[ECOLOG-L] post-doc position for macroecologist/landscape ecologist at Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2011-02-13 Thread Wesley M Hochachka
The Information Science Program at the Lab of Ornithology is seeking a 
Postdoctoral Associate to work on macro ecological questions related to 
spatiotemporal determinants of bird species' distributions at a continental 
scale within North America. The exact research questions will be determined by 
the post-doctoral appointee in consultation with research staff of the Lab of 
Ornithology, and can be as varied as basic research into birds' distributions, 
applied studies relevant for conservation and management, or development and 
refinement of analytical methods.

Duties and Responsibilities: 
- Apply advanced spatiotemporal modeling and estimation techniques (statistical 
and machine learning techniques including nonparametric and semi parametric 
regression, Bayesian hierarchical models, etc) to answer biological questions, 
using data that integrate broad-scale citizen science observational data with 
remote sensing data that describe environmental characteristics. 
- Some of the analytical challenges and goals that we are interested in having 
addressed as part of the work include the development of efficient strategies 
to explore and quantify complex spatiotemporal patterns as well as methods to 
identify and mitigate biases inherent in citizen science data. 
- The project offering this position is led by Steve Kelling in the Information 
Science unit of the Lab of Ornithology, and involves collaboration with Daniel 
Fink and an interdisciplinary team of researchers in statistics, machine 
learning, ecology, and conservation at Cornell University and at other research 

- PhD and proven research abilities and experience in large-scale environmental 
- We particularly seek applicants with backgrounds in both ecological sciences 
(macro or landscape ecology) and quantitative sciences (statistics, machine 
learning, etc.) 
- Ideal candidates will demonstrate a strong ability to apply quantitative 
methods to real-world problems; such ability should be highlighted in 
applications for the position. 
- Additional desirable experience and expertise in time series analysis, 
spatial statistics, and High Performance Computing applications are a plus.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE:  Send a letter of application, complete resume, list of 
references and academic transcripts to:  Susan Taggart, Cornell Lab of 
Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, 283A Johnson Center for Birds & 
Biodiversity, Ithaca, NY 14850.  Inquiries about position specifics can be 
directed to Steve Kelling, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY 14850.  
Phone: 607-254-2478; Email s...@cornell.edu.  Review of applicants will begin 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Wesley M. Hochachka

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Open Access Data?

2009-08-17 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka

I can think of a couple options for you for birds.  One standard one is the
North American Breeding Bird Survey data set, where data can be downloaded
from here:


These data come from several thousand annual 50-point transects run
throughout the U.S. and southern Canada.  The data go back to 1966, from
which they are available as counts of birds aggregated across all 50 stops.
 Starting in the late 1990s the data become available separately for each of
the 50 stops.
   You will need to do some data manipulation to produce a data set workable
for students, because the data come as separate tables describing the route,
the conditions on the individual year, and finally the counts of birds for
any and all species seen and heard.

   The second source of bird data that you should look at are from the Avian
Knowledge Network
that is warehousing data from several monitoring projects.  The URL given
above is the web page for downloading specific data sets, but you'll need to
look at the documentation (http://www.avianknowledge.net/content/datasets)
first to see what data sets are available from which regions, and click on
any of the project names to get the associated meta-data (descriptions of
contents of each column of data).
   The Avian Knowledge Network data come as flat-file tables that hopefully
would require less pre-processing to make them usable for student projects.

   In either case, would likely need to trim down the data sets to make them
manageable as the entire data sets will likely not fit within an Excel
spreadsheet, if you were intending to have the students use spreadsheet
manipulations for their projects' analyses.

   I hope these suggestions help.


[ECOLOG-L] POST-DOC POSITIONS available: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2017-07-09 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose
Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards
(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) support innovative, independent research by
early career scholars of exceptional promise. Multiple Rose Fellow positions
are available annually, with applications due on September 8. All Rose
Fellows join a vibrant community of more than a dozen concurrent postdocs
within the Rose Postdoctoral Program and interact with many other scholars
across a wide range of disciplines.

These Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship awards support individuals pursuing
cutting-edge scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction with
multiple Lab programs and Cornell scholars. Any area of inquiry related to
the Lab’s mission “to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological
diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds”
is appropriate. Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about the
Cornell Lab and our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird Population Studies
(avian ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science, Communication,
Education, Evolutionary Biology, Information Science, Macaulay Library
(animal behavior), Multimedia Productions, and Public Engagement in Science.
Activities involving research and/or outreach spanning several of these
areas are particularly encouraged, and therefore each postdoctoral scholar
may be co-mentored by two senior Cornell scholars. Projects that foster
links to people and units from across Cornell University are likewise
welcome. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the most relevant
faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm about areas of mutual interest
and synergistic projects. We are especially interested in supporting the
independent research of individuals who can bring new ideas, approaches, and
connections to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging our existing tools,
data, and expertise in science, education, and communication.

