[ECOLOG-L] 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium

2013-10-22 Thread David Inouye

LAST DAY TO REGISTER: Friday, October 25, 2013

11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium
November 1-3, 2013
Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO
Symposium website:  http://ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013

The 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium will be held November 1-3,
2013 at the Marriott Country Club Plaza hotel in downtown Kansas City. The
meeting will convene Friday at 7:00 p.m. and conclude on Sunday at noon.

We have an outstanding lineup of speakers for the 2013 symposium and we
encourage you to attend!

For a brochure and complete information regarding poster abstract
submission, registration and hotel reservations, please visit our
symposium website: ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013.

Please register online today at:  www.ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013.  You may
also register to attend the optional Saturday night banquet for an
additional fee of $50. Deadline for registration: Friday, October 25, 2013.

Poster topics should be related to the field of ecological genomics.
Instructions for submitting your abstract online
are at:  http://ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013/abstract.html.
at 11:59 p.m. CDT.

VENUE:  The symposium will take place at the Kansas City Marriott
on the beautiful Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri.
Reserve your hotel room online by visiting ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013 or

The 2013 Ecological Genomics Symposium speakers are:

Anne Bronikowski, Iowa State University
Comparative genomics of vertebrate aging and stress-response pathways

Asher Cutter, University of Toronto
Hyperdiversity and hypodiversity in genome evolution of Caenorhabditis

Ana L. Caicedo, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Convergence and the evolution of weediness: The case for red rice

Rob Knight, University of Colorado
The Earth Microbiome Project

Marcus Kronforst, University of Chicago
Population genomics and ecological speciation in Heliconius butterflies

Bradley J.S.C. Olson
Peering into the pond for clues to multicellularity

Michael Pfrender, University of Notre Dame
Genetic and regulatory basis of adaptation in stressful environments

Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, University of California Davis
Evolutionary genetics of highland adaptation in maize and teosinte

Annelie Wendeberg, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Population-targeted metagenomics of anaerobic methane-oxidizing consortia

Andrew Whitehead, University of California Davis
The genomics of evolved resistance and resilience in killifish resident
in dynamic and static environments

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION will be posted on our website,
www.ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013, as details are finalized.

FUNDING for this symposium is provided by Kansas State University.

Ecological Genomics Institute Directors:
   Dr. Loretta Johnson, john...@ksu.edu
   Dr. Michael Herman, mher...@ksu.edu
   Kansas State University, Division of Biology
   116 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS  66506-4901

Ecological Genomics Institute Program Coordinator:
   Alexandra Boyd, alexb...@ksu.edu
 (785) 532-0115

Alexandra Boyd
Program Coordinator | Ecological Genomics Institute
302 Ackert Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-4901
(785) 532-0115 | alexb...@ksu.edu 

[ECOLOG-L] 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium

2013-09-19 Thread David Inouye


11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium
November 1-3, 2013
Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO
Symposium website: 

The 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium will be held November 
1-3, 2013 at the Marriott Country Club Plaza hotel in downtown Kansas 
City. The meeting will convene Friday at 7:00 p.m. and conclude on 
Sunday at noon.

We have an outstanding lineup of speakers for the 2013 symposium and 
we encourage you to attend!

For a brochure and complete information regarding poster abstract 
submission, registration and hotel reservations, please visit our 
symposium website: ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013.

Please register online today at: 
www.ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013. You 
may also register to attend the optional Saturday night banquet for 
an additional fee of $50. Deadline for registration: Friday, October 4, 2013.

Poster topics should be related to the field of ecological genomics. 
ORAL PRESENTATIONS. Instructions for submitting your abstract online 
are at: 
DEADLINE: Friday, October 4, 2013.

VENUE: The symposium will take place at the Kansas City Marriott on 
the beautiful Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri. Reserve 
your hotel room online by 
or this link: http://tinyurl.com/me8l5x2

Deadline for room block: Friday, October 11, 2013.


Anne Bronikowski, Iowa State University
Comparative genomics of vertebrate aging and stress-response pathways

Asher Cutter, University of Toronto
Hyperdiversity and hypodiversity in genome evolution of 
Caenorhabditis nematodes

Ana L. Caicedo, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Convergence and the evolution of weediness: The case for red rice

Rob Knight, University of Colorado
The Earth Microbiome Project

Marcus Kronforst, University of Chicago
Population genomics and ecological speciation in Heliconius butterflies

Bradley J.S.C. Olson, Kansas State University
Peering into the pond for clues to multicellularity

Michael Pfrender, University of Notre Dame
Genetic and regulatory basis of adaptation in stressful environments

Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, University of California Davis
Evolutionary genetics of highland adaptation in maize and teosinte

Annelie Wendeberg, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Andrew Whitehead, University of California Davis
The genomics of evolved resistance and resilience in killifish 
resident in dynamic and static environments

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION will be posted on our website, 
www.ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013, as 
details are finalized.

FUNDING for this symposium is provided by Kansas State University.

Ecological Genomics Institute Directors:
Dr. Loretta Johnson, john...@ksu.edu
Dr. Michael Herman, mher...@ksu.edu
Kansas State University, Division of Biology
116 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-4901