[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc (5yr) in soil and fungal ecology (Berlin)

2018-11-06 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
The Rillig lab at Freie Universität Berlin is looking for a postdoc (5-year 
term, 100% E13 TVL FU) to join our international team. 

Deadline for applications: 26.11.2018; please send all documents as a single 
pdf attachment per email to matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de by this date to 
receive full consideration, using ‘Rillig_WiMi_2018’ in the subject line.

Requirements: Doctoral degree in ecology, microbiology, mycology, soil ecology, 
or other pertinent field.

Position Description:

Demonstrated ability to work in the field of soil and/or fungal ecology as 
proven by relevant publications. Furthermore, excellent knowledge of English, 
advanced knowledge of statistics (preferably with R) are advantageous, as well 
as basic knowledge of general community ecology, soil ecology or mycorrhiza; 
also basics of soil science. The holder of the position should strengthen at 
least one of the main topics of the Rillig lab (see rilliglab.wordpress.com), 
for example global change ecology, soil biodiversity, soil aggregation, 
microplastics or others. Theoretical modelling / data synthesis approaches and 
experiments can be used; candidates who can bridge between these approaches 
(modelling, empirical) are preferred.

Expectations in teaching (this position comes with 4 credits per semester 
teaching): Courses should be offered in the BSc Biology (Ecology Basic Module) 
as well as on the specific topic of the applicant. German language skills would 
be advantageous for the former, but this is not strictly required.

Read the job ad online: 

[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. student opening Berlin, nectar yeast ecology

2018-05-27 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
As part of the BioMove program, see https://www.biomove.org/, we are
offering a fully funded doctoral student position at Freie Universitaet
Berlin to work on nectar yeast ecology. It is ok if you never worked on
yeasts, but you should be interested in the community ecology of microbes.

For application modalities see https://www.biomove.org/phd-vacancies-2018/
To be taken directly to the project description for our project (P09),
please see https://www.biomove.org/phd-vacancies-2018/p09/.

For more information on the host lab, please visit rilliglab.wordpress.com
or contact me at matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de 

Please note that the deadline is June 1, 2018, for a start in October 2018.
It will be ok if you submit a few days later, but in this case please send
me a message.

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165   (Direct)
  -63599   (S. Doil)
Skype: mrillig
Twitter @mrillig

Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB)
Twitter @BBIB_Berlin

ERC Advanced Grant 'Gradual Change'
Twitter @ERC_GradChange

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc (3yr) soil fungal molecular ecology in agroecosystems in Berlin

2016-12-07 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Within the ERA-NET BiodivERsA 3 Project "Agro-ecosystem diversification:
digging deeper", we offer a three-year postdoc position (E13 TV-L FU 100%)
located in Berlin. Deadline for application: January 2, 2017.

The position is to carry out research on soil fungal ecology within the
framework of this joint project. Using different agroecological sampling
sites the diversity of fungi is to be assessed, inclusive of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi. Central to the project is the link between biodiversity
and multifunctionality in agroecosystems in Europe. High-throuput sequencing
(Illumina MiSeq or others) is to be used, together with more classical
methods. A central process-level variable is soil aggregation.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in ecology, soil biology, microbiology
or other relevant field. In addition we look for the following:

- Experience with high-throughput sequencing, ideally of fungal communities,
including pertinent bioinformatics
- excellent knowledge of English
- very good knowledge of statistics with R, especially pertaining to the
analysis of community data
- basic knowledge of soil ecology, fungal ecology and/ or agroecosystems
- willingness to do fieldwork, and a driver license

Please send all application materials (cv, list of publications, ideally
copies of diplomas/ degrees) in one pdf per email to
ril...@zedat.fu-berlin.de quoting "Rillig-biodiversa" in the email subject
line. All applications received by January 2, 2017 will receive full

Visit rilliglab.wordpress.com for information on the host lab in Berlin.

