[ECOLOG-L] Don't miss this summer's Rendezvous: join a workshop, explore themes, showcase your work!

2018-05-16 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Friends,

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous still has spots in many of the high-quality
morning workshops. AND, it is not too late to share your teaching or
research highlights by submitting a poster or share-a-thon presentation, as
the deadline has been extended to Sunday, June 3.

Check out the program highlights, including 2​6 workshops, 1​4 round table
discussions, 2 plenaries, 2 poster sessions, one concluding town hall and
more than ​75 contributed presentations/teaching
demonstrations​/share-a-thon presentations​. Morning workshops are filling,
so now is the time to register!

The Rendezvous' combination of single and multi-day workshops, posters,
talks, teaching demonstrations, round table discussions, and plenary
presentations is designed to help guide participants through a suite of
interrelated challenges that are characteristic of earth education in
schools, colleges, and universities today. Programming is set up to be
flexible to different schedules – join us for 2 days, 3 days, or all week!

The Rendezvous benefits from bringing together multiple perspective
including from all backgrounds and institutional types, including graduate
students, post-docs, adjunct faculty, early career faculty, tenured
faculty, K-12 educators, and all who are interested in teaching and
learning about the Earth. Check out the full program of events and we hope
to see you in Lawrence this summer!

Krista Herbstrith,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers—Assistant Director
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)—Program Manager
Carleton College- Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-4545- kherb...@carleton.edu
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*
*Join or renew <https://nagt.org/nagt/membership/index.html> your NAGT
membership today*

*Register today for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
<https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/index.html>, July 16-20,

[ECOLOG-L] Earth Educators' Rendezvous Early Bird Deadline is Less than a Week Away-- May 1, 2018

2018-04-26 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Greetings colleagues -

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous early bird
​ deadline​
 is less than one week away​
! The Rendezvous program includes
*2​6 workshops, 1​4 round table discussions, 2 plenaries, 2 poster
sessions, one concluding town hall and more than ​75 contributed
presentations/teaching demonstrations​/share-a-thons​*.

Please pass along to your departments and colleagues...this is an event not
to be missed!

If the contributed program inspires you, it is not too late to submit an
abstract for a poster that can show how your work contributes to the
discussion.  *Deadline is May 15*.

Interested in attending the Earth Educators' Rendezvous but funding is
tight? This year's Rendezvous features opportunities for community members
to earn travel assistance by reviewing online materials for NAGT and
InTeGrate.  *Deadline to apply is May 1.*

*The Early Registration deadline is May 1.* This is the moment to sign up.
We hope to see you in

Krista Herbstrith,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers—Assistant Director
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)—Program Manager
Carleton College- Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-4545- kherb...@carleton.edu
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*
*Join or renew <https://nagt.org/nagt/membership/index.html> your NAGT
membership today*

*Register today for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
<https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/index.html>, July 16-20,

[ECOLOG-L] 2018 Earth Educators' Rendezvous abstract and working group application deadlines are this Thursday (3/1)!

2018-02-27 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Greetings colleagues-

Just a reminder that the deadline to submit to the contributed program
​ and to apply as a concurrent working group​
 for this summer's Earth Educators' Rendezvous is this
* ​Thursday, March 1.*

*Oral and Poster Submissions via abstract:*

The 2018 EER Program Committee is accepting abstracts under two broad
headings: Research and Teaching.


   *Research presentations* will include the analysis of data that supports
   research on a variety of geoscience education areas that may include
   teaching and learning in the classroom, teaching and learning process,
   assessment of programs or other research areas in teaching and learning in
   geosciences. Research presentations may be oral or poster format.

   *Teaching presentations* may also have some data to support them, but
   presentations will focus more on innovations in teaching, implementation
   and/or anecdotal data collection. Teaching presentations may be oral or
   poster format.

Submit your Abstract:  <http://goog_488500185/>https://serc.

*Proposals for Teaching Demonstrations​ and Share-a-Thon Proposals​:*

Presentations in this category will engage the audience as participants in
a classroom activity. K-16 teaching programs and activities are all
encouraged equally. Teaching demonstrations are 20 minutes in length and
are in a classroom-style presentation, differing from the less formal,
1-2-minute presentation followed by small-group discussion in the
round-robin style of the Share-a-thon sessions.

