Ecology 
Lab, and Laboratory of Tree Ring 
Research. In addition, the candidate will have the 
chance to collaborate with and learn from scientists at the USDA – Agricultural 
Research Service and the US Geological Survey. Finally, there will be 
opportunities to contribute to research focused on improving satellite-based 
estimates of disturbance, land use change, vegetation productivity, and 
evapotranspiration underway at the University of Montana 

Required Qualifications:
*   Candidates must have earned their Ph.D. by 01/01/2017.
*   Demonstrated experience in ecosystem science and a broad perspective on 
ecosystem processes and climate feedbacks.

Desired Qualifications:
*   Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to collaborate with an 
interdisciplinary team.
*   Strong organizational and communication skills (both oral and written).
*   Prior experience with spatiotemporal data and geospatial analysis using R, 
Python, and/or other computer programming languages is highly desired.
*   A proven publication record in peer-reviewed scientific journals and a 
demonstrated high level of productivity.

The postdoc will be housed in the state-of-the-art Environment and Natural 
Resources 2 building at the University 
of Arizona. The University of Arizona has been recognized on Forbes 2015 
America’s Best Employers in the United States and has been awarded the 2015 
Work-Life Seal of Distinction by the Alliance for Work-Life Progress.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please 1) contact Bill 
 and 2) apply through the University of Arizona UACAREERS web portal: 
https://uacareers.com/postings/13707. Applications should consist of a full 
curriculum vitae, a 1-page statement of research interest, a pdf-file of one 
publication, and the contact information for three references. We will start 
reviewing applications on 11/01/2016.

Thank you,

Bill Smith
William Kolby Smith
Assistant Professor,
School of Natural Resources and the Environment,
N417 Environment & Natural Resources 2,
University of Arizona
Email: wksm...@email.arizona.edu
Phone: (520)621-1056
Skype: wkolby | Twitter: @wkolby

[ECOLOG-L] PhD and MSc opportunity - plant ecology and climate change impacts

2016-10-10 Thread Snell, Rebecca
The Snell lab in the department of Environmental and Plant Biology at Ohio 
University is currently recruiting highly qualified and motivated graduate 
students (MSc or PhD) to start in the 2017 academic year. Our group studies the 
processes and interactions that shape plant communities, from the stand, to 
landscape and regional scale. These processes are integrated into dynamic 
vegetation models, to improve our understanding of how plants will respond to 
future climate change and to quantify climate change impacts. Graduate students 
are encouraged to develop independent research projects related to the broader 
objectives of the lab. Ongoing research includes, 1) The influence of climate 
on plant demographic processes and resulting range shifts, 2) The provisioning 
of ecosystem services under current and future climate, 3) The importance of 
spatial and temporal variability for determining plant responses to climate 

Applicants should have a background in ecology, plant biology, environmental 
science, forestry or a related discipline, previous research experience, and 
evidence of strong communication and quantitative skills. Experience with R 
and/or other computer programming languages is preferred.

Want to know more?
Please check out the lab website for more information 
(http://rebeccasnell.weebly.com/) and the Environmental and Plant Biology site 
for application instructions (https://www.ohio.edu/cas/plantbio/grad/index.cfm).

The deadline to apply to Ohio University's Graduate College is January 15 2017. 
However, I strongly encourage interested students to contact Dr. Snell 
(sn...@ohio.edu) well before this date, to allow enough 
time for discussing potential research projects.

Please email Dr. Snell (sn...@ohio.edu) your CV, GRE 
scores, unofficial transcripts, and a letter of interest, outlining your 
previous research experience and the research topics that you are interested in 
pursuing during your graduate degree (i.e., why do you want to join my lab?). 
International students should also include their TOEFL scores, if appropriate. 
Qualified individuals will be invited to apply to Ohio University's Graduate 

Rebecca S. Snell
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter Hall, Room 411
Ohio University, Athens, OH, 45701, USA
Phone: 740-597-1628
Email: sn...@ohio.edu

[ECOLOG-L] UCLA La Kretz Center 2017-2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship