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ DCPS
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165   (Direct)
  -53149   (M. Eltohami)
Skype: mrillig
Twitter @mrillig

Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB)
Twitter @BBIB_Berlin

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc Experimental microbial community ecology (fungi; global change)

2016-10-10 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
For full consideration send in all materials by: 31.10.2106

This approx. 5-year position is offered within the ERC Advanced Grant
Project „Gradual and abrupt environmental change: concurrent physiological,
evolutionary and community composition shifts“. A short summary is available

Position description

Carrying out experimental work in an ERC-funded project at Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany. These experiments have an eco-evolutionary focus and are
mainly conceptualized as microcosm experiments with saprobic soil fungi. It
is planned to examine the effects of various global change factors in
experiments with varying degrees of complexity; the main factor to be
examined is increasing temperature. The main focus is on saprobic fungi and
their communities, as well as pertinent ecosystem processes. It is
additionally envisaged to carry out a garden or greenhouse experiment on
these questions. The incumbent is also invited to actively contribute to
concept development in questions surrounding the proposal topic.

We are looking for a person who brings the following to the table:

- Interested in working in a team
- Publications in experimental microbial community ecology, ideally with
fungi (but bacteria would also be fine)
- Experience with the logistics of complex microcosm experiments
- Excellent knowledge of statistics (with R)
- Experience with high-throughput Sequenzierung (e.g. Illumina MiSeq) and
pertinent bioinformatics

Applicants must have completed Ph.D. Please send your application materials
(cv, publication list, names of referees, cover letter) by 31.10.2016 as one
pdf to Matthias Rillig, ril...@zedat.fu-berlin.de using “ERC-experimental”
in the email subject line. Start date ideally is January 2017.

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ DCPS
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165   (Direct)
  -53149   (M. Eltohami)
Skype: mrillig
Twitter @mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] 3 postdocs & 1 doc student: global change biology and fungi

2016-08-09 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Within the ERC Advanced Grant project „Gradual and abrupt environmental
change: concurrent physiological, evolutionary and community composition
shifts“, we are looking for 3 postdocs (5-year appointments) and one
doctoral student (3 year). You can find more information about the project

Please send all application materials (complete cv, list of publications,
name of references) quoting the job reference (e.g. ERC-evolution) in the
subject line per email as one pdf to matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de by 22
August 2016.

1) Postdoc (5-years) ERC-evolution

As part of the project team we are looking for one postdoc with expertise in
the area of experimental micro-evolution in fungi. Using microcosm
experiments changes in the genome of saprobic fungi are to be documented (in
response to warming). This will be done using whole-genome sequencing.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in evolution, genomics, population genetics
of fungi or related areas.

Applicants should be excited about working in a team, and should bring
excellent knowledge of genetics, genomics and evolution, preferably in
fungi. Candidates should be familiar with relevant bioinformatics.

2) Postdoc (5 years) ERC-community

As part of the project team we are looking for one postdoc to lead
empirical/ experimental work. The candidate will carry out microcosm
experiments of various complexity on different factors of global and
environmental change, with a focus on global warming. A garden or field
experiment is also planned. Emphasis of analyses will be on communities of
saprobic soil fungi and the ecosystem processes they drive. A contribution
to theory and concept development is desirable.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in ecology, microbiology, mycology or a
related field.

Applicants should be excited about working in a team, and should bring
excellent knowledge of community ecology, preferably for fungi. Candidates
should be experienced in the logistics of experiments, should have excellent
statistical knowledge (using R), and should be familiar with high-throughput
sequencing and pertinent bioinformatics.

3) Postdoc (5 years)  ERC-concept

As part of the project team we are looking for one postdoc to lead work on
theory and concept delevelopment on the topic of the ERC grant. Ecological
or evolutionary modeling can be part of the portfolio of this position. The
candidate is also free to contribute to any empirical work on fungi
conducted in the project. The concept development is intended to broaden the
scope beyond a consideration of fungi.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in ecology, biodiversity, bioinformatics or
related area.

Applicants should be excited about working in a team, and should bring
excellent knowledge of data analysis and synthesis. Candidates should
ideally have experience in concept development in ecology or global change
biology, and should have ecological modeling skills (including statistical

4) Doctoral student (3 years) ERC-physiology

As part of the project team we are looking for one doctoral student who will
be responsible for carrying out microcosm experiments themed around
trait-based approaches using saprobic soil fungi. Candidates are also free
to contribute to other studies with the ERC grant.

Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in ecology,
biodiversity, microbiology, mycology or related area.

