To all ESA Students (and the Faculty who help fund them),

The ESA Student Section has tons of money to support your participation at
ESA 2011 in Austin, Texas! If your abstract has been accepted, please apply
for one of the many awards available for students! If you have not submitted
an abstract and are planning to, late-breaking abstracts are due May 12,

Submit latebreaking abstract here:
Get your ca$h (and details) here:

Details about our offered awards (all include cash prizes!)
**Deadlines for all awards May 31, 2011**

1) Union of Concerned Scientists – ESA-SS EcoService Award
       Honors young scientists for their contributions to the discipline of
ecology that have extended beyond the realm of academia.

2) Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology
       Honors academic excellence demonstrated by an outstanding research
publication and a commitment to increase the visibility of other women

3) ESA-SS Travel Awards
       Supports the attendance of national and international students
presenting their research and in excellent academic standing to the 2010 ESA
annual conference via travel awards.

4) Best Undergraduate Presentation Awards
       Two awards to the best undergraduate student oral presentation and
the best undergraduate student poster presentation.

5) The Third Annual Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards
       Honors two students for excellence in research via an outstanding

6) Eco-Vision Competition
       Numerous cash prizes to honor the outstanding visual arts
contributions made by ESA members to ecological science through still
photography and multimedia.

To Faculty - please forward to your students!

ESA Student Section Board

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