2016-10-10 Thread Mario Colon
The UCLA La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science 
(http://www.environment.ucla.edu/lakretz/) invites applications for its 
Postdoctoral Fellowship in California Conservation Science. Consistent with our 
we seek a postdoctoral scholar who simultaneously conducts innovative research 
interfaces with the conservation and management agencies that direct and lead 
conservation. Our emphasis is on biological conservation, and the successful 
could work in any discipline that provides the scientific underpinnings for the 
protection, management, or restoration of at-risk species, environments, or 
communities in California. We will consider candidates who have recently 
completed their 
PhD, or will have completed it by August 2017. We envision hiring at least one 
Fellow each 
year, building a team of conservation scientists with a passion for California 
and its 

The La Kretz Fellowship is for two years, subject to review after the first 
year. Our 
expected start date is late summer, 2017.  The successful applicant will be 
expected to 
identify and work with at least ONE UCLA faculty member La Kretz affiliate 
(http://www.environment.ucla.edu/lakretz/people/affiliates.php). Successful 
will identify research that addresses priority science concerns of resource 
agencies (broadly defined) in California. The position has an annual salary of 
$44,000 plus full benefits and modest research support ($5,000 over the two 
fellowship) that may be supplemented by individual mentors. Fellows have the 
option to 
reside at the newly renovated La Kretz Field Station 
(http://www.environment.ucla.edu/lakretz/fieldstation/), located in the Santa 
Mountains about 25 miles from campus, should it fit with their research 

Several of our partner agencies have expressed particular interest in a series 
of high-
priority projects, including potential co-funding.  We encourage applicants to 
use these 
ideas as a starting point for developing collaborative projects (see fill list 
and summary 
under the Fellowships sidebar on 
http://www.environment.ucla.edu/lakretz/research). This 
list is neither comprehensive nor representative of projects that stand the 
highest chance 
of successful support. Rather, it provides one set of projects with strong 
interest from our 

We encourage candidates to contact UCLA affiliate faculty and relevant partner 
to explore collaborative possibilities as they develop their proposals. Several 
of our 
partners have expressed interest in co-sponsoring a La Kretz Center fellow, 
possible co-funding opportunities, including:




Sophie Parker  

The Nature Conservancy



Luis Chiappe

LA Natural History Museum



Robert Fisher   

U.S. Geological Survey



Mike Westphal

US Bureau of Land Management



Cat Darst

US Fish and Wildlife Service



Katy Delaney

National Park Service



Seth Riley

National Park Service



Robert Lovich

Department of Defense



Mike White

Tejon Ranch Conservancy



Milan Mitrovich

OC Natural Communities Coalition



Danielle Lefer

CA State Parks


Interested candidates should submit 1) cover letter, 2) CV, 3) short 1-2-page 
description of 
their research and management accomplishments, 4) 2-page proposal describing 
proposed research including potential faculty and agency mentors (single 
spaced, 2 page 
limit includes figures but not references), and 5) copies of two research 
publications, all as 
a single PDF file to Mario Colon, Administrative Assistant, at 
mario.co...@ucla.edu. You 
should also have three letters of recommendation, including one from your Ph.D. 
sent under separate emails with the subject line “La Kretz Postdoc letter for 
XXX (your last 
name)”. The deadline for completed applications is 20 November 2016. E-mail 
questions to 
Mario or to Brad Shaffer (Director of the La Kretz Center) at 

[ECOLOG-L] Master’s and PhD positions in Ecology

2016-10-10 Thread Derek M Johnson
I am currently seeking graduate students at the MS and PhD level to join
the Derek Johnson Research Group in the Fall of 2017. Students interested
in ecological drivers of population dynamics and invasion in a changing
world, particularly with a focus on insects, are encouraged to apply. The
Johnson Lab asks research questions from local to landscape to geographic
scales, and at temporal scales up to several centuries. We take a
multi-tool approach to addressing ecological questions, including field
research, analyzing existing large datasets, and population modeling.
Applicants with strong quantitative skills and experience using R are

The Master's program in Biology at Virginia Commonwealth University
provides 2-years of competitive TA support. Applications for Fall 2017
admission to the MS program are due on January 15, 2017. For more
information on VCU Biology Graduate Program visit