Applicants should be excited about working in a team, and should have a
background in statistics (using R), experience in the area of ecology/
biodiversity, in particular in the area of trait-based ecology, and ideally
should have knowledge of fungi. Candidates should have an interest in
concepts in global change biology.

In addition to these advertised positions: we always welcome inquiries about
the project and will be happy to work with doctoral candidates and postdocs
on scholarships and fellowships to also join the project.

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student opening fungal physiol & ecol (Berlin)

2016-07-25 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Doctoral student opening: priming in fungi

We are looking for a doctoral student to join our group
(http://rilliglab.wordpress.com/) to work on  a project that is part of the
Collaborative Research Center “Priming and Memory of Organismic Responses to
Stress” (www.sfb973.de/). Our project is entitled “Priming in Fungi: towards
understanding of priming at the level of the community”. The position is
funded for approx. 4 years (until 30.06.2020). 

For this position we are looking for a candidate who will carry out the
empirical work of this coupled empirical-modeling project. This experimental
work will be carried out with saprobic soil fungi with a focus on
temperature stress and priming. The compexity of experiments covers
single-isolate studies, studies using pairs of fungi, and experiments using
entire fungal communities.

Candidates need to have a completed MSc or equivalent in mycology,
microbiology, ecology or related field. Candidates ideally should:

- have excellent communication skills
- have experience with the planning and execution of experiments
- have excellent statistics skills (using R)
- be interested in interacting with modelers
- have background in microbiology and be familiar with sterile work

Send complete application materials (cv, letter of application, scans of
diploma) until 01.08.2016 mentioning Rillig-sfb973 preferably in one single
pdf per E-Mail to Prof. Dr. Matthias Rillig: ril...@zedat.fu-berlin.de or
alternatively by mail to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Biologie
AG Ökologie
Herrn Prof. Dr. Matthias Rillig
Altensteinstr. 6
D-14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

[ECOLOG-L] 3 postdoc positions in ecology/ biodiversity research

2016-02-01 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
These positions are advertised within the framework of the BMBF-funded
project “Bridging in Biodiversity Science” (BIBS), a joint project at the
Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB;
www.bbib.org), more details on which can be found online at

Three postdoc positions (end date 28.2.2019) are available in the Rillig lab
(rilliglab.wordpress.com). See complete details at: https://t.co/yWeykSmTCC

Please send all application materials as one pdf per email to Matthias
Rillig (matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de), indicating in the subject line the
position code (e.g., “Rillig-empirical”).

Position 1: RILLIG-empirical. Postdoc Aboveground-belowground trait
interactions; this is for empirical work on a greenhouse experiment.
Deadline forthcoming.

Positon 2: RILLIG-synthesis. The postdoc will be chiefly responsible for
carrying out a major synthesis/ conceptual task on “Synthesis of trait-based
approaches and plant-soil interactions in the context of rapid transitions”.
DEADLINE February 22, 2016.

Position 3: RILLIG-data. Postdoc for central data management and data-driven
synthesis. Deadline forthcoming.

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student position in Berlin (nectar yeast ecology)

2015-06-14 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Doctoral student position (3 yr) in Berlin

This position is part of the new graduate school/ research training group
BioMove (www.biomove.org), aimed at linking biodiversity and movement ecology.

This project deals with nectar yeast ecology. Background in community
ecology and statistics desirable. MSc degree is required. More information
about the project is available on the BioMove website.

Please send your application in electronic form by July 1st 2015 to the RTG
coordination office (biomove-...@uni-potsdam.de). Applicants should follow
the information and instructions given at

Inquiries about this position to matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de and see lab
webpages at rilliglab.wordpress.com

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position in Berlin (mycorrhizal ecology)

2015-06-14 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
A postdoc position is available for work on the project „IMPLAMINT:
Increasing agricultural nutrient-use efficiency by optimizing
plant–soil-microorganism interactions“.

Molecular ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural systems,
also experimental studies on AMF ecology. This is a cooperative team project
with several research institutions in Germany, funded by BMBF. This project
is intended to last 9 years; it is initially funded for 3 years (since there
was a late start the position announced is for slightly less than 3 years,
but with potential to reach the full 3 years through a no-cost extension).
Research includes work at long-term field sites in Germany.