   - *Active Teaching Demonstrations*: We are soliciting proposals for
   demonstrations of successful activities that could result in "take-homes"
   for attendees to use in their own teaching. Demonstrations should be
   active, e.g. something that audience members participate in, or a video or
   slide show of students performing the activity. We welcome proposals for
   activities that are already a part of the *On the Cutting Edge*
collection as
   well as new submissions. View Guidelines.

Propose a Teaching Demonstration: https://serc.carleton.edu/

*Apply to be a Concurrent Working Group*

*The Earth Educators' Rendezvous planning committees encourage concurrent
working sessions. Conduct your group meeting at the Rendezvous and benefit
from the added value of networking with other Earth educators, attending
topical and pedagogical workshops, and disseminating findings in oral and
poster sessions. Each participant in your meeting will receive a $20 per
paid day registration discount. *

* <https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/working_group.html>*
*Submit a Working Group Application: *https://serc.carleton.edu/
For more information on the Rendezvous, visit https://serc.carleton.ed

Hope to see you this summer at the Rendezvous!

Krista Herbstrith,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers—Assistant Director
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)—Program Manager
Carleton College- Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-4545- kherb...@carleton.edu
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*
*Join or renew <https://nagt.org/nagt/membership/index.html> your NAGT
membership today*

*Register today for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
<https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/index.html>, July 16-20,

[ECOLOG-L] Abstract deadline is in 9 days! Join hundreds of colleagues this summer at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous - July 16-20 in Lawrence, KS!

2018-02-20 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Colleagues:

If you have ever thought it would be beneficial to spend time thinking and
talking about teaching and learning with like-minded colleagues, we have
the summer meeting for you. We would like to invite you to attend the
 fourth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous to be held at the University of
Kansas, Lawrence, from July 16-20, 2018. The Rendezvous was created as a
week-long event to bring together hundreds of researchers and practitioners
working in all aspects of undergraduate and K-12 Earth education. Each day
at the Rendezvous will feature some combination of workshops, contributed
talks and posters, round table discussions, plenary sessions, and working
groups discussing a rich mix of topics. These sessions will address a range
of themes, including:

   - Providing instructors with examples of instructional strategies that
   have been shown to improve student learning;
   - Addressing teaching challenges specific to particular settings (e.g.,
   large classes, labs), topics (e.g., sustainability, atmospheric science),
   or skills (e.g., spatial reasoning);
   - Developing students' competency in a range of geoscientific tasks that
   involve higher order skills such as systems thinking, data analysis and
   quantitative skills;
   - Supporting instructors and administrators in creating lessons and
   programming to increase the number and diversity of students who learn
   about Earth;
   - Helping graduate students and post-docs prepare for an academic career
   in Earth-related disciplines;
   - Collaborating with colleagues across the disciplines to situate
   learning about Earth in a societal context;
   - Supporting current and future K-12 teachers in STEM exploration;
   - Pursuing education research that supports our ability to address these

We welcome participation by all who are interested in teaching and learning
about the Earth, including faculty and administrators from two-year and
four-year colleges and universities, teachers of high school Earth science,
faculty in all disciplines who teach about some aspect of the Earth or
would like to incorporate such teaching in future classes, graduate
students and post-docs interested in these topics, and program leaders in
geoscience, environmental science, environmental studies, sustainability,
or other programs with an Earth component. All participants are invited to
submit an abstract to be considered for inclusion in the contributed
program of short presentations and posters. A limited number of need-based
stipends will be available to help defray travel and registration costs.

Follow these links to learn more about Rendezvous registration (
http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/registration.html), the
program of events (http://serc.carleton.edu/eart
h_rendezvous/2018/program/index.html), and how to submit an abstract to the
contributed program (due March 1) (http://serc.car

Registration is now open and fees are reduced for all NAGT members. On any
day, participants can attend a morning workshop and either afternoon
mini-workshops or round table discussions, or can choose between multiple
sessions featuring teaching demonstrations and/or contributed talks.

Lastly, we would like to encourage the use of the Rendezvous as a venue for
working group meetings that capitalize on the opportunity to learn from
colleagues at the Rendezvous. Working group members will receive a daily
discount for group members and access to a meeting room.  Working group
applications are due before March 1. For more details visit:

We hope you will find the program to be engaging and flexible.