The VCU Integrative Life Sciences PhD program provides up to 5 years of
support in the form of research assistantships and teaching assistantships
with full tuition covered. Stipend amounts are competitive on a national
level. Additional support is available in the form of summer funds for PhD
students in years 3 and up, travel funds to present at a
national/international conference/workshop, and Dissertation Writing
Fellowships for a full academic year where deserving students are paid to
write and defend their dissertations. Applications for Fall 2017 admission
to the PhD program are due on January 10, 2017. For more information on VCU
Integrative Life Sciences PhD program visit

Candidates interested in applying for either MS or PhD positions are
encouraged to email Dr. Johnson (dmjohn...@vcu.edu) well before the
application deadline with the following information: 1) an unofficial
transcript (undergraduate and/or MS, as appropriate), 2) curriculum vitae,
and 3) a brief personal statement describing research and career goals, and
how this degree would help the student achieve these goals. Interested
candidates can also visit the laboratory website for more information at

Virginia Commonwealth University is the state's largest public university,
with approximately 31,000 students including over 6,000 postgraduates. The
campus is located in Richmond, Virginia, walking distance to the James
River, and in easy access for research in the Blue Ridge Mountains,
Piedmont, Virginia coastal plain, and Chesapeake Bay.

Richmond is the capital of Virginia with a population of approximately
215,000 and a metropolitan area of 1.2 million. The city was ranked in the
top 100 cities in which to live in 2013 by Liveability.com, and as one of
the top world destinations in 2014 by Frommers. The cost of living is
modest. The city is located at the fall line of the James River, thus
offers beautiful scenery and great kayaking adjacent to the downtown. The
historical sites and museums that the Richmond area has to offer are
extraordinary for North America. The city is conveniently located
approximately 2 hours from the ocean, mountains, and Washington D.C., and
has easy access by car or train to the northeastern U.S.

Derek M. Johnson
1000 W. Cary St.
Department of Biology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc Experimental microbial community ecology (fungi; global change)

2016-10-10 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
For full consideration send in all materials by: 31.10.2106

This approx. 5-year position is offered within the ERC Advanced Grant
Project „Gradual and abrupt environmental change: concurrent physiological,
evolutionary and community composition shifts“. A short summary is available

Position description

Carrying out experimental work in an ERC-funded project at Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany. These experiments have an eco-evolutionary focus and are
mainly conceptualized as microcosm experiments with saprobic soil fungi. It
is planned to examine the effects of various global change factors in
experiments with varying degrees of complexity; the main factor to be
examined is increasing temperature. The main focus is on saprobic fungi and
their communities, as well as pertinent ecosystem processes. It is
additionally envisaged to carry out a garden or greenhouse experiment on
these questions. The incumbent is also invited to actively contribute to
concept development in questions surrounding the proposal topic.

We are looking for a person who brings the following to the table:

- Interested in working in a team
- Publications in experimental microbial community ecology, ideally with
fungi (but bacteria would also be fine)
- Experience with the logistics of complex microcosm experiments
- Excellent knowledge of statistics (with R)
- Experience with high-throughput Sequenzierung (e.g. Illumina MiSeq) and
pertinent bioinformatics

Applicants must have completed Ph.D. Please send your application materials
(cv, publication list, names of referees, cover letter) by 31.10.2016 as one
pdf to Matthias Rillig, ril...@zedat.fu-berlin.de using “ERC-experimental”
in the email subject line. Start date ideally is January 2017.

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ DCPS
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165   (Direct)
  -53149   (M. Eltohami)
Skype: mrillig
Twitter @mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] REMINDER: Apply by Friday, Oct. 14 for a CUAHSI Pathfinder Graduate Student Fellowship!

2016-10-10 Thread Elizabeth Tran
REMINDER: The deadline to apply for a CUAHSI Pathfinder Graduate Student 
Fellowship is Friday, October 14th!
Submit applications by October 14th to be considered for funding.

CUAHSI's Pathfinder Graduate Student Fellowship program provides travel funds 
to graduate students in water science to make an extended trip to conduct and 
enhance their research. Fellowships are awarded to cover travel costs up to a 
maximum of $5,000. This opportunity allows students to travel to an additional 
field site to conduct comparative research, collaborate with a research group, 
or work with researchers on adding an inter-disciplinary dimension to a water 
science project.

