Greetings folks,

I teach food system courses at the University of Vermont, and among my best 
received classes is The Real Cost of Food. In this class I facilitate students' 
investigations of the many social and environmental costs associated with 
current models of food production, distribution and consumption. In that class 
I use environmental writer Richard Manning's book Against the Grain as the 
intro text, a book that takes a very thoughtful and critical look at the broad 
impacts and implications of agriculture as a means of procuring food. This 
morning I released a conversation I recently had with Richard as an episode of 
my podcast, A Worldview Apart<>. I'll offer a 
link to the episode on my website, though it's also available for download on 
iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.

Episode 31: Richard Manning on Looking Critically at 

Our conversation ranges widely. We start by discussing the tendency of 
agricultural systems to feed elites in society quite well while leaving the 
majority of people malnourished, whether there is such a thing as sustainable 
agriculture, and our contemporary need to balance healthcare costs against the 
cost of food.

As always, comments and feedback are welcome. And feel free to share in your 
networks, if you're so inspired.

All the best,

Eric Garza, PhD

Cell: (802) 881-8675


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