[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc in Ecological Modelling, Germany

2017-02-07 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
The Department of Ecosystem Modelling at the 
Büsgen Institute of the Georg August University 
Göttingen is offering a position as a 
Postdoctoral Researcher. The position will be 
limited to 31 months and should be filled as soon 
as possible. The regular working hours will be 
(currently) 39.8 hours per week. Salary: Pay 
grade 100% TVL 13 of German state-regulated 
public service salary scale. Successful 
applicants are free to pursue their own research 
program within the general interests of the 
Ecosystem Modelling group. We develop, implement 
and analyze simulation models and methods of 
spatial statistics. We focus on basic ecological 
research, but we also address questions at the 
interface of ecology and socio-economy.
Requirements: MSc degree or equivalent in 
ecology/biology, agriculture or related 
discipline; Excellent knowledge in ecological 
modelling, that is to say in the development, 
programming, and analysis of simulation models; 
Good command of statistics (preferably in R) and 
mathematics; Very good publication record; 
Willingness to teach (teaching load flexible), to 
collaborate in existing projects, and to 
supervise master and doctoral students; Excellent 
command of the English and German language.
Desirable: Doctoral degree; Experience in 
research into socio-economics, tropical ecology, 
or biodiversity and ecosystem functioning;  Knowledge in spatial statistics.
The University of Göttingen is an equal 
opportunities employer and places particular 
emphasis on fostering career opportunities for 
women. Qualified women are therefore strongly 
encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented 
in this field. The university has committed 
itself to being a family-friendly institution and 
supports their employees in balancing work and 
family life. The mission of the University is to 
employ a greater number of severely disabled 
persons. Applications from severely disabled 
persons with equivalent qualifications will be 
given preference. Applicants should upload a 
single pdf-file containing their CV, a short 
summary of research interests, and the names 
(with email address) of at least two referees to 
as soon as possible, but latest March 1, 2017. If 
you have any questions, please contact Kerstin 
Wiegand (e-mail: kwiegan1(at)uni-goettingen.de). 
Information about the Ecosystem Modelling group 
can be found at http://www.uni-goettingen.de/EcoMod.html

Kerstin Wiegand
Professor of Ecosystem Modelling
Phone (direct) +49-551-39 10121
Phone (office) +49-551-39 33464 

[ECOLOG-L] Position - Ecological Programmer, Germany

2014-12-15 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
The Ecosystem Modelling group at the 
Georg-August-University Goettingen is offering a 
Postdoctoral position in the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 990).
Ecological and socioeconomic functions of 
tropical lowland rainforest transformation 
systems (Sumatra, Indonesia) in the project 
Landscape-level assessment of ecological and 
socio-economic functions of rainforest 
transformation systems. The position will be 
limited until 31.12.2015 with possibility of 
extension and should be filled as soon as 
possible. Salary: Pay grade 100 % TVL 13 of 
German state-regulated public service salary 
scale corresponding to 39.8 working hours per week.
Your tasks: The project focuses on the ecological 
and socio-economic effects of land-use 
transformation in lowland Sumatra, Indonesia. The 
guiding question of the project is: what kind of 
landscape mosaic do we need so as to balance 
biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and economic 
benefits? The main goal of the project is to 
deve-lop and use models integrating ecological 
and socio-economic components to simulate the 
spatiotemporal dy-namics of land uses and 
individual households. More precisely, the models 
should consider lowland forest, rubber, and oil 
palm plantations. Within this project the 
postdoctoral researcher will be in charge of 
model analysis, further developing the ecological 
part of the model, and integrating ecological and 
economic model components. The economic 
components of the model, the landscape generation 
and a simplified ecological module exist and are 
ready to be refined and analyzed. The project 
plays a central role in integrating the 
in-terdisciplinary research of the CRC 990.
Your profile: PhD degree and experience in 
ecological modelling, that is to say in the 
development, programming, and analysis of 
simulation models. Good command of statistics and 
mathematics. Experience in research into 
socio-economics, tropical ecology, or 
biodiversity and ecosystem functio-ning are a 
plus. Willingness to take on a leading role in 
the collaboration among the interdisciplinary 
researchers of the CRC. Proven experience with 
sound and time-efficient writing of modeling papers. Proficiency in English.
The project will be based in Goettingen, Germany, 
but short stays in Indonesia are expected.
The University of Goettingen is an equal 
opportunities employer and places particular 
emphasis on fostering career opportunities for 
women. Qualified women are therefore strongly 
encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented 
in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.
Please send your application electronically as a 
single pdf containing the usual documents by 
January 5, 2015 to kwiegan1(at)uni-goettingen.de 
(Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand, Ecosystem Modelling 
Group, GeorgAugust-University Goettingen, Buesgenweg 4, 37077 Göttingen).
If you have any questions, please contact Kerstin 
Wiegand (email: kwiegan1(at)uni-goettingen.de) or 
Katrin Meyer (email: 
kmeyer5(at)uni-goettingen.de). We request that 
you send your application documents as single pdf 
file. We will dispose the documents after a 
holding period of five months. Information about 
the Ecosys-tem Modelling group can be found at 
http://www.uni-goettingen.de/EcoMod.html For 
Information about the Collaborative Research 
Centre (CRC 990) see: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/310995.html

