[ECOLOG-L] A two-year postdoc on adaptation and speciation in insects is available from 1st August in NTNU

2018-06-19 Thread Yu-Hsun Hsu
A two-year postdoc is available on August 1, 2018 for an innovative and 
motivated person to work on 
the adaptation of Pachyrhynchus weevils or the speciation of endemic 
Psolodesmus damselflies.

The position is funded by the MOST (Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan) 
grants focused on 
testing hypotheses about the adaptation of aposematic colors in Pachyrhynchus 
weevils and the 
process of species formation in two subspecies of Psolodesmus damselflies.

1. Aposematism of Weevils
Pachyrhynchus weevils are a group of brilliant, metallic-colored weevils 
distributed in the Old World 
tropics. Recent studies showed that the conspicuous colouration of these 
weevils function as 
effective warning signals for their hard bodies to prevent predacious pursuit 
by lizards. We are 
interested in studying the adaptation, evolution, and
spatio-temporal dynamics of interactions between vertebrate predators and 
aposematic prey using 
these weevils.

Related articles:
Wang, L-Y., W-S. Huang, H-C. Tang, L-C. Huang and C-P. Lin* (2018) Too hard to 
swallow: A secret 
secondary defence of an aposematic insect. Journal of Experimental Biology 221.

Tseng, H-Y., W-S. Huang, M-L. Jeng, R.J.T. Villanueva, O.M. Nuñeza and C-P. 
Lin* (2018) Complex 
inter-island colonization and peripatric founder speciation promote 
diversification of flightless 
Pachyrhynchus weevils in the Taiwan-Luzon volcanic belt.
Journal of Biogeography 45: 89–100.

Chen, Y-T., H-Y. Tseng, M-L. Jeng, Y-C. Su, W-S. Huang and C-P. Lin* (2017) 
Integrated species 
delimitation and conservation implications of an endangered weevil 
Pachyrhynchus sonani 
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Green and Orchid Islands of Taiwan. Systematic 
Entomology 42: 796–

Tseng, H-Y., C-P. Lin*, J-Y Hsu, D.A. Pike and W-S. Huang* (2014) The 
functional significance of 
aposematic signals: geographic variation in the responses of widespread lizard 
predators to colourful 
invertebrate prey. PLoS ONE 9(3):e91777.

2. Damselfly Speciation
We focus on a damselfly species, Psolodesmus mandarinus, with two subspecies 
differ in their 
distribution and wing pigmentations in Taiwan. It provides a great opportunity 
to evaluate the relative 
importance of natural and sexual selection in damselfly divergence. The project 
will incorporate a 
wide range of techniques, including a whole-island field survey, behavioural 
studies, manipulation 
experiments, population genetics and genomic analysis to investigate the 
divergence in damselflies.

A description of the research project:

1. The postdoctoral fellow will be responsible for either leading a 
hypothesis-driven field/laboratory 
experiment, or the analyses of genomic-scale DNA sequence data sets. The 
applicant is also 
encouraged to develop an independent project based on applicant's expertise and
the study systems.
2. The successful applicant must have demonstrated expertise in behavioral 
ecology, population 
genetics, phylogenetics, genomics, or computational statistics.
3. Preference will be given to candidates with:
(1) Background in behavioral ecology studies, (2) Experience of high 
performance computing, (3) The 
ability to develop and apply statistical or computational methods to solve 
biological problems, (4) 
Expertise in research on adaptation, speciation, theoretical models of 
evolution, or
trait divergence.

To apply, please contact Chung-Ping Lin by email
(treehop...@ntnu.edu.tw), and attach a single PDF file containing: 1) a cover 
letter, 2) a CV, 3) a brief 
2-page statement of research interests, and how your skills can contribute to 
project objectives, and 
4) contact information for three references.

Salary & Deadline:
The position will be available from 2018/08 to 2020/07. Start date is flexible. 
Funding is available for 
at least 2 year with a potential extension of 3 years, pending on the 
performance and funding.
A monthly post-doc salary of about $55,000 NTD ($1,900 USD) will be offered, 
including retirement 
plan, health benefits, and a year-ending bonus of 1.5- month salary. The 
average living cost in Taiwan 
is about 1/2 of that in the USA.

The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
More information:
Chung Ping Lin's lab: http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~treehopper/

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Positions and summer interns in Damselfly Speciation & Aposematic Insects, NTNU, Taipei, Taiwan

2017-11-19 Thread Echo Yu-Hsun Hsu
ass of the batch will be provided upon completion of the training program
by TIGP.

Accommodation and meals – Accommodation will be arranged in a research
center next to the field site. Accommodation fee varies for each year but
generally ranges between 0 and 150 NTD/night. Meals and lodging will be
covered by the research projects.

Eligibility - The position is open to all applicants that meet TIGP
Internship admission criteria, but preference will be given to
undergraduate students with prior experiences in field survey, animal
behaviour, and/or insect biology. Interns with scooter/car driving license
will be preferred. Criteria/material used to evaluate the applicant’s
qualifications for the admission: https://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/

How to apply – perspective students should prepare (1) a CV, (2) a list of
prior experience, and (3) a one-page statement of research interests in one
PDF file and email it to Yu-Hsun Hsu (yuhsun...@gmail.com) with the subject
line "TIGP Internship application – Speciation in damselflies".
Additionally, perspective interns should submit a formal online application
for admission in TIGP International Internship
<https://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigpSummer/index.php>*). The online application
will be open between 1st January and 31st March 2018.

Web pages:

The Systematics & Evolutionary Biology Lab


The Department of Life Sciences


National Taiwan Normal University


TIGP Biodiversity Program Website


TIGP International Internship


Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica


Fusan Botanical Garden



Dr Yu-Hsun Hsu (Post-doc research fellow)
Department of Life Science
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/yuhsunhsu/