Hello all,

I am a web journalist at ESSIC and we plan to write an article
for the site on the issue of climate change. With the various extreme
weather conditions across the United States, and the debate on
the ECOLOG listserv under the email subject "Confronting climate deniers
on college campuses - EOS Forum", we decided not only to bring up the
issue of climate change, but to ask you all your views on the issue.

What we would like to know is: do you feel recent events reinforce
existing data or monitoring processes that suggest climate change is
occurring or is the recent extreme conditions random or cyclical events
unrelated to a larger trend.

***If you already made comments about this topic on the ECOLOG listserv's
"climate deniers debate", please let us know if we can
include your comments made in the emails as part of the article.***

We at the ESSIC Journalism Office appreciate any and all feedback on
this issue.

(We also have a series on the ESSIC site which compiles articles covering
climate change from news organizations such as Science Daily and
Environmental News Network. Feel free to take a look:




Thank you!

Lauren McLendon / ESSIC Web Journalist

Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
Voice: 301-405-0468 / Fax: 301-405-8468
Email: lau...@essic.umd.edu / n...@essic.umd.edu

(University of Maryland Class of 2014)

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