We hope to see you in Lawrence this summer!
Important Dates

   - Working Group Application
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/working_group.html> By March
   - Abstract
   /Teaching Demo
By March 1
   - Travel Stipend Application
By April 8
   - Registration
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/registration.html> Early
   Bird: May 1

Krista Herbstrith,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers—Assistant Director
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)—Program Manager
Carleton College- Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-4545- kherb...@carleton.edu
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*
*Join or renew <https://nagt.org/nagt/membership/index.html> your NAGT
membership today*

*Register today for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
<https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/index.html>, July 16-20,

[ECOLOG-L] Join with more than 300 Earth educators this summer at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Lawrence, KS!

2018-01-26 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Greetings colleagues-

We are excited to announce that the Earth Educators' Rendezvous meeting
registration is now open (http://serc.carleton.edu/eart
h_rendezvous/2018/registration.html) and encourage you to check out this
year’s technical program (http://serc.carleton.edu/eart

Morning workshops require registration and will be filled on a first-come
first-served basis.   Workshops are interactive with participants learning
from one another and from experts in formats that build on research-based
pedagogies. These sessions feature time to work on your own introductory or
upper-division course, to plan new ways to strengthen your program, or to
move forward your education research agenda.

All participants registered for a particular day can attend either
afternoon mini-workshops or round table discussions, or can choose between
multiple sessions featuring teaching demonstrations and/or contributed
talks and posters. We envision that specific topics (e.g. broadening
participation), specific pedagogical techniques (e.g. metacognition), and
research results will be presented and discussed in these contributed

Many of us have interests in multiple areas of Earth Science education in
addition to our discipline-specific interests, and the Rendezvous is
designed to allow exploration of these areas in ways not possible during
conventional conferences and meetings. The Contributed Program is a
critical component to this end, and offers both a venue to present work and
an opportunity to see what is going on in the Earth Science education
community. The Rendezvous provides a unique opportunity to present and
discuss your work with an audience of Earth Educators. For more details and
to submit an abstract for a talk or poster or to propose a teaching demo,
visit: (http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/program/cont
ributed_program.html). The deadline for submitting an abstract or activity is
March 1.

Lastly, we would like to encourage the use of the Rendezvous as a venue for
working meetings that allow groups to move forward their collaborative
project while capitalizing on the opportunity to learn from colleagues at
the Rendezvous.  If you are interested in running a concurrent working
meeting at the Rendezvous, you can apply to receive a $20 per day discount
for the members of your group.  We must receive your application
before March 1 to be considered for the working group discount.  For more
details and to apply visit:  http://serc.carleton.e

We hope you will find the program to be engaging and flexible.

We hope to see you in Lawrence this summer!
Important Dates

   - Working Group Application
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/working_group.html> By March
   1, 2018
   - Abstract
   ​/Teaching Demo​
By March 1, 2018
   - Travel Stipend Application
By April 8, 2018
   - Registration
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/registration.html> Early
   Bird: May 1, 2018


Krista Herbstrith,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers—Assistant Director
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)—Program Manager
Carleton College- Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-4545- kherb...@carleton.edu
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*
*Join or renew <https://nagt.org/nagt/membership/index.html> your NAGT
membership today*

*Register today for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
<https://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2018/index.html>, July 16-20,

[ECOLOG-L] Application deadline has been extended to this Friday, (9/15) for the Developing Competency in Teaching Computation using MATLAB workshop--October 15-17, 2017

2017-09-13 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to the *Developing Competency in Teaching Computation
using MATLAB* workshop. To address the need to strengthen computational
skills, this workshop will bring together faculty from the sciences who
teach computation and are interested in strengthening their skills and
developing MATLAB-based teaching resources. Working interactively with
faculty peers and MathWorks representatives, participants will develop
teaching activities and contribute to a collection of sharable teaching
activities. By including educators from multiple disciplines – including
Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Math, and allied fields – the
workshop will encourage sharing of ideas and best practices and integration
of themes and tools across areas.

Workshop: Developing Competency in Teaching Computation
using MATLAB
Location: Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Date:   October 15-17, 2017 (5 PM Sunday to 2
PM Tuesday)
*Application Deadline:September 15, 2017 *and there is no registration
fee to attend.

Learn more from the workshop website:

*Workshop Description:*

At this workshop educators from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences,
Math, and allied fields will share their experiences teaching computation
in undergraduate science courses. Participants will work with peers and
MathWorks representatives to develop new, or revise existing, activities
and course materials that incorporate MATLAB for computation. They will
also synthesize best practices for combining computation and quantitative
thinking in science courses and for assessing students' understanding of
applied computation.