CUAHSI encourages applicants from across the broad range of water science. 
Preference is given to students advanced enough in their graduate studies to 
conduct substantive research during the travel period, and to research plans 
that clearly demonstrate how the travel and collaboration substantially 
enhances and broadens the student's current research. Graduate students 
enrolled in U.S. universities are eligible to apply for a Pathfinder Fellowship.

Applications must be submitted by October 14th.

For complete application instructions, visit: 

Questions should be submitted to com...@cuahsi.org.

[ECOLOG-L] Stats course in Montreal

2016-10-10 Thread Highland Statistics Ltd

We would like to announce the following statistics course:

Course: Data exploration, regression, GLM & GAM with R

Where:  Montreal, Canada

When:   9-13 January 2017

Course website: http://www.highstat.com/statscourse.htm

Course flyer: 

Kind regards,

Alain Zuur

Other open courses in 2017:

Data exploration, regression, GLM & GAM with introduction to R. 13-17 
February 2017. Lisbon.
Introduction to Regression Models with Spatial and Temporal Correlation. 
20-24 February 2017. Lisbon.
Introduction to Regression Models with Spatial and Temporal Correlation. 
8-12 May 2017. Genoa.
Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R. Frequentist and Bayesian 
approaches. 9-13 October 2017. Trondheim.
Introduction to Regression Models with Spatial and Temporal Correlation. 
23-27 October 2017. Southampton

Dr. Alain F. Zuur

First author of:
1. Beginner's Guide to GAMM with R (2014).
2. Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R (2013).
3. Beginner's Guide to GAM with R (2012).
4. Zero Inflated Models and GLMM with R (2012).
5. A Beginner's Guide to R (2009).
6. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R (2009).
7. Analysing Ecological Data (2007).

Highland Statistics Ltd.
9 St Clair Wynd
UK - AB41 6DZ Newburgh
Tel:   0044 1358 788177
Email: highs...@highstat.com
URL: www.highstat.com

[ECOLOG-L] Seasonal Position: Ecohydrology Research Hourly Worker, Newton, GA

2016-10-10 Thread Stribling Stuber
The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center invites applications for 
a full-time, temporary Research Hourly Worker. The 28,500-acre Research 
Center is located between Albany and Bainbridge, Georgia. The Center’s 
research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and 
natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf 
pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and 
river ecosystems. Further information can be found on the web site at 

This position will begin as early as January 2017 (a February start date 
is also possible) and continue for 3 months with the possibility of 
extension depending on performance and funding.  This employee will 
assist research staff and graduate students in the Ecohydrology Lab with 
a variety of field and lab studies. The Ecohydrology Lab conducts 
research focused on the intersection of upland longleaf pine forest 
dynamics and hydrology at local and regional scales. The employee’s 
primary duties will center on assisting with routine field work and 
sample processing, as well as graduate research projects. Duties may 
include: 1) frequent, routine measurements of throughfall and stemflow; 
2) litter sample collection and processing; 3) installing and checking 
insect traps; 4) assistance with construction, installation and 
maintenance of sap flow probes and meteorological sensors; and 5) data 

Job Requirements: The successful candidate must be willing to conduct 
sometimes strenuous physical activity under demanding field conditions 
(i.e., heat, high humidity, and insects) and to work with minimal 

Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, forestry, natural 
resources management or a related field is preferred. Experience or 
coursework in ecohydrology, forest hydrology and/or plant physiology is 
a plus. Prior experience working in remote field settings is highly 
desirable. The optimum candidate will also have the motivation and 
ability to master the safe and proper operation of complicated field 

Wages:  $9.00–$11.00 per hour with housing
$10.00–$12.00 per hour without housing
(Rate will depend on qualifications)
Limited on-site housing is available.

A letter of application, resume, college transcripts (unofficial copies 
are acceptable) and list of references should be emailed to: 
j...@jonesctr.org Subject: Ecohydrology Research Hourly Worker. (Please 
use exact wording in subject line, otherwise your application may be 
overlooked.) Applications can also be sent by mail to:  ATTN: 
Ecohydrology Research Hourly Worker, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research 
Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870 or by Fax to (229)734-
4707.  Specific questions regarding the position should be sent to the 
Ecohydrology Lead Technician, Stribling Stuber 
(stribling.stu...@jonesctr.org).  Applications received before October 
28, 2016 will receive highest consideration. The Joseph W. Jones 
Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, Inc. is an Equal 
Opportunity/Affirmative Action/E-Verify Employer.  Applicants must be 
authorized to work in the United States.