Kerstin Wiegand
Professor of Ecosystem Modelling
Phone (direct) +49-551-39 10121
Phone (office) +49-551-39 33464  

[ECOLOG-L] Position - Ecological Programmer, Germany

2014-07-29 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
The Department of Ecosystem Modelling at the 
Büsgen Institute of the Georg-August-Universität 
Goettingen, Germany is looking to fill the position of a Research Assistant.
This position (50%) should be filled as soon as 
possible. The regular working hours will be 
(currently 19.9 hours per week) with a limited 
contract of 2 years with the possibility of 
extension. Salary: Pay grade 13 TV-L.
In the Department of Ecosystem Modelling, we 
develop, implement and analyze simulation models 
and methods of spatial statistics. We focus on 
basic ecological research, but we also address 
questions at the interface of ecology and 
socio-economy. We integrate our models into our 
university teaching concepts. To support the 
members of our group, we are now searching for a 
Research Associate to focus on methods of simulation modelling.
The ideal candidate holds a Master degree in 
computer sciences, biomathematics, engineering or 
similar areas. Further, he/she has excellent 
programming skills in C++ and very good knowledge 
of the statistics software R. Knowledge of Java 
and NetLogo is also beneficial, as well as of 
other object-oriented programming languages or 
agent-based modelling systems. A strong interest 
in ecological and ecological-socio-economic 
questions is desirable. We are an international 
group, so very good English speaking and writing 
skills are required. We expect experience with 
working in interdisciplinary and diverse teams, 
very good communication skills, the ability to 
pick up new skills quickly and the ability to meet deadlines.
The University of Göttingen is an equal 
opportunities employer and places particular 
emphasis on fostering career opportunities for 
women. Qualified women are therefore strongly 
encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented 
in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favoured.
Please send your application with the usual 
documents (preferrably in electronic form) by 
August 30, 2014 to Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand, 
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of 
Ecosystem Modelling, Büsgenweg 4, 37077 
Göttingen, e-mail: kwiegan1(at)uni-goettingen.de.
If you have any questions, please contact Kerstin 
Wiegand (e-mail: kwiegan1(at)uni-goettingen.de).
We request that you send us copies of your 
application documents. We will destroy the 
documents after a holding period of five months. 
Application documents will only be returned to 
you if you provide a self-addressed adequately stamped envelope.

Kerstin Wiegand
Professor of Ecosystem Modelling
Phone (direct) +49-551-39 10121
Phone (office) +49-551-39 33464  

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position in ecological-economic modelling, Germany

2013-01-21 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
The Ecosystem Modelling group at the 
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany is 
offering a Postdoctoral position within the 
Biodiversity Exploratories (www.biodiversity-exploratories.de) on:


The position will be limited to 19 months and 
should be filled as soon as possible. Salary: Pay 
grade 100 % TVL 13 of German state-regulated public service salary scale.

European grasslands are threatened by global 
change through both climate change and 
intensification of farming practices. Even though 
our understanding of the problems at stake 
strongly increased in the past few years, we 
still lack predicting tools to evaluate the 
possible evolutions of grassland biodiversity. 
Motivated by a recent call to rebuild community 
ecology from functional traits, we look for a 
postdoctoral researcher to develop a new approach 
to link the response trait diversity of plant 
communities to the long-term persistence of 
species diversity and ecosystem productivity in 
fragmented landscapes. More precisely the postdoc 
will develop mechanistic spatial models combining 
information on life-history, dispersal and 
geographic range of species with information 
about the distribution of suitable grassland 
habitats. These models should also include 
interactions with grassland management by farmers 
as well as climate change. From the 
methodological point of view, the postdoc can 
build on previous research using an 
equation-based metacommunity simulation model and 
benefit from the strong expertise of the lab on 
multi-scale ecosystem modelling. Further possible 
techniques to be used in the project include 
species distribution models and Bayesian belief 
networks. From the applied point of view, the 
model will be based on data on German grassland 
metacommunities. A comparative case study in France could also be planned.

- PhD degree in biology, environmental sciences or a related discipline
- excellent knowledge of statistical modelling 
and interest in ecological modelling
- experience in research into plant sciences, or 
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning are a plus

- proficient in English

The University of Göttingen is an equal 
opportunities employer and places particular 
emphasis on fostering career opportunities for 
women. Qualified women are therefore strongly 
encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented 
in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favoured.

Please send your application electronically as a 
single pdf containing the usual documents to 
kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de (Prof. Dr. Kerstin 
Wiegand, Ecosystem Modelling Group, 
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Büsgenweg 4, 
37077 Göttingen, Germany). Review of applications 
will start on February 22nd, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.