Desired skills include experience with high-throughput sequencing,
bioinformatics and statistics, as well as community ecology. Ph.D. must be

Send complete materials as pdf to matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de by 29.6.2015
for full consideration. Visit the Rillig lab website at
rilliglab.wordpress.com for info on the lab.

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position (4 yr) in Berlin - fungal ecophysiology

2012-06-27 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
A postdoctoral position (funded for 4 years)

The lab of Matthias Rillig at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, is offering
a postdoctoral researcher position in the framework of a recently funded
collaborative research center on Priming and memory of organismal responses
to stress. 

Our project is on ecology and physiology of soil saprobic and arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi, and focusses on if and how these fungi can remember
previous temperature stresses when exposed to another stress episode later.
Previous experience in fungal biology and/or physiology, especially with
saprobic soil fungi, is highly desirable.

A project description is available here:

Link to the center: http://www.sfb973.de/

Link to the lab in Berlin: http://sites.google.com/site/mycorrhizas/

Please send applications (preferably as one pdf) or inquiries per email to
Matthias Rillig (matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de).

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165 (Direct)
  -53163 (D. Busche)
  -53886 (Fax)
Skype: mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student opening - soil ecology/ mycology

2011-12-14 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
The Plant and Mycorrhizal Ecology Lab at Freie Universität Berlin
(http://sites.google.com/site/mycorrhizas/) seeks a highly motivated
doctoral student who will be involved in a project in the German
Biodiversity-Exploratories (http://www.biodiversityexploratories.de/). The
title of the project is Impact of soil negative feedbacks on plant-species
diversity. The project will deal with root-colonizing fungi, in particular
pathogenic fungi.

The candidate must hold a M.Sc. or equivalent (e.g. Diploma) in biology,
ecology or mycology. Fluent written and spoken English and driver licence
are required. Strong background in community ecology and statistics are
desirable; candidate must be willing to work under field conditions.

Duration: 36 months
Salary: 65 % of a full position according to E 13 TV-L FU tariff (standard
doctoral student salary)
Applications including a CV and a copy/scan of relevant certificates (e.g.
Master's degree) must be sent by 23 January 2012 to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie - Ökologie der Pflanzen
Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Altensteinstraße 6
14195 Berlin, Germany

Electronic applications (as one pdf) are welcome to:

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ Dahlem Center of Plant Sciences
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165 (Direct)
  -53163 (D. Busche)
  -53886 (Fax)
Skype: mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] PhD fellowships for interdisciplinary research in River Science

2011-11-17 Thread Matthias C. Rillig

SMART: PhD fellowship for interdisciplinary research in River 

Call for application: 

Deadline for applications: January 9, 2012

SMART is a *3-years Joint PhD programme* offered within the framework of the
Erasmus Mundus action by the University of Trento (Italy), Queen Mary, 
University of London (UK) and Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), together
with 12 associate partners in 8 different countries and 4 continents,
encompassing research centres, private companies and 
governmental agencies.

Research is multidisciplinary-based at a principal institution with 
mandatory mobility to a second Consortium partner and one Associate 
partner. It focuses on the core areas of natural and engineering 
sciences relevant to the sustainable management of river systems from 
their headwaters to estuaries, including moprhodynamics, hydrology, 
biogeochemistry, geomorphology, biology and ecology.

Admission is on a selective basis; successful completion of the PhD 
programme will be awarded a joint or double Doctoral Degree in River 

Further details are available on http://www.riverscience.eu/

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ Dahlem Center of Plant Sciences
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165 (Direct)
  -53163 (D. Busche)
  -53886 (Fax)
Skype: mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student position (Arbuscular mycorrhizal ecology, Berlin)

2011-03-07 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
The Plant and Mycorrhizal Ecology Lab at the FU Berlin (Prof. Matthias C.
Rillig) seeks a highly motivated PhD student who will be involved in a
project in the German Biodiversity-Exploratories
(http://www.biodiversityexploratories.de/), addressing the effects of
land-use and biodiversity on root biomass and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)
communities in roots.

