[ECOLOG-L] postdoc position on climate change and nature conservation

2009-11-23 Thread roland jansson
Post-doc position on effects of climate changes on the biodiversity of 
protected areas in the Barents region

The position is connected to the Landscape Ecology Group (LEG) at the 
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG). EMG has about 170 
employees including almost 50 PhD students. For more information see the 
department's homepage: www.emg.umu.se/en<http://www.emg.umu.se/en>.

The LEG works with large-scale ecology. Among other things, we study landscape 
processes that are affected by human intervention, including climate change, 
and provide suggestions on how effects can be avoided or reduced.

The position is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and will be 
associated to a project about the biodiversity in the Barents region in a 
future situation with a warmer climate. The project has three major goals: (1) 
to assess whether the network of protected areas can conserve its species and 
ecosystem types, (2) to identify the major gaps in terms of providing 
stepping-stones or migration routes between reserves, and in representing 
natural variation, (3) to evaluate the economic consequences of alternative 
conservation strategies aiming at representing biodiversity. The position will 
start as soon as possible and last for about 20 months. For further 
information, contact professor Christer Nilsson, EMG (+46-(0)-90-786 60 03), 
email christer.nils...@emg.umu.se<mailto:christer.nils...@emg.umu.se>, or 
associate professor Roland Jansson, EMG (+46-(0)-90-786 95 73), email 

To qualify for the position you should have a PhD degree or equivalent, 
preferably not more than 3 years old. You should be an experienced GIS user, 
and be familiar with nature conservation issues and species movements. Your 
application, in English, must include a short summary (max. 1 page) of your 
previous experience, a short description (max. 1 page) of how you could 
contribute to the research, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, and 
names and contact details of three reference persons.

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, 
+46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31. Documents sent electronically 
should be in MS Word or PDF format. Your complete application, marked with 
reference number 315-1076-09, should be sent to j...@umu.se<mailto:j...@umu.se> 
(state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, 
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive January 7, 2010 at the latest.

Roland Jansson, Associate professor

Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science

Umeå University

SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden

phone: +46-90-7869573

web: http://www.emg.umu.se/roland<http://www.emg.umu.se/roland/>

[ECOLOG-L] Three postgraduate positions in restoration ecology

2010-03-16 Thread roland jansson
Umea University, Sweden, announces three positions for PhD students within the 
area of stream restoration ecology:

Position 1 focuses on analyzing the ecological results of restoration in stream 
ecosystems, as well as on potential synergies between stream and forest 
ecosystems. The work will involve comparisons of community responses in 
restored and non-restored sites and experiments evaluating habitat changes 
following restoration.

Position 2 is about the ecological effects of ice dynamics in streams. The 
project focuses on ice effects on riparian and aquatic plant communities and 
will use hydraulic modelling to understand how temperature, stream morphology, 
discharge and water currents regulate ice abundance and distribution .

Position 3 concerns effects of stream restoration and climate change on 
riparian plants. The PhD student will model relationships between stream flows 
and the distribution of riparian plants to predict changes in riparian plant 
habitat availability in response to climate change. Restored and non-restored 
stream reaches will be compared to develop recommendations for restoration 
methods sustaining the biodiversity of riparian vegetation in boreal streams.

Last day for application is April 6, 2010.

For more information about the projects and on how to apply, go to:

Roland Jansson
Landscape Ecology Group
Dept. of Ecology & Environmental Science
Umea University

[ECOLOG-L] Two associate senior lecturer positions

2011-03-22 Thread roland jansson
Umeå University, Sweden, announces two associate senior lecturer positions. The 
positions are announced as part of the research programme Ecosystem Change 
which includes ecologists, environmental scientists, evolutionary biologists, 
bio-mathematicians, and biogeochemists. The focus of our research is on the 
complex interplay between external drivers such as climate, energy and matter 
inputs, and physical habitat structure and internal mediators (biological 
transformers of energy and material) to predict community and ecosystem 
responses to environmental changes. We are now looking for two young and 
visionary scientists in the areas of ecological stoichiometry and paleoecology 
to complement and strengthen our expertise in the research environment.

