[ECOLOG-L] Recruiting graduate students in Marine Global Change Ecology
The Marine Global Change Ecology Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is recruiting two graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D.) to begin spring or fall 2018. We use field observations, lab experimentation, and quantitative synthesis to address ecological problems in coastal marine systems. Our research is focused on the following areas of study: 1. Interactions between global environmental change and species interactions 2. Biophysical coupling – the interaction between organismal function and physical drivers 3. Causes and consequences of biological invasion We encourage interested candidates to visit the lab website to learn more about our research and our lab philosophy. https://bscheng.com/opportunities/ Application deadlines for graduate programs are Dec 1/Dec 15 (varies by program) Brian Cheng Assistant Professor | Department of Environmental Conservation University of Massachusetts Amherst bsch...@umass.edu https://bscheng.com/
[ECOLOG-L] Extension Assistant Professor in Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience (please distribute widely)
The Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (http://eco.umass.edu/) seeks talented applicants for a permanent 12-month, non-tenure-track appointment as Extension Assistant Professor in Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience. This faculty will be based at the UMass Gloucester Marine Station in close proximity to North Shore communities and State, Federal and non-governmental collaborators. Earliest appointment date is October 2, 2017. Review of applications will begin August 28, 2017. The position will remain open until filled. Candidates should have a Masters degree with a minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience or a Ph.D. degree in coastal environmental management, fisheries or marine sciences, or closely related field. Candidates should understand the critical link between applied research and extension in fulfilling the mission of a land grant institution (see https://ag.umass.edu/extension-outreach). The candidate is expected to develop and lead outreach and extension programming in the broad fields of community resilience, and adaptation-related actions to mitigate impacts of changing fisheries and/or natural hazards in coastal Massachusetts communities. Examples of relevant foci include, but are not limited to: (1) development of sustainable harvesting practices for commercial fisheries stocks, (2) integration of new fisheries products into the supply chain, (3) socioeconomic impacts of a changing environment, (4) coastal conservation and habitat restoration, (5) adaptation to sea-level change and other climate-related impacts, (6) community engagement in emerging coastal issues, such as wind energy, and (7) improving the integration of marine science into K-12 classrooms through development of curricula incorporating research and modern technologies. For more details and to apply, go to: https://umass.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp? JOBID=86885&CNTRNO=8&TSTMP=1500472923486
[ECOLOG-L] Job posting: Junior Specialist at the Bodega Marine Laboratory (UC Davis)
*Position Description for Jr. Specialist working on ocean acidification research at the Bodega Marine* *Laboratory of the University of California, Davis * We wish to hire a Jr. Specialist Step I at 100% time beginning July 1 2014 (or as close to this as feasible) and ending March 15, 2015. There may be an option for a second year based on successful performance. The funding for this position is from a new project funded by California Sea Grant. *Duties: *The Junior Specialist will be primarily responsible for conducting laboratory and field protocols as part of a research team addressing potential estuarine acidification and its consequences for restoration of the native Olympia oysters and commercial production of Pacific oysters in Tomales Bay, CA. The Jr. Specialist will work closely with the project P.I.s and graduate student(s) to design and execute lab and field experiments and sampling protocols. The Jr. Specialist will assist the graduate students with field and laboratory work, including monthly and event-based water column sampling as well as oyster outplant experiments. *Requirements include: *BS or BA in environmental science, marine biology, or similar field, valid driver license, ability to work independently as well as in a team, good organizational and communication skills, familiarity with basic data collection and entry, and ability to identify and solve problems encountered in field and lab settings. Ideal applicants will reside within commuting distance of the Bodega Marine Laboratory and Tomales Bay. The junior specialist must be willing to carry loads of up to 40 lbs., be willing to work at field sites under inclement weather conditions, and be able to work unusual hours as needed. *Desirable attributes: *Academic background and/or practical experience in biogeochemistry and aqueous chemistry of natural waters, knowledge of local invertebrates and familiarity with culturing marine invertebrates. A basic understanding of field experimental design and approaches, and willingness to assist with other field and lab protocols as needed. If you are interested in this position, please send a cover letter explaining your background, a resume, transcript, and 3 potential references (with their contact information) to: Ted Grosholz: tedgrosh...@ucdavis.edu