Dear Colleagues,

Demos, a public policy research NGO, is catalyzing the creation of a wiki
site that will monitor environmental issues around the world. They are
looking for people to contribute to the initial material for the wiki.
Please see the announcement below and contact if you are
interested.  Thank you.

A Proposal for an Environmental Wiki

June 2010


Demos is catalyzing the creation of a wiki site that will monitor
environmental issues in most countries of the world. This project will fill
a major vacuum of information on the environment: There is currently no
centralized effort to track the environmental records of different countries
in a way that is accessible and covers the full spectrum of important
issues. This project will bring together a broad range of collaborators –
academics, NGOs, local activists – to undertake this effort.

The Concept

The issues affecting the ecological health of this planet are by definition
global. The practices of industry and the action of governments have
important environmental ramifications that extend beyond the territorial
boundaries they operate in. Yet too often it is difficult to get detailed
information about what is happening environmentally in various countries.
Often countries simply lack the resources or expertise to gather and compile
this vital information. And, anyway, dependence on official sources can
leave important information obscured. Meanwhile, data that is available from
university projects, like Yale’s Environmental Performance Index, or think
tanks like WRI, can be too technical for many users. Another problem with
existing sources on country-specific information is that they are static.
Reports issued last year can be overtaken by events.

Collectively, however, environmental organizations, scholars, and activists
from all over the world have a deep reservoir of information on
environmental issues within most countries and the ability to update that
information constantly. What Demos aims to do is connect those people,
unlock their collective knowledge, and share it publicly in an online community.

Especially important will be the potential of this effort to empower people
with specific local knowledge to speak out on the environmental degradation
that is happening in their communities in real time. Absent such a venue for
sharing information, crucial trends may remain undocumented and largely unknown.

Our Approach

Demos’ vision is the creation of a wiki site that eventually covers the
environmental issues affecting all 192 countries in the UN system. Our first
step will be to recruit a core group of contributors – expert, activists,
and academics – to seed the initial content of the site. This core will
organized into volunteer administrators for each region of the world, and
then groups of volunteer editors and contributors for each specific country.
Each country team will provide content describing the environmental issues
affecting a given country, the nature of government policies on the
environment, and content related to corporate practices, local environmental
activism, and other relevant topics.

Once a critical mass of information had been assembled the site would be
opened to the public and allowed to function in a traditional wiki fashion.
Our core of editors and administrators would have to remain actively
involved to guide contributors, monitor content and quality, and help shape
the wiki into a unique resource for information about international
environmental topics.

Staffing this effort will be done by a senior employee at Demos who
functions as a recruiter of, and coordinator between, the core group of
volunteer administrators and editors. If you are interested in participating
please contact Chris DeVito at


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