Hello all:

Please pass this along to any motivated undergraduates or their advisors.   
This is an unbelievable, 
life-changing experience that I am proud to have been a part of for over 20 


Director, Tropical Ecology & Conservation
Apartado 26-5655
Monteverde, Costa Rica
email amast...@ciee.org
tel +011.506.2645.5187
cel +011.506.8391.7160
Skype monteverdeman
web ciee.org/study-abroad/costa-rica/monteverde/

CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) is accepting applicants to 
its Spring 2015 
semester Tropical Ecology & Conservation and Sustainability and the Environment 
programs in 
Costa Rica.  These programs are based in Monteverde and take full advantage of 
its internationally 
renowned Cloud Forest.  In addition, both programs travel extensively 
throughout Costa Rica.  

Tropical Ecology & Conservation - explores tropical diversity at both the 
species and ecosystem 
levels.  This program offers 15 weeks of field study, including taxonomy, 
theory and 
experimentation.  There is extensive travel throughout Costa Rica from lowland 
rainforests, dry 
forest, highland forests and paramo, mangroves, beaches and coral reef.  A 
unique feature is one 
month devoted to data collection for an independent project conceived and 
executed by the 
student.  Research is advised by expert staff and includes a proposal, one 
month of data collection, 
data analysis, two submissions of a manuscript and a symposium presentation.  
Spanish language 
at nine levels (including beginner) and a month long home stay with a Costa 
Rican family round 
out the experience.  Ideal for Biology, Ecology and related majors.

Sustainability and the Environment - explores human impact on the natural world 
through hands-
on exposure and experience.  This program offers 15 weeks of field study and 
visits different 
projects, from government to village.  Themes stressed include food production, 
water, energy, 
timber, ecotourism, carbon, biodiversity conservation and many others.  Travel 
is all over Costa 
Rica, from the greater metropolitan area around the capital to remote 
indigenous villages in the 
Talamanca mountains.  Included is a trip to Nicaragua to explore rural villages 
near eco-touristic 
projects.  Each student has an internship that includes a project of their own 
design.  Internships 
are as individual as the students, but each includes a project proposal, a 
month of work  and a 
tangible product that in some way helps a local organization, family or 
individual reach for a more 
sustainable future.  Spanish language at nine levels (including beginner) and a 
three month home 
stay with a local Costa Rican family connect sustainability to local culture 
and language.  Ideal for 
Environmental Science and Environmental Studies students.

Check out CIEE's website:  

Be sure to check out the blog link (on the website) to see images and read many 
testimonials from 
past students.  Both programs offer 17 semester credits.  Financial aid is 

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