Workshop activities will feature demonstrations of activities, hands-on
MATLAB sessions, and opportunities to work in small groups on
activity/course design. This effort will draw on the work already done on
required competencies across the science fields. Instructional materials
and other information will be organized and compiled as collections of
digital resources to support teaching computation in the sciences using
MATLAB. Activities produced at the workshop will be made publicly available
to anyone teaching in the sciences. This workshop aims to host ~100 science
faculty and educators, thereby providing access to a wide range of
experienced and skilled practitioners in a single, focused space. In
addition, MathWorks representatives will be on hand to support the workshop
and share expertise and resources for teaching with MATLAB, providing
insights into topics such as data access, high performance computing, and
education aids for teaching and assessing computation skills in the lab,
live, and even online and in flipped-classroom settings.

This workshop target is ~100 science faculty and educators (by application).

*The application deadline is September 15, 2017* and there is no
registration fee to attend.

To apply, go to: http://serc.carleton.edu/teaching_computation/workshop_2

We hope to see you there!

Thank you,

Lisa Kempler, MathWorks
Cathryn A. Manduca, Science Education Resource Center
Gregory Hancock, College of William and Mary, Geology
Princess Imoukhuede, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Michele McColgan, Siena College, Physics & Astronomy
Kelly Roos, Bradley University, Department of Engineering Physics, PICUP

Krista Herbstrith, Program Manager
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] Registration deadline is 8/29 for Assessing the Impact of InTeGrate Materials in Introductory Environmental Science and Botany Courses webinar: Thursday, August 31

2017-08-28 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Join us for our first webinar of the fall InTeGrate series:

Assessing the Impact of InTeGrate Materials in Introductory Environmental
Science and Botany Courses

*Thursday, August 31, 2017*

*9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET*

Presenter: Tara Jo Holmberg (Northwestern Connecticut Community College)

Registration Deadline
: *August 29, 2017*

Using InTeGrate modules in an Introduction to Environmental Science course
since the spring of 2016, gains in student achievement in objectives
related to soils, agriculture, mining, climate change, among others have
been measurable. The QUBES InTeGrate Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN)
<http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/qubes.html> in
Spring 2016 was invaluable for guidance with modifying and launching the
initial modules used in the course: 'A Growing Concern' and 'Soils,
Systems, and Society.' Additional modules were added in the fall of 2016 to
strengthen the course and previous modules were improved. Recent
experiences as a co-mentor for QUBES InTeGrateFMN in spring 2017, has led
to new depths of reflection, additional modules utilized, and new courses
employed. Student feedback and results of assessments will be shared as
part of the session.

At the end of this webinar, participants will have:

   - examples and strategies for adapting InTeGrate modules that introduce
   Biology content
   - greater familiarity with InTeGrate principles and materials
   - new colleagues engaged in this work

​(all webinars are recorded, if you can't make the time for the live event,
check back on the webinar information page for the screencast/recording)

Krista Herbstrith, Program Manager
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] Introducing the Fall 2017 InTeGrate Webinar Series-- Assessing the Impact of InTeGrate Materials in Introductory Environmental Science and Botany Courses: Thursday, August 31

2017-08-15 Thread Krista Herbstrith
InTeGrate is pleased to announce the Fall 2017 InTeGrate professional
development webinar series.

Free and open to the public, this series will incorporate InTeGrate
pedagogies into teaching practices, provide resources available for
adoption, and create a forum for participants to learn and share teaching

Join us for our first webinar of the series:

Assessing the Impact of InTeGrate Materials in Introductory Environmental
Science and Botany Courses

*Thursday, August 31, 2017*

*9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET*

Presenter: Tara Jo Holmberg (Northwestern Connecticut Community College)

Registration Deadline
August 29, 2017

Using InTeGrate modules in an Introduction to Environmental Science course
since the spring of 2016, gains in student achievement in objectives
related to soils, agriculture, mining, climate change, among others have
been measurable. The QUBES InTeGrate Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN)
<http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/qubes.html> in
Spring 2016 was invaluable for guidance with modifying and launching the
initial modules used in the course: 'A Growing Concern' and 'Soils,
Systems, and Society.' Additional modules were added in the fall of 2016 to
strengthen the course and previous modules were improved. Recent
experiences as a co-mentor for QUBES InTeGrate FMN in spring 2017, has led
to new depths of reflection, additional modules utilized, and new courses
employed. Student feedback and results of assessments will be shared as
part of the session.

