Please share widely with interested undergraduates!

The Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research 
( program investigates the ecology of agricultural 
landscapes. We have two summer Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) 
positions open. These positions are based at Michigan State University’s main 
campus in East Lansing, MI.

  1.  Impact of production system on soybean microbiome with Drs. Greg Bonito 
and Frances Trail: This REU project is based on Michigan State University’s 
main campus in East Lansing, MI. There, the student will work on a project 
aimed at characterizing leaf, stem and root microbiomes of crops in a wheat- 
maize-soy rotation under three production systems: conventional, organic, and 
no-till. The overall project goal is to understand the impact of production 
systems, plant species, and chemical inputs on the assembly and function of the 
plant and soil microbiome. Deadline for applications: March 15, 2018. For more 
information on the position and how to apply, read the project description at
  2.  Remote Sensing Irrigation with Multi-Platform Imagery, Cloud Computing, 
and Machine Learning with Drs. Anthony Kendall and David Hyndman: This REU 
project is based on Michigan State University’s main campus in East Lansing, 
MI. There, the student will work on a project consisting of three primary 
components: 1) working with remote sensing data from different platforms within 
cloud-based tools such as Google Earth Engine, 2) developing a robust training 
and validation dataset for machine learning algorithms, and 3) helping to 
improve those algorithms and incorporate advances from the fields of deep 
learning and artificial intelligence. Deadline for applications: March 15, 
2018. For more information on the position and how to apply, read 
 project description at
Julie E. Doll, Ph.D.

Education & Outreach Specialist
Agriculture & Ecology

Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Program
Michigan State University<>
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269-671-2266 (office)

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