[ECOLOG-L] Volunteer Environmental Coordinator in Somaliland

2016-02-01 Thread Stephen Johnson
Hello ECOLOG community!

Candlelight for Environment, Education, and Health, a local Somaliland
nonprofit is looking for a volunteer environmental coordinator to help
expand our environment program!


We are a non-profit organization based in Somaliland. We strive to bring
about positive changes in communities through an assortment of
interventions focusing on environmental conservation, provision of quality
education to women and youth, and awareness creation on health issues
including reproductive health.

Our vision is to be recognized and respected as a local organization that
continues to nurture Somaliland communities that environmentally conscious,
literate, healthy, economically self-reliant, and peaceful.

Somaliland ceded from the Union with Somalia in 1991. Since then, even
though the country did not receive international political recognition, it
has been enjoying in peace and stability for over two decades now.

Candlelight has been active in the field of environment since year 2000 and
is known for its dedication to the environmental work. Candlelight has also
a long track record in the natural resource management projects
implementation and has carried out a number of researches in this field.
Its unique way of working enabled it to forge good working relationship
with its stakeholders including the communities, the local authorities and
funding agencies. In addition, Candlelight effectively participated in a
number of initiatives in developing environmental policies and regulatory
frameworks such as acts at national level, most notably the National
Environment Policy and the National Environmental Act.

The livelihood of the vast majority of Somali people is intertwined and
mainly dependent on the access to, and use of terrestrial resources,
livestock being the dominant production system upon which the Somali
economy and culture are based. Ecological degradation and land misuse
or/and overuse leads to decreased productivity, which will, in turn, have a
negative social-economic impacts on the communities, directly affecting the
rural people.


We are looking for a Volunteer to help the environment department of our
organization improve its service delivery. The team consists of a number of
project officers leading different projects in the areas of water, range
management, renewable energy, humanitarian work and disaster risk
management. Work varies but mostly you will be involved in leading the team
coordination in the environment department and polishing narrative reports.
We also want the volunteer to help in the grant writing initiatives of the
organisation, particularly in the areas of environment/agriculture and
livelihoods in general. We are looking for a volunteer for at least 3
months, and for longer if you are available.

While most of the time you will be based in the main office, you will
regularly do field travels with the company of the program staff – a good
chance to learn more about the country and its people, while at the same
time your will be offering your expertise.

Also, you will also be provided an opportunity to learn Somali language for

Housing and a stipend are provided. The position is open until filled.

*How to Apply*
If you would like to participate send us a message and your CV to
fardusj...@candlelightsom.org or chat with us on skype fardus.awil059 or
whats app +252 63 4421059. For more information on the organization please
see our website www.candlelightsomal.org

[ECOLOG-L] best tree species for carbon sequestration

2012-02-25 Thread Stephen Johnson
dear Ecolog-ers,

I am designing a tree planting-planting project designed to counter CO2 
production at a college in south central Iowa. Students will be involved in 
planting. I have heard that Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) and sweetgum 
(Liquidambar styraciflua) are both good candidates for carbon sequestration an 
I wonder if there is any primary literature that backs the claim. Also are 
there any other tree species with high rates of carbon uptake and biomass 
accumulation, fast growing and long-lived and with low maintenance and perhaps 
with any or all of these properties reflected in any scientific studies.

Dr. Stephen R. Johnson
Freelance Plant Ecologist/Botanist

[ECOLOG-L] possible environmental impacts on Leaf morphogenesis

2009-10-20 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings to everyone,
I am observing a potentially interesting twinning and split-leaved phenomena in 
white oak. I was wondering if anyone else may have seen such an alteration in 
leaf morphogenesis in Q. alba or other woody species, or would perhaps know of 
any literature pertaining to such a set of phenomena.
Dr. Stephen R. Johnson
Freelance Ecologist

[ECOLOG-L] ecological literacy

2009-09-20 Thread Stephen Johnson
Dera ECOLOG particpants:
I've been reaing a book called Ecological LIteracy. I'll keep my impressions 
private for now but I thought I'd swing this to anyone on the list: If you know 
of this book, what do you think of the ideas presented in it?
Thanks in advance
Dr. Stephen R. Johnson
Freelance/prairie Ecologist

Plant or seed sources for Calopogon oklahomensis

2007-06-04 Thread Stephen Johnson
Thanks to those who answered my previous listing. 
  I am interested in attempting to research the reintroduction of prairie grass 
pink into Iowa praries. Are there any available souces of plants or seeds for 
such a purpose?
  Steve Johnson

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Calopogon Oklahomensis and Doug Goldman

2007-06-03 Thread Stephen Johnson
  I wonder if anyone on the list knows of any work being currently done on 
Calopogon oklahomensis, if there are has been any greenhouse breeding work done 
and, the present whereabouts of Douglas H. Goldman.
  Dr. Stephen R. Johnson

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Leaf optics/epidermal focussing

2007-04-30 Thread Stephen Johnson
  Does anyone on this list have experience with or know of literature 
pertaining to epidermal focussing in orchids in general and specifically to 
understory tropical species in the genus Paphiopedilum?
  Steve Johnson

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money monocultures

2007-04-27 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings all,
  I know everyone has heard of the push to grow switchgrass for biofuel. Aside 
from the fact it probablaly would never produce enough to satisfy demand I 
think it will happen anyway. What I don't see is why switchgrass found its way 
to the top while intact prairie never gets a mention. Surely isn't tallgrass 
prairie more productive but also engaged in several ecosystem processes that 
would most likely not occur in pure stands of switchgrass? Is it really only 
money that matters and how did switchgrass make the cut?
  Steve Johnson

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bluestem biomass study

2007-04-27 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings everyone,
  I have an idea that seems simple enough it should already have been done, or 
has it?
  If I planted several Andropogon gerardii in pots let them grow, then 
harvested and burned the roots would this give an estimate of belowground 
carbon sequestration?
  Steve Johnson

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of densiometers and sigmaplot

2007-04-26 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings again to the group.
  One follow-up to my previous listing about Leaf area index. Is a spherical 
densiometer of any use for collecting accurate LAI data?
  Another request: I used to have access to Sigmaplot for producing nice 
journal-quality graphs with error bars and labels. I wonder if there are any 
less expensive but fairly similar software programs capable of producing those 
kinds of graphs or is Sigmaplot the only way to go?
  Thanks all!
  Steve Johnson

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Plant Canopy Analyzer

2007-04-25 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings all,
  Just thought I'd ask the list if anyone knew of a source for available  used 
or otherwise cheap(ish) Li-Cor LAI 2000 plant canopy analyzer.
  Steve Johnson

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literature citations concerning carbon sequestration

2006-11-13 Thread Stephen Johnson
Hello All,
  I wonder if anyone can give me journal or book citations on the subject of 
carbon sequestration relating to tallgrass prairie.  Any citation on the 
subject is much appreciated especially any that deal with quantification of 
carbon sequestration in tallgrass prarie soils.
  Stephen Johnson

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an unusual persimmon?

2006-11-02 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings everyone,
  I have encountered, and have been collecting data from, what may be an 
atypical persimmon tree in Marion County, Iowa. The tree has larger than 
average fruits but also the fruits are blue-black in color before and at 
maturity looking more like plums, but with coloration somewhat more like a 
  Has anyone within the typical range of common persimmon seen healthy trees 
expressing this color of fruit?
  Stephen Johnson

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Tallgrass Prairie Video

2006-10-31 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings everyone,
  Does anyone have for sale a copy of the 2001 PBS program 'Last Stand of the 
Tallgrass Prairie' or know where I may obtain one?  Also, any ideas as to why 
it never appeared on DVD??
  Stephen Johnson

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photosynthesis measurement

2006-10-16 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings to all listserv members,
  In case I cannot find a spare LiCor 6200 leaf chamber I thought I'd post to 
the list a couple of related ideas / questions.
  What sort of low budget methods are available to at least qualify, if not 
quantify, the presence of photosynthetic activity?
  Are there any diagrams available to describe the construction of a leaf 
chamber such as that of a LiCor 6200?
  Thanks to all in advance
  Sincerely Stephen Johnson
  Prairie Ecologist

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in need of an old LiCor 6200 leaf chamber

2006-10-12 Thread Stephen Johnson
Greetings to all on the list
  I am looking for an old, unused, spare or ready to discard leaf chamber from 
a Li-Cor 6200 Infrared Gas Analyzer or an equivalent. I haven't much money to 
spend and would greatly appreciate anyone who can locate one that I can use 
with a small CO2 sensor.
  Stephen R. Johnson, PhD
  103 Independence Street
  Pella, Iowa 50219-1850

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