Ecological stoichiometry (reference number 312-224-11)
The holder of the position should carry out research within the area of 
ecological stoichiometry, defined in a broad context. We are looking for a 
researcher who could study how the flow of energy and matter is coupled to the 
dynamics of populations, communities and whole ecosystems in a bidirectional 
way. Research may include studies of elemental and stoichiometric constraints 
on individual performance and life history, and/or on the structure, function, 
and productivity of ecological systems, as well as studies of feedbacks of 
population and community dynamics, on flows and transformations of energy and 

Paleoecology (reference number 312-225-11)
The holder of the position should have one of two nonexclusive research 
profiles, both aimed at strengthening the integration between research in 
paleoecology, ecology and evolution in the research environment. One possible 
research profile is in aquatic paleoecology to study lake-ecosystem dynamics 
across limnological and paleolimnological timescales (Holocene), integrating 
geochemical and ecological/evolutionary research. Here, we particularly 
encourage applications from scientists using up-to-date paleolimnological 
approaches such as molecular genetic, spectroscopic or biogeochemical methods. 
An alternative research profile is in evolutionary paleoecology to address 
evolutionary questions with paleoecological methods, to enhance the ongoing 
integration of paleoecology with research in evolution and biogeography, and in 
collaboration with researchers in macroevolution, macroecology, phylogenetics 
or population genetics.

The duration of a position as associate senior lecturer is four years of 
research, and can be expanded to five years with 20 % of teaching. At the end 
of the employment period, an associate senior lecturer owns the right to be 
examined for a permanent position as senior lecturer at Umeå University. The 
assessment criteria for such an examination are described in the corresponding 
job profile.

To be eligible, in the first place, for the position as associate senior 
lecturer you should have a PhD, or a corresponding degree, which is not more 
than five years old, in a relevant field such as ecology, evolutionary biology, 
environmental science or biogeochemistry.

An associate senior lecturer should primarily pursue research. The successful 
applicant is expected to create his/her own research group and to supervise 
graduate students as well as post-docs. He/she is also expected to attract 
research grants from external sources of funding and to have a vivid 
collaboration with scientists at both Umeå University and other universities. 
In the evaluation, particular emphasis will be given to scientific skills. 
Pedagogical and administrative skills and the ability to collaborate with other 
researchers in the Strong Research Environment will also be considered.

Further information about the position and how to apply can be found at 

Last day for application is April 26, 2011.
Roland Jansson, associate professor
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
phone: +46-(0)90-7869573
web: http://www.emg.umu.se/english/about-the-department/staff/jansson-roland

[ECOLOG-L] 7 positions in Ecology and Environmental Chemistry in Sweden

2010-04-23 Thread roland jansson
Seven positions in Ecology and Environmental Chemistry to the strategic marine 
research program ECOCHANGE

ECOCHANGE is a governmental strategic marine research program at Umeå 
University (UmU), Sweden in collaboration with the Linnaeus University in 
Kalmar. Ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea is studied in a climate change 
perspective. The effect of climate related changes on lower and higher trophic 
levels are investigated in a north-south gradient in the Baltic Sea, as well as 
effects on bioavailability of pollutants and their potential to change food web 
function. It is an interdisciplinary project spanning from ecology and 
chemistry to environmental science. Within this strategic program we now 
announce 7 positions:

Associate Professor in Marine Fish Ecology
We are looking for a person with expert knowledge in fish ecology. Areas of 
competences include experimental fish ecology, comparative fish ecology and/or 
population modeling. When evaluating the candidates, particular emphasis will 
be put on scientific skills, but pedagogical and administrative skills, and the 
ability to collaborate with other researchers will also be important in the 
evaluation. See: 

Assistant Professor in Microbial Ecology
We are looking for a person with expert knowledge in molecular microbial 
ecology and a research interest in regulation of aquatic food webs. Research 
may be focused on how environmental changes affect lower trophic levels and 
food web function. Applicants will be evaluated for their scientific 
qualifications within the field, the scientific potential of the proposed 
research program, their independence as well as their collaborative ability. 
See: http://www8.umu.se/umu/aktuellt/arkiv/lediga_tjanster/312-356-10.html

PhD student position in Ecology: Influence of land on marine ecosystem drivers 
and microbial communities.
We are looking for an aquatic microbial ecologist with a keen interest to 
understand how variation in river run-off influences marine ecosystem drivers, 
e.g. bio-optics and CNP concentrations, and microbial communities and 
productivity. The project will involve both comparative studies as well as 
experimental studies along a north-south gradient in the Baltic Sea to 
elucidate the effect of river inflow on phytoplankton and bacterial 
productivity and community compositions. See: 

PhD student position in Environmental Chemistry: Sources of Baltic Sea pollution
We are looking for a chemist with good competence in environmental science and 
mathematics/statistics.The project is focused on finding methods for tracing 
significant pollution sources to the Baltic Sea. Chemical analyses of Baltic 
air and sediment cores will be conducted, and the data will be evaluated using 
various multivariate modeling techniques. The aim is to identify and apportion 
pollution sources and to increase knowledge and understanding on spatial and 
temporal trends. See: 

