[ECOLOG-L] Ecology Journals Impact Survey

2013-08-28 Thread Daniel Hocking
My name's Daniel Hocking, I'm a postdoc in at the University of New
Hampshire. This is the last week of my survey on the impact/influence and
quality of ecology journals and the publishing practices of ecologists. I
would like to get more respondents, so please take the survey and spread the
word, especially to colleagues outside the US. The survey is anonymous and
takes an average of 6 minutes. Thanks!


Daniel J. Hocking
114 James  Hall
Department of Natural Resources  the Environment
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824

dhocking at unh.edu

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Universal Impact factor, alternative to Journal Citation Reports

2013-08-26 Thread Daniel Hocking
Calculating an impact factor from a larger database satisfies one of the
smallest problems with the impact factor. I think it's already been done for
the Scopus database for some journals. It is still a bit absurd to draw too
much inference based solely from the mean of a highly non-normal
distribution (usually looks like exponential decay with a few papers getting
many citations and most others having very few). There are many better
citation-based metrics of influence. I have a preprint available on the
subject comparing 11 metrics for 110 ecology journals:

I'm still revising the paper and looking for an appropriate outlet, but as
the article suggests, I recommend using the Article Influence score in place
of the impact factor (still reporting in the JCR). The Eigenfactor can be
used to make other inferences, and the SJR and SNIP (calculated from Scopus)
can be used to compare among different fields of study, controlling somewhat
for differences in citation and publishing practices.


[ECOLOG-L] Survey about Ecology Journals

2013-07-30 Thread Daniel Hocking
Dear Ecologists, 

I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of New Hampshire. I
am conducting a survey of ecologists related to perception of journal
influence and prestige. I am recruiting ecologists to participate in a short
survey (5-10 minutes to complete). The questions related to the quality and
relative rank of ecology journals. The perception of ecologists will be
compared with various citation-based metrics of journal influence and
impact. The survey is anonymous and will be used for peer-reviewed
publications. The survey is voluntary and no compensation will be provided
for completion. You can access the survey at

This survey has been approved by the University of New Hampshire
Institutional Review Board. Please contact me with any questions.