The successful candidate will indentify AM fungi by means of next generation
sequencing and subsequent phylogenetic analysis of the AM fungal
communities. Further statistical analyses will be used to test for
phylogenetic patterns in relation to land-use and specific traits of the
host plants.

The candidate must hold a M.Sc. or equivalent (e.g. Diploma) in biology,
ecology or bioinformatics. Fluent written and spoken English and driver
licence are required. Background in molecular ecology, phylogenetics,
community ecology and ecological statistics are desirable.

Duration: 36 months
Salary: 65 % of a full position according to E 13 TV-L FU tariff
Applications including a CV and a copy/scan of relevant certificates (e.g.
Master degree) must be sent not later than 4th April 2011 for full
consideration to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie - Ökologie der Pflanzen
Dr. Stefan Hempel
Altensteinstraße 6
14195 Berlin, Germany

Electronic applications are welcome. For additional information, please
email to: hempel.ste...@gmail.com or matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de

Lab website: 
or http://mycorrhiza.webnode.com

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student position in Berlin (soil ecology; community ecology; neutral and niche processes)

2011-01-28 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Doctoral student position opening

The Plant and Mycorrhizal Ecology Lab at the FU Berlin (Prof. Matthias C.
Rillig; http://mycorrhiza.webnode.com/en/) seeks a PhD student who will be
involved in a project funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft),
addressing the relative roles of neutral (demographic stochasticity with
limited dispersal) and niche processes (competition with environmental
heterogeneity) in structuring soil ecological communities. The study will
address the structure of soil communities from a natural grassland at
various spatial scales (from about one to thousands of meters). Aspects of
the project will be: physical and chemical characterization of soil and
assessment of microorganisms (molecular DNA based methods applied to the
roots and the soil), and microarthropod (assessed morphologically) communities.

The candidate must hold a M.Sc. or equivalent (e.g. Diploma) in
biology/ecology. Fluent written and spoken English and driver's licence are
required. Background in community ecology, ecological statistics and
molecular ecology and/or soil zoology are desirable.

Duration: 36 months
Salary: 65 % of a full position according to E 13 TV-L FU tariff

Applications must be sent not later than 28th February 2011 (for full
consideration) to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie - Ökologie der Pflanzen
Dr. Tancredi Caruso
Altensteinstraße 6
14195 Berlin, Germany

Electronic applications are also welcome; please send all files as a pdf.
For additional information, please email to: tancredi.car...@fu-berlin.de or

[ECOLOG-L] PhD student position in Berlin (Mycorrhizal Ecology, tropical mountain forest)

2010-04-07 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Doctoral student position

A doctoral student position (3 yr) is available at Freie Universität Berlin
in the lab of Matthias Rillig. This DFG (German Research Council) funded
project is part of the Research Unit 816 Ecuador (for info see
http://tropicalmountainforest.org/). The project aims to study the response
of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance and community composition to
fertilization in a tropical mountain forest in southern Ecuador. Work takes
place at several fully instrumented sites ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 m
elevation. Opportunities also exist to work in nearby pasture sites, and to
interface with several other projects that are part of the Research Unit.
Candidates should be prepared to spend some time for sampling in Ecuador,
but the majority of time will be in Berlin. Previous experience in soil
biology (incl. molecular ecology) is advantageous; a good ecology background
is required. 

Send application by email, preferably as one document (pdf), to Matthias
Rillig at matthias.ril...@fu-berlin.de by 26th of April 2010 for full
consideration. For info on the lab visit 

Inquiries are also welcome to the email quoted above.


Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Biologie/ Dahlem Center of Plant Sciences
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 Berlin, Germany

++49 (0)30 838-53165 (Direct)
  -53163 (D. Busche)
  -53886 (Fax)
Skype: mrillig

[ECOLOG-L] Two postdoctoral staff scientist positions in Berlin (molecular microbial ecologist, ecologist)

2009-09-04 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universität Berlin
Plant and mycorrhizal ecology lab (PAMELA)

To read the ads online: http://mycorrhizas.googlepages.com/newposition

We are searching for two scientists (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter; roughly
equivalent to 'research assistant prof' in the U.S.) to join our team at FU
Berlin. Please quote the respective reference number when applying. The
positions are open-topic, i.e. not linked to a specific grant, for 4 and 3.5
years, respectively.

