Rutgers University – Newark, NJ, Department of Biological Sciences

Postdoc position


to analyze and publish eddy covariance data, field experimentation setup and

Research program: Uncertainties about the actual greenhouse emissions and
potential sink strengths especially of urban areas are largely unknown.
Therefore, measurements and subsequent evaluation of CO2 fluxes are of
crucial importance to estimate sink strengths of vegetation in and around
urban areas. The structure and function of the New Jersey Meadowland with
regards to its ecosystem service as a carbon sink needs yet to be determined
as it may represent a potentially underutilized CO2 sink that can be
enhanced with proper management strategies. Thus, CO2 sink strength of the
New Jersey Meadowlands will be investigated and assessed for management.


Tasks: analysis and modeling of eddy covariance data and experimental field
setup in order to assess CO2 sequestration of New Jersey wetlands and
grasslands. The results shall be published in peer reviewed journal and
potential extension of position is possible pending on funding solicited by


Requirements: Holding a PhD in environmental science or engineering, ecology
or related discipline with experience in eddy covariance data collection,
analysis and interpretation. Willing to travel and conduct field
experimental work.


The position is funded for 9 months with full benefits, starting
immediately. Extension upon externally solicited funding 

Please send a CV and application statement to 


Karina V.R. Schäfer, PhD

Ecosystem Ecologist

Department of Biological Sciences

195 University Ave

Rutgers University

Newark, NJ, 07102


or email to



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