At the end of this webinar, participants will have:

   - examples and strategies for adapting InTeGrate modules that introduce
   Biology content
   - greater familiarity with InTeGrate principles and materials
   - new colleagues engaged in this work

​(all webinars are recorded, if you can't make the time for the live event,
check back on the webinar information page for the screencast/recording)

Krista Herbstrith, Program Manager
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] Invitation to the Developing Competency in Teaching Computation using MATLAB workshop--October 15-17, 2017

2017-08-14 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to the *Developing Competency in Teaching Computation
using MATLAB* workshop. To address the need to strengthen computational
skills, this workshop will bring together faculty from the sciences who
teach computation and are interested in strengthening their skills and
developing MATLAB-based teaching resources. Working interactively with
faculty peers and MathWorks representatives, participants will develop
teaching activities and contribute to a collection of sharable teaching
activities. By including educators from multiple disciplines – including
Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Math, and allied fields – the
workshop will encourage sharing of ideas and best practices and integration
of themes and tools across areas.

Workshop: Developing Competency in Teaching Computation
using MATLAB
Location: Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Date:   October 15-17, 2017 (5 PM Sunday to 2
PM Tuesday)
Application Deadline: September 8, 2017

Learn more from the workshop website:

*Workshop Description:*

At this workshop educators from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences,
Math, and allied fields will share their experiences teaching computation
in undergraduate science courses. Participants will work with peers and
MathWorks representatives to develop new, or revise existing, activities
and course materials that incorporate MATLAB for computation. They will
also synthesize best practices for combining computation and quantitative
thinking in science courses and for assessing students' understanding of
applied computation.

Workshop activities will feature demonstrations of activities, hands-on
MATLAB sessions, and opportunities to work in small groups on
activity/course design. This effort will draw on the work already done on
required competencies across the science fields. Instructional materials
and other information will be organized and compiled as collections of
digital resources to support teaching computation in the sciences using
MATLAB. Activities produced at the workshop will be made publicly available
to anyone teaching in the sciences. This workshop aims to host ~100 science
faculty and educators, thereby providing access to a wide range of
experienced and skilled practitioners in a single, focused space. In
addition, MathWorks representatives will be on hand to support the workshop
and share expertise and resources for teaching with MATLAB, providing
insights into topics such as data access, high performance computing, and
education aids for teaching and assessing computation skills in the lab,
live, and even online and in flipped-classroom settings.

This workshop target is ~100 science faculty and educators (by application).

*The application deadline is September 8, 2017 and there is no registration
fee to attend.*

To apply, go to: http://serc.carleton.edu/teaching_computation/workshop_2

We hope to see you there!

Thank you,

Lisa Kempler, MathWorks
Cathryn A. Manduca, Science Education Resource Center
Gregory Hancock, College of William and Mary, Geology
Princess Imoukhuede, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Michele McColgan, Siena College, Physics & Astronomy
Kelly Roos, Bradley University, Department of Engineering Physics, PICUP

Krista Herbstrith, Program Manager
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-5634 <(507)%20222-5634>
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

Krista Herbstrith, Program Manager
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] Registration deadline is tomorrow (3/7) for the next InTeGrate Webinar: Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Biology Courses & Online Courses - Wednesday, March 8

2017-03-06 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Interested in learning strategies for adapting InTeGrate modules that
introduce Biology content into your courses? Interested in learning
strategies to adapt InTeGrate modules for an online courses?

Join us for the next InTeGrate webinar: Adapting InTeGrate Modules for
Biology Courses and Online Courses
Wednesday, March 8.
9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET

Amber Burgett, part of Wittenberg University's InTeGrate Implementation
Program, will discuss adapting InTeGrate modules for a general education,
non-majors Biology course and for an upper-level freshwater Ecology course
to strengthen active learning opportunities in these courses. Sabrina
Walthall, part of Mercer University's Implementation Program, will discuss
adapting an InTeGrate module to an online, general education science course
for adult learners.

At the end of this webinar, participants will have:

examples and strategies for adapting InTeGrate modules that introduce
Biology content
strategies to adapt InTeGrate modules for an online course
greater familiarity with InTeGrate principles and materials
new colleagues engaged in this work

Registration deadline is March 7.

Krista Herbstrith, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

Save the date for the 2017 Earth Educators' Rendezvous,
<http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/index.html> July 17-21 in
Albuquerque, NM

[ECOLOG-L] Invitation to join hundreds of colleagues this summer at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous - July 17-21 in Albuquerque, NM

2017-02-01 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Colleagues:

If you have ever thought it would be beneficial to spend time thinking and
talking about teaching and learning with like-minded colleagues, we have
the summer meeting for you. We would like to invite you to attend the third
annual Earth Educators’ Rendezvous to be held at the University o​f New
Mexico​, Albuquerque, from July 17-21​, 2017. The Rendezvous was created as
a week-long event to bring together hundreds of researchers and
practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate and K-12 Earth
education. Each day at the Rendezvous will feature some combination of
workshops, contributed talks and posters, round table discussions, plenary
sessions, and working groups discussing a rich mix of topics. These
sessions will address a range of themes, including:

   - Providing instructors with examples of instructional strategies that
   have been shown to improve student learning;
   - Addressing teaching challenges specific to particular settings (e.g.,
   large classes, labs), topics (e.g., sustainability, atmospheric science),
   or skills (e.g., spatial reasoning);
   - Developing students' competency in a range of geoscientific tasks that
   involve higher order skills such as systems thinking, data analysis and
   quantitative skills;
   - Supporting instructors and administrators in creating lessons and
   programming to increase the number and diversity of students who learn
   about Earth;
   - Helping graduate students and post-docs prepare for an academic career
   in Earth-related disciplines;
   - Collaborating with colleagues across the disciplines to situate
   learning about Earth in a societal context;
   - Supporting current and future K-12 teachers in STEM exploration;
   - Pursuing education research that supports our ability to address these

We welcome participation by all who are interested in teaching and learning
about the Earth, including faculty and administrators from two-year and
four-year colleges and universities, teachers of high school Earth science,
faculty in all disciplines who teach about some aspect of the Earth or
would like to incorporate such teaching in future classes, graduate
students and post-docs interested in these topics, and program leaders in
geoscience, environmental science, environmental studies, sustainability,
or other programs with an Earth component. All participants are invited to
submit an abstract to be considered for inclusion in the contributed
program of short presentations and posters. A limited number of need-based
stipends will be available to help defray travel and registration costs.

Follow these links to learn more about Rendezvous registration (
<http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/registration.html>), the
program of events (http://serc.carleton.edu/eart
h_rendezvous/2017/program/index.html), and how to submit an abstract to the
contributed program (due March 3) (http://serc.carleton.edu/eart

Registration is now open and fees are reduced for all NAGT members. On any
day, participants can attend a morning workshop and either afternoon
mini-workshops or​​ round table discussions, or can choose between multiple
sessions featuring teaching demonstrations and/or contributed talks.

Lastly, we would like to encourage the use of the Rendezvous as a venue for
working group meetings that capitalize on the opportunity to learn from
colleagues at the Rendezvous. Working group members will receive a daily
discount for group members and access to a meeting room.  Working group
applications are due before March 3. For more details visit:

We hope to see you in Albuquerque!

Important Dates

   - Working Group Application
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/working_group.html> By March
   - Abstract Submission
By March 3
   - Travel Stipend Application
By April
   - Registration
   <http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/registration.html> Early
   Bird: May 3

Karen Viskupic

Department of Geosciences

Boise State University


Hannah Scherer

​Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education

​Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Krista Herbstrith, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
507-222-5634 <(507)%20222-5634>

*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] InTeGrate announces the Publication of a New Teaching Module: An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources

2016-12-07 Thread Krista Herbstrith
InTeGrate is pleased to announce the publication of the complete *An
Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources *module on the InTeGrate site
*:* http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/

Developed by *Ed Barbanell, University of Utah; Meghann Jarchow, University
of South Dakota; and John Ritter, Wittenberg University*, this 3-week
module will investigate the ecosystem services associated with local land
use and its relation to water. Students will be introduced to ecosystem
services as a way of integrating the components of the hydrologic cycle as
a system, synthesizing the interaction between the hydrosphere, geosphere,
and biosphere, and linking those processes to the needs and aspirations of
particular communities in particular places.

*An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources* seeks to equip students
to actively engage in the public dialogues from understanding and analyzing
a problem, to presenting reasonable solutions from particular stakeholders'

*An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources* is a great fit for
courses in ecology, environmental science, environmental studies, physical
geography, Earth science, and sustainability courses.

