Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the course AN INTRODUCTION TO METAGENOMICS AND 

Dates: March 19-23, 2018.

Place: Heraklion (Crete, Greece).

Instructor: Dr. M. Lisandra Zepeda-Mendoza (Chr. Hansen – Bacterial Physiology 
& Improvement, Denmark).

Metagenomics is the study of the collection of genomes in an environment. 
Environments as diverse as Antarctic lakes, hot springs, or the human gut can 
be biologically characterized by extracting and sequencing DNA from samples 
taken from them. A characteristic of many of these samples is their complexity, 
posing difficulties to their analysis and characterization. However, 
metagenomics allows the taxonomic and functional characterization of samples. 
These two kinds of characterizations also enable the comparison of different 
habitats for biodiversity assessment.

In this course students will be introduced to the command line environment used 
to analyze high-throughput sequencing data (HTS). The initial cleaning steps 
that must be performed on every HTS dataset will be described and we will use 
the processed data for proper functional and taxonomical characterization of a 
metagenomic dataset. We will use methods such as mapping to whole genome 
databases, de novo assembly, gene annotation, building of non-redundant gene 
catalogue, and metagenomic species concept identification. Due to the wide 
usage of metabarcoding for the taxonomic characterization of an environment, we 
will also discuss amplicon sequencing strategies and data analysis. The course 
will be based on both theory and hands-on exercises.

More information:
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This course is organized by Transmitting Science.

Best regards


Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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