Each Rose Postdoctoral opportunity spans up to 24 months via two consecutive
year-long appointments at the Lab. Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson
Center for Birds and Biodiversity in the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary,
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a vibrant unit within Cornell's
University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. More than 200 faculty
and staff work at the Lab within our 10 mission-driven programs. Our
management and staff are committed to the highest standards of ethics and
excellence in all areas of our work.

These appointments provide a competitive salary, Cornell health and other
benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and other
professional needs. Start dates are usually flexible within the year
following the application. Interested applicants should visit the Annual
Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition web
site(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) for more information about the overall
Program and about the Rose Fellow selection process.

The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two-page research
proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and
contact information for three references. Applicants must have received
their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at Cornell.
Application materials should be sent as a single pdf file to the attention
of Sue Taggart (s...@cornell.edu). Applications for the multiple positions
available in 2018 will be accepted until September 8, 2017. The selection
committee is chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (i...@cornell.edu), Fuller
Professor of Ornithology and Associate Director for Academic Affairs at the Lab.

Edward W. Rose, known by family and friends as “Rusty,” joined the Lab’s
Administrative Board in 1993 and served as its Chairman from 2004 to 2014.
Rusty was a brilliant man who inspired everyone at the Lab, not only through
his infectious laugh but even more by asking tough questions, expecting
excellence, and seeking global impact. Rusty had a deep conservation ethos
which he exemplified both in his own actions and through his support of the
Cornell Lab and kindred institutions. He was among the Lab’s most
enthusiastic promoters of early career scientists, and he always relished
learning about their discoveries and accomplishments. Rusty passed away in
January 2016, but his legacy endures in many contexts, including the Edward
W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Program which brings together the Lab’s
entire postdoctoral community. Through the generosity of Rusty and his wife
Deedie, together with that of fellow board members Larry and Nancy Fuller,
Russ and Carol Faucett, and Imogene Powers Johnson, the Lab shall award
multiple Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships annually.

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place
to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an
uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas

[ECOLOG-L] post-doctoral positions available at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2018-07-29 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose
Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards
(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) support innovative, independent research by
early career scholars of exceptional promise. Multiple Rose Fellow positions
are available annually, with applications due on September 8. All Rose
Fellows join a vibrant community of more than twenty concurrent postdocs
within the Rose Postdoctoral Program and interact with many other scholars
across a wide range of disciplines.

Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship awards support individuals pursuing
cutting-edge scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction among Lab
programs and Cornell scholars. Any area of inquiry related to the Lab’s
mission “to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through
research, education, and citizen science focused on birds” is potentially
appropriate. Applicants are encouraged to learn more about the Cornell Lab
and our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird Population Studies (avian
ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science, Communication, Education,
Evolutionary Biology, Information Science, Macaulay Library (animal
behavior), and Conservation Multimedia. Activities involving research and/or
outreach spanning several of these areas are particularly encouraged, and
some postdoctoral scholars are co-mentored. Projects that foster links among
people and units from across Cornell University and beyond are likewise
welcome. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the most relevant
faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm about areas of mutual interest
and synergistic projects. We are especially interested in supporting the
independent research of individuals who can bring new ideas, approaches, and
connections to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging our existing tools,
data, and expertise in science, education, and communication.

Each Rose Postdoctoral opportunity spans up to 24 months via two consecutive
year-long appointments at the Lab. Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson
Center for Birds and Biodiversity in the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary,
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a vibrant unit within Cornell's
University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. More than 200 faculty
and staff work at the Lab within our mission-driven programs. Our management
and staff are committed to the highest standards of ethics and excellence in
all areas of our work.

These appointments provide a competitive salary, Cornell health and other
benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and other
professional needs. Start dates are usually flexible within the year
following the application. Interested applicants should visit the Annual
Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition web
site(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) for more information about the overall
Program and about the Rose Fellow selection process.

The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two-page research
proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and
contact information for three references. Applicants must have received
their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at Cornell but may
apply during the final year of their PhD program. Application materials
should be sent as a single pdf file to the attention of Sue Taggart
(s...@cornell.edu). Applications for the multiple positions available in
2018 will be accepted until September 8, 2018. The selection committee is
chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (i...@cornell.edu), Fuller Professor of
Ornithology and Senior Associate Director for Academic Affairs at the Lab.

