STUDY with a large-scale study led by Dr. Jim Rivers 
( and Dr. Sara 
Galbraith in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University. The 
objective of this research is to assess how native pollinator 
communities within managed forests are influenced by stand age and 
management intensity. Field work will take place in the rugged and 
scenic Coast Range of western Oregon and will involve physically 
demanding work in challenging conditions (heat, cold, rain, sun, steep 
slopes, loose rock, logging slash, hazardous plants), working long days, 
including some weekends, and navigating alone through difficult forest 
terrain. Primary duties of crew members will consist of collecting 
insects through a variety of techniques (netting, traps) in managed 
forest stands, conducting pollination experiments, quantifying floral 
resources and nesting habitat, and curating insect specimens in the lab. 
Crew members are likely to assist with related research project 
conducted in crop fields as time allows. 

Crew leader position runs April 23-August 31, 2018; research assistant 
positions run May 7-August 31, 2018; there is the potential for 
flexibility on start and end dates. Pay rate is $2500-$2700/month for 
crew leader and $2200-$2400/month for research assistants, depending on 
previous research experience. Free housing will be provided as well as 
free project-related transportation. 

Qualifications: Applicants should have a B.S. degree in entomology, 
animal ecology or a related field and with a minimum of 2 years of field 
experience for research assistants (2 season-long field positions = 2 
years of field experience) and 3 years of field experience for crew 
leader. Preference will be given to candidates who are proficient with 
capture and identification of insects, have previous experience sampling 
wild pollinator communities in forest or agricultural settings, and who 
are familiar with Oregon flora. Successful applicants will be self-
motivated, have a strong work ethic, be able to carry heavy gear (30+ 
lbs) on steep slopes, be able to work harmoniously in a group living 
situation, have a valid driver’s license and clean driving record, be 
able to maintain a positive disposition under challenging field 
conditions, and have a proven track record of working in a safe, 
efficient, and cooperative manner in a team setting. Crew leader 
applicants should have these qualities as well as strong and 
demonstrated leadership skills, and experience making decisions and 
communicating effectively in a field setting under challenging 

To apply: Applicants should create a single PDF or MS-Word file that 
contains (1) a cover letter addressing the candidate’s qualifications as 
they relate to the specific duties described in the position 
description; (2) a full-length CV or resume; and (3) the names and 
contact information (email, telephone) of three referees who may be 
contacted; this document should be emailed to 
with “Bee Crew Position 2018” in the subject line. Positions will be 
filled as qualified applications are received. 

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