Toxic Risks to Bees in Urban and Agricultural Landscapes

Drs. Reed Johnson and Mary Gardiner, The Ohio State University, 
Department of Entomology, are seeking PhD students to investigate the 
impacts of toxic exposure on bee health and conservation in urban and 
agricultural environments. Soils in urban Cleveland, OH contains 
elevated levels of Pb, Cd, Cr, and other contaminants. Pesticide use in 
agricultural areas expose bees to potentially harmful levels of 
neonicotinoid insecticides, particularly through dust generated during 
corn planting.  Both urban and agricultural areas are being studied as 
potential sites for arthropod conservation, thus it is vital to 
understand if a legacy of soil contamination or insecticide exposure 
influences their value for bee biodiversity and productivity. Students 
could quantify the impacts of pesticide or heavy metal exposure by 
studying bee foraging behavior, reproduction, and/or pollination 
services in wild or managed bees. The successful candidates would 
conduct a combination of laboratory and field-based research. Students 
with experience working with bees, extracting DNA, conducting PCR 
analyses, and using bioinformatics tools are strongly encouraged to 
apply. Selected students would begin their programs in Fall, 2019. 
Minimum requirements to apply include previous research experience, a 
3.6 or higher undergraduate GPA and a 75th percentile or higher average 
on the verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE. 

To learn more about our projects please email us a brief statement of 
your interests along with a CV or resume.

Reed Johnson

Mary Gardiner

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