[ECOLOG-L] Free Webinar "How Not to Collect Data" Tues 10/11

2016-10-10 Thread Amber Budden
Join us for a Free Webinar on “How Not to Collect Data: Organizing Data for 
Long term Use and Re-use”
presented by Dr Stephanie Hampton, Professor and Director of the Center for 
Environmental Research, Education and Outreach at Washington State University.

Tuesday October 11th at 0900 am Pacific Time, 1200 noon Eastern Time.

Register now via: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7682584988544434691 

This webinar is part of the monthly DataONE Webinar Series (#DWS2016) focussed 
on data management and analysis, and designed more broadly to engage 
participants in relevant and cutting-edge topics within the Earth and 
environmental sciences.  
You can learn more about the DataONE Webinar Series at 
https://www.dataone.org/webinars .

About DataONE: 
DataONE enables universal access to data and also aids researchers in 
fulfilling their need for data management and in providing secure and permanent 
access to their data. These needs are filled by offering the scientific 
community a suite of tools and training materials that cover all aspects of the 
data life-cycle; from data collection to management, analysis and publication.

Amber E Budden, PhD
Director for Community Engagement and Outreach
University of New Mexico
1312 Basehart SE
Albuquerque NM 87106

cell: 505.205.7675

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position in long-term population dynamics

2016-10-10 Thread Jonas Knape
The Department of Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 
Uppsala, Sweden, conducts internationally strong empirical and theoretical 
research and education aimed towards sustainable forestry, agriculture and 
conservation. Our research on populations, communities and ecosystems forms the 
basis for our research on the effects of land use and climate on animals, 
plants and soil. We aim at finding solutions that will contribute to improve 
greenhouse gas balances, conserve threatened species, support biodiversity and 
ecosystem services, sustainable wildlife management, and pest management in 
forest and agricultural landscapes, as well as in urban areas. However, we also 
work with basic questions concerning the ecology, evolution and dynamics of 
populations and especially from a landscape and land use perspective.

Duties: Our study of long-term population dynamics is concerned with population 
persistence in a spatially and temporally varying environment, and include 
studies of habitat-specific demography and growth rates; how annual growth 
rates and demographic rates are affected by environmental variability 
(including climate); density dependence, source-sink dynamics, evolutionary 
dynamics of selection patterns and how to use integrated population models to 
increase the precision in estimates. These, and other potential topics, will be 
explored using data from a long-term study (24 years) of breeding wheatears SE 
Uppsala, Sweden. This database includes detailed data on demography, phenology 
(arrival time and breeding time) and habitat choice in an agricultural 
landscape (with annual data on landuse) SE Uppsala, Sweden. The postdoc is 
expected to develop an own research agenda in collaboration with a research 
group consisting of several researchers with different skills and expertise in 
the subject area.

Qualifications: Applicants should hold a doctoral degree or equivalent 
scientific qualification. Experience of handling and analysing longterm 
population data, population dynamic modelling, statistical modelling and a good 
ability to express oneself in written and spoken English will be considered 
when assessing the applicant. The main emphasis in the assessment of 
applications will be placed on scientific skills. Particular emphasis is placed 
on the candidate's experience and expertise in analysing and modelling longterm 
population data and the ability to cooperate and to work independently. As 
postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior 
researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree 
that is three years old at most.

Place of work: Uppsala
Form of employment: Temporary emplyment as postdoctor for 2 years.
Extent: 100%
Starting date: By agreement
Application: We welcome your application marked with Ref no. SLU ua 3830/2016.

Please submit your application to the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, SE-750 
07 Uppsala, Sweden or registra...@slu.se no later 
than November 7, 2016.

Specific documents attached: Please provide a motivation letter, a short 
description of your main research interests regarding this position (including 
previous achievements and future plans; maximum 2 pages), CV, and proof of 

For further information please contact Tomas Pärt 
(tomas.p...@slu.se) or Debora Arlt 

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.