If you have any questions, please contact Kerstin 
Wiegand (email: kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de) or 
Rodolphe Sabatier (email: rodolphe.sabatier*agroparistech.fr).

We request that you send your application 
documents as single pdf file. We will dispose the 
documents after a holding period of five months.

Information about the Ecosystem Modelling group can be found at
For Information about the Biodiversity Exploratories see:

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position in ecological-economic modelling, Germany

2012-03-12 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
The Ecosystem Modelling group at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is
offering a Postdoctoral position in the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC
990) Ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland rainforest
transformation systems (Sumatra, Indonesia).


The position will be limited to 2 years with possibility of extension and
should be filled as soon as possible. Salary: Pay grade 100 % TVL 13 of
German state-regulated public service salary scale.

The project will focus on the ecological and socio-economic effects of
land-use transformation in lowland Sumatra, Indonesia.
The guiding question of the project is: what kind of landscape mosaic do we
need so as to balance biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and economic
The main goal of the project is to develop and use models integrating
ecological and socio-economic components to simulate the spatiotemporal
dynamics of land uses and individual households. More precisely, the models
should consider lowland forest, jungle rubber (resembling secondary forest),
rubber plantations, and oil palm plantations. Within this project the
postdoctoral researcher will be in charge of developing the ecological part
of the project and of the integration of ecological and economic model
components. These latter economic components are currently being developed
by a PhD student. 
The project plays a central role in integrating the interdisciplinary
research of the CRC 990.

- PhD degree and experience in ecological modelling, that is to say in the
development, programming, and analysis of simulation models
- good command of statistics and mathematics 
- experience in research into socio-economics, tropical ecology, or
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning are a plus
- willingness to take on a leading role in the collaboration among the
interdisciplinary researchers of the CRC
- proficient in English

The project will be based in Göttingen, Germany, but short stays in
Indonesia are expected.

The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places
particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified
women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as they are
underrepresented in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude
will be favoured.

Please send your application electronically as a single pdf containing the
usual documents by April 9, 2012 to kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de (Prof. Dr.
Kerstin Wiegand, Ecosystem Modelling Group, Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen, Büsgenweg 4, 37077 Göttingen). 

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kerstin Wiegand (email:
kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de) or Katrin Meyer (email: kmeyer5*uni-goettingen.de).

We request that you send your application documents as single pdf file. We
will dispose the documents after a holding period of five months.

Information about the Ecosystem Modelling group can be found at 
For Information about the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 990) see: 

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc and PhD, ecological and economic modelling

2010-09-04 Thread Kerstin Wiegand
As soon as possible.

The project will investigate the ecological and socio-economic trade-offs at
the rainforest margin under land-use change. Previous insights (e.g.,
Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2007) will be extended using dynamic modelling
techniques. Based on a large and long-term data set, ecological and
socio-economic model components will be developed from scratch that simulate
the spatiotemporal dynamics of land use (rainforest, agriculture) and
individual households. Combined model analyses will investigate trade-offs
in biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and household income.
One position will focus on the development and analysis of ecological models
(grid-based and agent based models) while the other will focus on economic
modelling (microeconometric models, calibrated agricultural household
models). Either position can be filled by a postdoc or a PhD, depending on
experience and integrative abilities. The postdoc will be responsible for
the integration of ecological and economic model components. 

Successful applicants hold a master degree in Ecological Sciences, Plant
Sciences, Economic Sciences, Applied Mathematics or a related field, with
sound experience in simulation modelling and with the work in
interdisciplinary teams. The project will be based in Göttingen, Germany,
but will involve travelling to Indonesia. 

The positions will be awarded for at least 18 months, with a possible
extension of up to three years. The salary is in accordance with the German
state regulated public service salary scale (PhD: 65 % E 13 TV-L, Postdoc:
100% E 13 TV-L). The University of Göttingen actively seeks to foster career
opportunities for female scholars and therefore strongly encourages
qualified women to apply. Candidates with disabilities who are equally
qualified for the position will receive special consideration. 
Applicants should send an application letter, their CV, and the names (with
email address) of two referees before September 19, 2010 in a single
pdf-file to kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de. The CV should contain a list of
publications and information on the level of experience in the following areas:
-- ecological modelling / developing, programming, and analyzing
simulation models
-- advanced statistics and mathematics
-- tropical ecology
-- biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
-- poverty and distributional analyses, microeconometrics
-- modelling agricultural households

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand (general information): kwiegan1*uni-goettingen.de
Dr. Katrin Meyer (ecological modelling): kmeyer5*uni-goettingen.de
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (economic modelling): lay*giga-hamburg.de

see also http://www.uni-goettingen.de/EcoMod.html

Steffan-Dewenter et al. (2007) Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and
ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry
intensification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 104(12): 4973-4978.