Edward W. Rose, known by family and friends as “Rusty,” joined the Lab’s
Administrative Board in 1993 and served as its Chairman from 2004 to 2014.
Rusty was a brilliant man who inspired everyone at the Lab, not only through
his infectious laugh but even more by asking tough questions, expecting
excellence, and seeking global impact. Rusty had a deep conservation ethos
which he exemplified both in his own actions and through his support of the
Cornell Lab and kindred institutions. He was among the Lab’s most
enthusiastic promoters of early career scientists, and he always relished
learning about their discoveries and accomplishments. Rusty passed away in
January 2016, but his legacy endures in many contexts, including the Edward
W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Program which brings together the Lab’s
entire postdoctoral community. Through the generosity of Rusty and his wife
Deedie, together with that of fellow board members Larry and Nancy Fuller,
Russ and Carol Faucett, and Imogene Powers Johnson, the Lab shall award
multiple Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships annually.

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place
to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an
uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to furthe

[ECOLOG-L] Post-doctoral Positions: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2015-08-18 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology encourages applications to our competitive
postdoctoral program (www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) that supports
innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional
promise. Two or more named positions are available annually, with
applications due on September 8.

These postdoctoral opportunities support individuals pursuing cutting-edge
scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction with two or more of
the Lab’s programs. Any area of inquiry related to the Lab’s mission “to
interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through research,
education, and citizen science focused on birds” may be appropriate.
Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about our activities and
opportunities, including our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird
Population Studies (avian ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science,
Communication, Education, Evolutionary Biology, Information Science,
Macaulay Library (animal behavior), Multimedia Productions, and Public
Engagement in Science. Research or activities involving several of these
areas are particularly appropriate, and therefore each postdoctoral scholar
may be co-mentored by two senior Cornell scholars. Potential applicants are
encouraged to contact relevant faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm
about areas of mutual interest and synergistic projects. We are especially
interested in supporting the independent research of individuals who can
bring new ideas and approaches to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging
our existing tools, data, and expertise in science, education, and

Each Postdoctoral Scholar will be a one year, renewable appointment for up
to two years at the Lab. Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson Center for
Birds and Biodiversity in the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary, the
Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a vibrant unit within Cornell's University’s
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. More than 200 faculty and staff work
at the Lab within our 10 mission-driven programs. Our management and staff
are committed to the highest standards of ethics and excellence in all areas
of our work, and our Board leadership includes faculty from Cornell and
other universities, successful entrepreneurs and managers from the business
and non-profit sectors, and conservation-minded citizens from the United
States and beyond.

These appointments provide a competitive salary, standard Cornell health and
other benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and
professional travel needs. Start dates are flexible between February and
September of the year following the application. 

The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two-page research
proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and
contact information for three references. Postdoctoral Scholars must have
received their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at
Cornell. Application materials should be sent as a single pdf file to the
attention of Sue Taggart (s...@cornell.edu). Applications for the two
positions available in 2016 will be accepted until September 8, 2015. The
selection committee is chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (i...@cornell.edu),
Fuller Professor of Ornithology and Associate Director for Academic Affairs
at the Lab.

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place
to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an
uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further
the university's mission of teaching, discovery and engagement. Located in
Ithaca, NY, Cornell's far-flung global presence includes the medical
college's campuses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and in Doha, Qatar,
as well as the new Cornell Tech campus to be built on Roosevelt Island in
the heart of New York City.

Diversity and inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We’re
an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans,
and individuals with Disabilities.

[ECOLOG-L] post-doctoral positions available, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2016-07-24 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose
Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards
(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) support innovative, independent research by
early career scholars of exceptional promise. Multiple Rose Fellowships are
available annually, with applications due on September 8. All Rose Fellows
join a vibrant community of more than a dozen concurrent postdocs within the
Rose Postdoctoral Program and interact with many other scholars across a
wide range of disciplines.

The Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship awards support individuals pursuing
cutting-edge scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction with
multiple Lab programs and Cornell scholars. Any area of inquiry related to
the Lab’s mission “to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological
diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds”
is appropriate. Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about the
Cornell Lab and our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird Population Studies
(avian ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science, Communication,
Education, Evolutionary Biology, Information Science, Macaulay Library
(animal behavior), Multimedia Productions, and Public Engagement in Science.
Activities involving research and/or outreach spanning several of these
areas are particularly encouraged, and therefore each postdoctoral scholar
may be co-mentored by two senior Cornell scholars. Projects that foster
links to people and units from across Cornell University are likewise
welcome. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the most relevant
faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm about areas of mutual interest
and synergistic projects. We are especially interested in supporting the
independent research of individuals who can bring new ideas, approaches, and
connections to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging our existing tools,
data, and expertise in science, education, and communication.

