Submission of abstracts is now open for the third biennial International Statistical Ecology Conference will be held 3-6 July 2012, hosted by the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the Department of Biology of the University of Oslo. The conference location will be the Sundvolden Hotel outside Oslo.

We have an extraordinary group of plenary speakers, whose presentation topics are:

- Nils Chr. Stenseth, Univ. of Oslo (Norway): Opening remarks
- Steinar Engen, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway): stochastic age-structured modelling, including dynamics, genetics and some estimation
- Rachel Fewster, Univ. of Aukland (N.Z.): genetics in statistical ecology
- Joanne Flemming, Dalhousie University (Canada): The Ocean Tracking Network: visualization tools and novel analyses for acoustic tracking data - Otso Ovaskainen, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland): the analysis of spatial data: individual movements and species and community models - Andre Punt, Univ. of Washington (U.S.): estimating precautionary thresholds for US west coast fisheries - Andy Royle, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (U.S.): Incorporating auxiliary spatial information in capture-recapture models - Len Thomas, Univ. of St. Andrews (Scotland): The future of statistical ecology

Training workshops will also be held prior to the conference:

- AD Model builder (30 June - 1 July at Finse): Mark Maunder, Hans Skaug and Andres Nielsen - Hierarchical modelling and R-package 'unmarked' (2 July at Finse): Andy Royle and Richard Chandler - Population genetics for statisticians (2-3 July at Sundvollen): Rachel Fewster and Arnaud le Rouzic
- Model selection (3 July at Sundvollen): Nils Lid Hjort

The local organising committee has negotiated low rates for accommodation at the conference hotel. There is also a conveniently located camping venue with a choice of 4-6 person cabins. Attendees from developing countries can submit applications for stipends.

Abstract submission deadline is 20 January 2012. Further details are available at the conference website

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