2010-04-13 Thread Rob Fiegener
Register by this Friday, April 16, and save $45 on your registration
for the National Native Seed Conference: Native Plant Materials
Development, Production  Use in Habitat Restoration

Conference speakers and titles of presentations are now available on
the conference website.  We have a great lineup - take a look for

Field trips are filling up, but there's still space to attend both the
Milford Flat Fire Rehab and the Common Gardens  Seed Facilities field
trips.  Reserve your space today!

Use this opportunity to share your work with a national audience
through a poster presentation.  The poster session promises to be a
great, informal venue to interact with professionals working on all
aspects of native seed development and use.  Don't miss this
opportunity to showcase your efforts and forge new connections with
conference attendees!

The National Native Seed Conference has been approved for 16
Continuing Education Units by the Society for Range Management.
Certified professionals may pick up signed attendance certification
forms at the meeting.

Spring skiing! Snowbird still has great snow and lifts will be open
weekends before and after the conference on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday.  Rooms are offered to conference attendees at conference rates
of $99 for these dates - so come early or stay late!

Rob Fiegener
Native Seed Network
Institute for Applied Ecology
541.753.3099 x201
Register Now:
National Native Seed Conference
Snowbird, Utah May 17-21, 2010
Information: www.nativeseed.info

[ECOLOG-L] Registration Open - National Native Seed Conference

2010-02-25 Thread Rob Fiegener
Registration is now open for the National Native Seed Conference at
Snowbird, Utah May 17-21, 2010.

Conference website: http://www.nativeseed.info

If your work involves studying, collecting, growing, buying, selling,
or using native plants, this meeting is for you!

Invited speakers will present on the following topics:
 * Genetic Concerns  Seed Transfer Guidelines
 * Implications of Climate Change for Plant Materials Selection 
Restoration Targets
 * Native Pollinators and the Native Seed Industry – A Natural Alliance
 * Advances in Native Seed Production
 * Challenges  Solutions for Native Seed Industry
 * Fire  Emergency Rehabilitation
 * Restoration Successes
 * Regional  Local Plant Materials Programs in Practice

This meeting will provide a forum for scientists, resource managers,
and the seed industry to share the latest information about
developing, selecting, and using native plant materials for restoration.

CALL FOR POSTERS: Poster abstract submissions are being accepted until
April 9, 2010.

Rob Fiegener
Native Seed Network
Institute for Applied Ecology
541.753.3099 x201
National Native Seed Conference
Snowbird, Utah May 17-21, 2010
Information: www.nativeseed.info

[ECOLOG-L] National Native Seed Conference

2009-11-17 Thread Rob Fiegener
May 17-21, 2010
Snowbird, Utah

Restoration and rehabilitation projects require native seed.  The
National Native Seed Conference will provide an interdisciplinary
forum to discuss the latest research and issues facing land managers
pertaining to the selection, production, and use of native seed.

* Genetics  Seed Transfer Zones
* Strategies for Climate Change
* Species Selection
* Seed Collection
* Testing  Development
* Seed Production
* Successfully Using Native Seed for Restoration  Rehabilitation
* Local and Regional Plant Materials Programs

The conference will feature oral and poster presentations, workshops,
and field trips.  A preliminary program is available at the conference
website http://www.nativeseed.info

This conference presents a unique opportunity to meet and share ideas
with people across the nation working on plant materials development.

What seed should I use on my project?
How can I find seed?  Should I collect my own?
How local is local?
How can native seed be more available and affordable?
Are cultivars appropriate for restoration or rehabilitation?
What are the implications of climate change for restoration practices
and native seed selection?

Join us in Snowbird to discuss these questions, and so much more.

Rob Fiegener
Native Seed Network
Institute for Applied Ecology
541.753.3099 x201
National Native Seed Conference
Snowbird, Utah May 17-21, 2010
Information: www.nativeseed.info

plant materials for biocontrol testing

2007-07-31 Thread Rob Fiegener
Forwarded message; please reply to Jeromy Biazzo [EMAIL PROTECTED], not me.
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: Native seeds for USDA biological control program

I am a biologist with the USDA-ARS in Ithaca, New York. My supervisor, Dr.
Lindsey Milbrath and I are developing a biological control program for the
exotic invasive swallow-worts, Vincetoxicum rossicum and V. nigrum. In
preparation for assessing the host range of potential arthropod control
agents for the swallow-worts, we are accumulating related plant species
(nearly 60 species is our goal). I have included the list of specific
species relevant to our current efforts. We are willing to accept all forms
of live plant tissue whether it be whole plants, vegetative cuttings for
propagation or recently collected seed. Your assistance is greatly
appreciated to any extent you can offer. Perhaps there are seed purveyors
and or colleagues that come to mind that you might refer us to?
Asclepias meadii Torr. ex Gray   Mead's milkweed  
Asclepias viridiflora Raf.green milkweed
Asclepias welshii N. P. Holmgren   Welsh's milkweed
Cynanchum racemosum (Jacq.) Jacq. Talayote
Matelea gonocarpos (Walt.) Shinners angularfruit milkvine  
Matelea obliqua (Jacq.) Woods.  climbing milkvine
Funastrum angustifolium (Pers.) Liede and Meve  gulf coast swallow-wort

Metastelma barbigerum Scheele bearded swallow-wort
Metastelma palmeri S. Watson   MacCart's swallow-wort
Marsdenia edulis Wats.
Periploca graeca L.  silkvine
Trachelospermum difforme (Walt.)climbing dogbane  
Cycladenia humilis Benth.  Sacramento waxydogbane

Bartonia virginica (L.) B.S.P. yellow screwstem, Virginia bartonia   
Centaurium erythraea Rafn European centaury  
Gentianella quinquefolia (L.) Smallagueweed  
Mitreola petiolata (J.F. Gmel.) Torr.  Gray  lax hornpod  
Polypremum procumbens L.   juniper leaf


Jeromy Biazzo
USDA Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Plant, Soil and Nutrition Laboratory
Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853-2901 USA
Voice: (607) 254-6417
FAX: (607) 255-1132
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.ars.usda.gov/naa/ithaca/ppru