Each Rose Postdoctoral opportunity spans up to 24 months via two consecutive
year-long appointments at the Lab. Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson
Center for Birds and Biodiversity in the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary,
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a vibrant unit within Cornell's
University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. More than 200 faculty
and staff work at the Lab within our 10 mission-driven programs. Our
management and staff are committed to the highest standards of ethics and
excellence in all areas of our work.

These appointments provide a competitive salary, Cornell health and other
benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and other
professional needs. Start dates are usually flexible within the year
following the application. Interested applicants should visit the Annual
Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition web site
(www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) for more information about the overall
Program and about the Rose Fellow selection process.

The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two-page research
proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and
contact information for three references. Applicants must have received
their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at Cornell.
Application materials should be sent as a single pdf file to the attention
of Sue Taggart (s...@cornell.edu). Applications for the positions available
in 2017 will be accepted until September 8, 2016. The selection committee is
chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (i...@cornell.edu), Fuller Professor of
Ornithology and Associate Director for Academic Affairs at the Lab.

Edward W. Rose, known by family and friends as “Rusty,” joined the Lab’s
Administrative Board in 1993 and served as its Chairman from 2004 to 2014.
Rusty was a brilliant man who inspired everyone at the Lab, not only through
his infectious laugh but even more by asking tough questions, expecting
excellence, and seeking global impact. Rusty had a deep conservation ethos
which he exemplified both in his own actions and through his support of the
Cornell Lab and kindred institutions. He was among the Lab’s most
enthusiastic promoters of early career scientists, and he always relished
learning about their discoveries and accomplishments. Rusty passed away in
January 2016, but his legacy endures in many contexts, including the Edward
W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Program which brings together the Lab’s
entire postdoctoral community. Through the generosity of Rusty and his wife
Deedie, together with that of fellow board members Larry and Nancy Fuller,
Russ and Carol Faucett, and Imogene Powers Johnson, the Lab shall award
multiple Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships annually.

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place
to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an
uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further

[ECOLOG-L] Post-doctoral Positions: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

2014-07-14 Thread Wesley M. Hochachka
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology encourages applications to our competitive
postdoctoral program (www.birds.cornell.edu/postdoc) that supports
innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional
promise. Two or more named positions are available annually, with
applications due on September 8.

These postdoctoral opportunities support individuals pursuing cutting-edge
scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction with two or more of
the Lab’s programs. Any area of inquiry related to the Lab’s mission “to
interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through research,
education, and citizen science focused on birds” may be appropriate.
Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about our activities and
opportunities, including our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird
Population Studies (avian ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science,
Communication, Education, Evolutionary Biology, Information Science,
Macaulay Library (animal behavior), Multimedia Productions, and Public
Engagement in Science. Research or activities involving several of these
areas are particularly appropriate, and therefore each postdoctoral scholar
may be co-mentored by two senior Cornell scholars. Potential applicants are
encouraged to contact relevant faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm
about areas of mutual interest and synergistic projects. We are especially
interested in supporting the independent research of individuals who can
bring new ideas and approaches to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging
our existing tools, data, and expertise in science, education, and

Each Postdoctoral Scholar will hold a two-year appointment at the Lab.
Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity in
the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a
vibrant unit within Cornell's University’s College of Agriculture & Life
Sciences. More than 200 faculty and staff work at the Lab within our 10
mission-driven programs. Our management and staff are committed to the
highest standards of ethics and excellence in all areas of our work, and our
Board leadership includes faculty from Cornell and other universities,
successful entrepreneurs and managers from the business and non-profit
sectors, and conservation-minded citizens from the United States and beyond.
These appointments provide a competitive salary, standard Cornell health and
other benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and
professional travel needs. Start dates are flexible between February and
September of the year following the application. 

The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two page research
proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and
contact information for three references. Postdoctoral Scholars must have
received their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at
Cornell. Application materials should be sent as a single pdf file to the
attention of Sue Taggart (s...@cornell.edu). Applications for the two
positions available in 2014 will be accepted until September 8. The
selection committee is chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (i...@cornell.edu),
Professor and Associate Director for Academic Affairs at the Lab.

Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place
to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an
uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further
the university's mission of teaching, discovery and engagement. Located in
Ithaca, NY, Cornell's far-flung global presence includes the medical
college's campuses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and in Doha, Qatar,
as well as the new Cornell Tech campus to be built on Roosevelt Island in
the heart of New York City.

Diversity and inclusion have been and continue to be a part of our heritage.
Cornell University is a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator.