An opportunity exists for a MS-Level student to work on a project that will
use tree-ring analysis to study the link between forest dynamics and a
complex of ecosystem drivers in forests of southwestern Ohio.  The student
will be based at The University of Dayton and will work in the laboratory of
Dr. Ryan McEwan.   I am seeking a motivated student who is eager to perform
the arduous tasks associated with tree-ring sample collection in steep,
forested, terrain in all weather conditions.  Field dendrology skills are
required and must be balanced by an eagerness to learn and implement complex
statistical analyses.  Demonstrated research experience with tree-ring
samples would be beneficial to the application process as would evidence of
scientific writing.

The student will be supported by a teaching assistantship through the
Department of Biology at the University of Dayton.  The assistantship is
associated with a stipend of ~$14,000/year AND students have the opportunity
to apply for summer fellowships which provide an additional ~$5,000 each
year. The assistantship also comes with 100% tuition remission.

UD is the largest private University in the state of Ohio, and is
consistently award winning for both academic programs and scholarship  Enrollment is ~11,000 with
approximately 3,000 graduate students.  The Department of Biology is one of
the largest majors at UD, and we have both a MS and PhD program.

Interested individuals are encouraged to view the following web sites:

University of Dayton:

UD Department of Biology:

Dr. McEwan’s Lab Pages:

To being the application process, please send a CV and both GPA and GRE
scores to:

Ryan McEwan
The University of Dayton

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