Graduate Research Assistantship

Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
University of Wisconsin, Madison

A Graduate Research Assistantship (M.S. - Ph.D. or Ph.D. only) is available for work with the research groups of Rick Lindroth and Eric Kruger at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Funded by a new, five-year NSF grant, this research addresses genetic, ontogenetic and environmental factors that influence aspen defense (chemical resistance, tolerance, escape) against mammalian herbivores (e.g., deer). Primary objectives of the work are to: 1) characterize aspen chemical defense traits, 2) assess costs/benefits of resistance, tolerance and escape, and 3) evaluate the selective impact of browsing on the genetic structure of defense traits in an experimental population. Applicants must be interested in investigating both the chemical and population genetics aspects of plant-herbivore interactions. Applicants should pursue admission to the graduate program in <>Zoology (Ecology), <>Forest and Wildlife Ecology, or <>Botany.

For more information about the Lindroth and Kruger research groups, visit:

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a premier institution for research in ecology and evolution, and has ranked among the top five research universities in the United States for each of the past 20 years.


Highly motivated individuals with superior academic credentials and strong communication skills are encouraged to apply. Well-developed interpersonal skills are essential. Candidates must be able to work independently as well as part of a collaborative research team.


50% Research Assistantships currently provide a stipend of $ $20,184 (12 mo.), tuition waiver, and excellent medical/dental health plans.

Position available beginning in summer or fall of 2010.

Send preliminary e-mail letter of inquiry, describing research interests and academic qualifications, to:

Dr. Rick Lindroth

237 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI  53706 U.S.A.

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