Position 1 (Molecular Microbial Ecologist), Reference code 21223700/19/09

Postdoctoral staff scientist, 4 years.

Research: Molecular microbial ecology. Candidate should have excellent
quantitative/ statistical skills in the analysis of molecular microbial
community data. It is expected that the candidate will contribute to
research on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the lab. The incumbent should
have first-hand knowledge of soil molecular microbial ecology.

Excellent knowledge of English and quantitative/ statistics skills are
desired, and the willingness to work (and publish) as part of a team. The
applicant should also be interested in helping to write grants to external
funding agencies, and ideally already has experience in this regard.

Teaching: The incumbent is required to teach in the area represented by the
lab (ecology); the teaching load is 4 credits/ week during the semester.
Therefore there should be an interest in teaching, mainly for the BSc degree
in Biology, but also for the MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity.


Position 2 (Ecologist/ Evolutionary ecologist), Reference code 21223700/20/09

Postdoctoral staff scientist, 42 months (3.5 years)

Research: We seek an ecologist who uses soil fungi, including arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi or pathogenic fungi, to test general ecological and/ or
evolutionary principles and theories.

Excellent knowledge of English and quantitative/ statistics skills are
desired, and the willingness to work (and publish) as part of a team. The
applicant should also be interested in helping to write grants to external
funding agencies, and ideally already has experience in this regard.

Teaching: The incumbent is required to teach in the area represented by the
lab (ecology); the teaching load is 4 credits/ week during the semester.
Therefore there should be an interest in teaching, mainly for the BSc degree
in Biology, but also for the MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity.

In your application to the above positions you may want to include the
following in addition to your cv and publication list:

- state how you see yourself fit into the lab
- give details on your research interests and plans
- give the names and email addresses of three references 

Send applications by email as a single pdf (matthias dot rillig at
fu-berlin.de), or by mail to:

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universität Berlin
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 BERLIN, Germany 

Inquiries are also welcome.

[ECOLOG-L] Doctoral student position (3 yr) soil microbial ecology in Berlin, Germany

2009-04-13 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
Doctoral student position (3 yr) in soil microbial ecology at Freie
Universitaet Berlin

Ph.D. student (36 months) to work on a DFG-funded project that aims to
examine the role of bacteria in association with arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (AMF) in soil aggregation.

Deadline for application is 4th of May 2009. See lab webpages
(mycorrhizas.googlepages.com) for info on the lab and to read the German job

We are looking for someone with good soil microbial ecology experience (MSc
degree or equivalent is required), especially with soil bacteria. Knowledge
of molecular methods is a plus, as well as statistics skills and familiarity
with planning of greenhouse experiments.

Send applications by mail to

Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Rillig
Freie Universität Berlin
Plant Ecology
Altensteinstr. 6
D- 14195 BERLIN, Germany 

or email as a pdf (matthias dot rillig at fu-berlin.de). Inquiries are also

Postdoc positions (2) in mycorrhizal ecology in Berlin, Germany

2007-03-11 Thread Matthias C. Rillig
The following positions are open:

- POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (3 years, funding available for 5 years)
in mycorrhizal/ fungal ecology at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Teaching: 4
hrs/ week. Focus on soil molecular ecology. Application deadline: 4/2/07;
start date is flexible.

- POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (3 years, funding available for 5 years)
in mycorrhizal ecology at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Teaching: 4 hrs/ week.
Focus on ecology of arbuscular mycorrhiza. Application deadline: 4/2/07;
start date is flexible (but April preferred).

- Also: 1 Ph.D. student position (4 years, 2 hrs/ week teaching) in
mycorrhizal/ plant/ soil ecology (open topic). Application deadline 3/19/07.

For more details, and to view the full position descriptions/ application
instructions (in German) go to mycorrhizas.googlepages.com

Please contact Matthias Rillig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with inquiries about
these and other opportunities to join the new group in Berlin. Exceptional
candidates in other areas of soil and plant ecology will also be considered.

Matthias Rillig
Oekologie der Pflanzen, Institut fuer Biologie
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Altensteinstr. 6
D-14195 Berlin (GERMANY)