This module is part of a growing collection of classroom-tested modules and
courses developed by InTeGrate. The materials engage students in
understanding the Earth system as it intertwines with key societal issues.
Prior to publication, this module was successfully used in three different
courses at three different institutions. Full materials for faculty
support, adoption, and individual notes/stories from pre-publication
classroom practice are available to illustrate a full range of teaching

The collection is freely available and ready to be adapted by undergraduate
educators across a range of courses including: general education or majors
courses in Earth-focused disciplines such as geoscience or environmental
science, social science, engineering, and other sciences, as well as
courses for interdisciplinary programs.

Through the development of these modules InTeGrate (Interdisciplinary
Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future), strives to infuse Earth
literacy across disciplines, engage younger students in the geosciences,
and develop a new vision for how geoscience is positioned in higher
education.  For more information on InTeGrate, please see our website at

Krista Herbstrith, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

Save the date for the 2017 Earth Educators' Rendezvous,
<http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/index.html> July 17-21 in
Albuquerque, NM

[ECOLOG-L] Fwd: Application deadline: September 2 for applying to the Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Workshop--October 23-25, 2016

2016-08-25 Thread Krista Herbstrith
Dear Colleagues,

​*Application deadline is next Friday, September 2, 2016​.*

​Apply today for the Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB
workshop focused on building students' ability to solve problems with
computation using MATLAB in their STEM courses. Participants will share
their successes developing computational skills using MATLAB in the
undergraduate classroom and discuss best practices for the community. By
attending the workshop, you will be part of a community effort to bring
together best practices and teaching materials that will be made freely
available through the SERC website. MathWorks (makers of MATLAB) is
sponsoring the workshop.

Workshop:Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using
Location:   Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Date:  October 23-25, 2016 (5 PM Sunday to
2P M Tuesday)

Learn more from the workshop website:

*Workshop Description:*
This workshop will bring together faculty from the sciences, including
Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Biology, and allied fields, who teach
computation and quantitative thinking skills using MATLAB. Computation is
broadly defined as using computers in scientific work to understand and
solve problems, or formulating problems in ways that can be computed.
Learning how to process data and develop quantitative models are critically
important for students to perform calculations, analyze data, create
numerical models and visualizations, and more deeply understand complex
systems, ?all essential aspects of modern science. These skills require
students to have comfort and skill with languages and tools such as MATLAB.
To achieve comfort and skill, computation and quantitative thinking must
build over a 4-year degree program across courses and disciplines.
Participants will help build a collection of teaching activities that
showcase computation, quantitative thinking, and applied math using MATLAB
and design approaches to integrating these skills throughout science degree

This workshop target is 30 college educators (by application).
​ ​
There is no registration fee to attend.

To apply, go to:  http://serc.carleton.edu/matla

We hope to see you there!
If you have additional questions, direct them to Rory McFadden (

Thank you,

Lisa Kempler
MATLAB Community Strategist, MathWorks

Cathryn A. Manduca
Director, Science Education Resource Center
Executive Director, National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Kristin Jenkins
Executive Director, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium

Kelly Roos
Professor, Department of Engineering Physics, Bradley University
PICUP Leadership Council

Frederik J. Simons
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University

Wendy Thomas
Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington

Krista Herbstrith, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
*like us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/200Division/>*

[ECOLOG-L] Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 13-17, 2015 -----Registration now open!

2015-01-22 Thread Krista Herbstrith

Registration is now open for the inaugural Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 
July 13-17, 2015 at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The 2015 first annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous will bring together
researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate Earth
education. We welcome faculty from all disciplines who are interested in
improving their teaching about the Earth, administrators from geoscience
departments and interdisciplinary programs that want to become stronger, and
education researchers of all types. Join the Rendezvous for 2 or 3 days or
stay the whole week.  The morning workshop program has been finalized and is
open for registration on a first-come, first-serve basis (workshop size is
limited based on room capacity). The first draft of the afternoon
mini-workshops is available, and we welcome your feedback.

Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2015

Registration Deadline: April 13, 2015

For additional information and to register:

Earth Educators' Rendezvous


Part of the InTeGrate and On the Cutting Edge
Programs for Improved Undergraduate Education
On the Cutting Edge is managed by NAGT

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is supported by the National Association of
Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). Join today and receive a discount on your
registration. Your membership will help ensure that this event can continue
to serve geoscience educators.