[ECOLOG-L] Plant Ecology Postdoctoral position

2018-08-10 Thread Loralee Larios
Postdoctoral position in plant population and community ecology

The Larios Lab at the University of California, Riverside 
(https://llarios12.wixsite.com/lariosecology) is recruiting a postdoctoral 
researcher to help 
with ongoing projects aimed at understanding community assembly of California 
grasslands to better understand invasion dynamics and restoration. The post-doc 
help lead continued long-term sampling efforts, as well as the implementation 
of new 
projects. This will entail installing and running experiments, conducting 
surveys, managing and analyzing data, supervising undergraduates and other 
and communicating findings through presentation and papers. Research on a range 
subjects are within the scope of the position, including biogeochemistry, 
interactions, plant functional traits, population modeling, restoration 
ecology, and 
community dynamics. Work will be based on campus except during the growing 
Field research will take place over a variety of different field sites across 
including but not limited to the Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center 
Valley, CA), the Carrizo Plain National Monument, and locally near Riverside, 
Qualifications and Experience: PhD in community ecology or related discipline 
The successful candidate should demonstrate strong written communication and 
management/analysis abilities and experience with plant identification. 
Experience with 
field-based experiments, and community and functional trait-based analyses are 
desirable, but not required.
The University of California, Riverside is a highly diverse and rapidly growing 
located in the historic city of Riverside, California. UCR is a world-class 
university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student body. Its 
mission is 
explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for 
underrepresented and first 
generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a preferred 
and we especially encourage applications from individuals who are members of 
historically underrepresented in higher education.

The campus is located within one hour of downtown Los Angeles, a city that 
world-class cultural opportunities. Riverside also provides easy access to 
outdoor recreational areas, including forest, alpine, ocean, and desert 

To apply, email Loralee Larios (loralee.lar...@ucr.edu) with the subject line 
“Plant Ecology 
Postdoc”, a CV, cover letter explaining research interests, and contact 
information for 
three references. Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue 
until August 
31, 2018, or when a suitable candidate is selected. Start date will be in the 
Fall of 2018 
(exact date is negotiable). Initial support is for two years. 
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer. All 
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard 
to race, 
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, 
age, disability, 
protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Research Scholar- Oregon State University

2018-08-10 Thread James Peterson
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Applications are invited for a full-time Post-Doctoral Research Scholar
appointment to be held at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon
State University. Primary research focus is developing quantitative decision
making tools for evaluating environmental flows for the Willamette River
Basin. Applicants must have completed all the requirements for their
doctoral program (PhD or equivalent), with demonstrated research
accomplishments, and publications in the primary research literature. 
Applicants should have the necessary skills and experience with sample
design and the estimation of animal population parameters, fish life cycle
models, and should have interest and capabilities in applying the results to
natural resource decision making. The position will primarily involve
coordination of stakeholders, data analysis and modeling with some potential
for field research. The successful candidate will work under the supervision
of James Peterson and will be part of an interagency and interdisciplinary
team of stakeholders and researchers. The successful candidate must be able
to work successfully in a team environment. Periodic travel to meet with
collaborators or conduct field work with overnight stays will be required.
Excellent command of the English language, quantitative analytical skills,
and written and verbal communication skills are absolutely required. Special
consideration will be given to candidates possessing one or more of the
following knowledge and skills: GIS, spatial statistics, sampling design and
ecology, and Bayesian modeling techniques. 

Appointment: Appointments will be intended for a term of one (1) year, with
the possibility for renewal of an additional year, based upon a satisfactory
performance review. Salary ($50-55,000 year) and full benefits will be
commensurate with qualifications of the successful applicants. 

Applications: Applications must include a complete personal resume with
details of academic qualifications, electronic copies of two (2)
representative scientific publications, and the names and contact
information of four (4) individuals who have agreed to provide a personal
and professional recommendation if requested.

Application Submission: Complete applications must be submitted
electronically to James Peterson (jt.peter...@oregonstate.edu)

Deadline for applications: Applications will be accepted starting 08/01/2018
and will close when the position has been filled.

Interviews: All applications will be acknowledged electronically; only those
selected for consideration on a short list will be contacted and asked to
provide letters of recommendation.

[ECOLOG-L] Post-Doctoral Fellow Position

2018-08-10 Thread Conor McGowan
Agency: School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn Univ.

Salary: $45000-$5

Desired Start Date: 10/15/2018

Last Date to Apply: 09/01/2018

Website: https://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/3019

The Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Auburn
University, Auburn, Alabama is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to lead a
study on Alligator Snapping Turtle population assessment and projection
modeling to assist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Species Status
Assessment process. This is a 12-month, limited-term non-tenure track
position and is funded from external sources. Successful applicants will
have strong statistical analysis skills and strong background in population
viability modeling. Responsibilities include leading the analysis design of
available data sets and working closely with the USFWS to ensure that the
analytical results are useful to the Species Status Assessment and service
decision processes.

The minimum qualification is a PhD from an accredited institution in
wildlife sciences, ecology, biology, statistics, or a closely related
field. Applicants will be evaluated on their knowledge, experience, and
abilities in population assessment and projection modeling. The successful
applicant will also demonstrate commitment to timely completion of
deliverables, commitment to publication for results in peer-reviewed
outlets, and strong potential to work collaboratively with multiple
agencies on a highly visible research topic. The candidate selected for the
position must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the
United States at the time appointment is scheduled to begin and continue
working legally for the proposed term of the appointment; excellent
communication skills required. Experience with population viability
analysis, complex statistical analysis, and cryptic species is desired. A
strong publication record is also desired. Apply on line at:
https://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/3019 For questions or
additional information, please contact Conor McGowan: cmcgo...@auburn.edu

Conor P. McGowan, Ph.D.
Assistant Leader and Associate Research Professor
USGS, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences,
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5418

Ph:334 844 9231