Thank you for posting our survey on Ecolog at the end of July. It's been launched for just over six weeks and we've had 437 respondents. We wanted to leave it open for approx. eight weeks, so I wanted to ask if you could re-post the letter and link to the survey (pasted below). We don't want individuals to respond twice, but expect that if anyone sees the original letter or folks involved, they would remember they already took this one!

Anyway, we'd greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about our survey again.

Thank you very much,

Dear Colleague,

We are conducting research on the science communication patterns, styles, and expectations of ecologists in various positons, including government agencies, non-profits, academia, and industry. Whether you communicate your science with individuals or groups regularly, occasionally, or not at all, we would greatly appreciate 10 minutes of your time to assess how and why we as ecologists engage (or not) with others about science.

Our study is being conducted through the University of Hawai’i along with the following collaborators: Stacy Baez (Old Dominion University), Lauren Garske (UC-Davis), Jennifer Griffiths (Stockholm University), Emily Henry (Oregon State University), Lesley Knoll (Lacawac Sanctuary), Kevin Rose (UW-Madison), and Adrienne Sponberg (ASLO) with funding support from NSF (OCE08-12838). For more information, please contact one or both of the principal investigators: Drs. Paul Kemp (paulkemp @ or Peter Levi (plevi @

To take the survey and for additional information on our research, please click here:

Peter Levi, University of Wisconsin­Madison
Paul Kemp, University of Hawai’i

Our research and recruitment materials were approved by UH-IRB on 07-JUN-2014.

Post-doctoral Research Associate
Center for Limnology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 262 - 3088

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