PhD student position in Environmental Chemistry: Bioavailability of pollutants 
and effects on ecosystem function.
We are looking for a chemist with good environmental and/or analytical 
chemistry competence.
The project is focused on climate-induced changes on the bioavailability of 
pollutants and related ecosystem functions at lower trophic levels. Studied 
chemicals will be biologically active environmental pollutants, e.g. health 
drugs and biocides. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) will be used as 
reference substances. See: 

PhD student position in Ecology: Environmental monitoring and sampling design
We are looking for a candidate in ecology, natural geography or similar with 
some background in statistics. Focus will be to evaluate common sensors to 
estimate biomass and activity in the planktonic food web. This includes 
statistical evaluations of environmental data from historic time series, and 
extensive measurements in the lab and in contrasting environments, from 
estuaries to the open sea. The achieved knowledge will be used to design 
monitoring programs in different time scales with automatic sensors. See: 

PhD student position in Ecology: Modeling marine microbial production
We are looking for a person with a mathematical, and/or microbiological 
alignment, who is interested in food web modeling. The long-term goal of this 
project is to develop a model to predict the complex effects of climate change 
on the production at lower trophic levels in the Baltic Sea. Work tools will, 
for example, be compilation of results from experiments to reveal complex 
mechanisms, available field data to elucidate environmental changes in the 
Baltic Sea, and to execu

[ECOLOG-L] 3 PhD positions in Ecology at Umea University, Sweden

2010-04-23 Thread roland jansson
3 PhD positions in Ecology at Umeå University
Three 4-year PhD positions are available at the Department of Ecology and 
Environmental Sciences at Umeå University. The topic of the thesis projects are:

 Position 1: 'Competitive interactions and community impacts of crustacean 
zooplankton - merging dynamics of structured populations with ecological 

Position 2: 'Environmental drivers of asymmetric interactions between benthic 
and pelagic producers'.

Position 3: 'Consumer growth rates and nutritional constraints across 
See details at: 

For more information, please contact

Positions 1 and 2: professor Sebastian Diehl,
phone: +46-(0)90-786 5738, e-mail: , homepage: 

Position 3: Dr. Antonia Liess, phone
+46(0)-90-786 5593, e-mail: antonia.liess@
emg.umu.se, homepage: 

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral position biodiversity and ecosystem function (2 years)

2010-06-07 Thread roland jansson
Postdoctoral position (2 years) in stream/riparian biodiversity and ecosystem 

The Stream Ecology group, within the Department of Ecology and Environmental 
Science, investigates patterns and processes in stream environments, i.e. 
factors that drive stream biodiversity and the importance of stream 
biodiversity for stream ecosystem processes. The majority of the research is 
performed on benthic organisms and on leaf litter decomposition.

The holder of the present position should carry out research on the 
relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the 
aquatic-terrestrial interface, with focus on how movements of nutrients across 
the ecosystem boundary may drive biodiversity and thereby influence ecosystem 
functioning. Previous experience from working with aquatic and terrestrial 
invertebrates, and with isotope analyses, is an advantage, but not a 

For more information, see:

Micael Jonsson

Micael Jonsson
Landscape Ecology
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå

Phone:  office +46 90 7867718
   mobile +46 70 6432267

[ECOLOG-L] Post-doc positions in evolutionary biology

2009-04-06 Thread Roland Jansson

Two post-doc positions (2 years) in evolutionary biology

Umea University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Sweden

The role of climate change for the evolution of biodiversity
The aim of the project is to understand how climate change affects 
evolution and the global distribution of species. The earth is 
subject to recurrent and rapid climate shifts at various time-scales, 
but the consequences of this has not been incorporated into models of 
evolution. In the project, models of past climate change are combined 
with phylogenetic data to address how diversification of species and 
spatial patterns in genetic divergence within species are affected by 
climate variability.

Position 1 investigates the role of climate variability for the 
diversification of species. Data on past climate change from climate 
models are used together with phylogenies from a range of taxa to 
test for an association between climate variability and species 

Position 2 tests how climatic variability affects the degree of 
genetic divergence among populations. Data on levels of genetic 
divergence among populations are combined with data on past climate 
change from climate models to test for a correlation between genetic 
divergence and climatic stability, both within species (in cases 
where climatic stability varies across its geographic range) and 
between species inhabiting regions differing in climatic stability.

For further information and guide on how to apply, see 
or contact Roland Jansson 

Last day for application is May 31, 2009.

Roland Jansson, Associate professor
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umea University
SE-901 87 Umea, Sweden
phone: +46-90-786 95 73
fax: +46-90-786 78 60
web: http://www.emg.umu.se/roland