I am seeking a motivated student to fill a graduate assistantship at the 
Ph.D. level in the Coastal & Marine System Science Program at Texas A&M 
University-Corpus Christi (http://pens.tamucc.edu/cmss/). The position is 
available beginning in Fall, 2010. The research project will focus on the 
impact of hydrologic variability, especially droughts, on phytoplankton 
productivity and biogeochemical cycles in estuaries. My lab conducts 
research on estuarine/coastal phytoplankton ecology, nutrient & organic 
matter cycling in the coastal zone, food-web dynamics, and anthropogenic & 
climate change impacts on estuarine/coastal ecosystem function.

Interested students should have a background in ecology, marine 
science/oceanography, or aquatic environmental science and possess strong 
quantitative skills. Candidates with experience in GIS and/or spatial 
ecology/spatial analysis will be viewed favorably. The assistantship will 
have an excellent stipend relative to the cost-of-living.

The University is affiliated with the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of 
Mexico Studies (http://harteresearchinstitute.org/), which is where the 
student in this position will be housed. It is expected that the person 
will collaborate with scientists at TAMU-CC, but opportunities will also 
exist for collaboration with scientists at the nearby University of Texas 
Marine Science Institute, Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research 
Reserve, and other regional institutes.

Cost-of-living in Corpus Christi, Texas, is inexpensive and ample 
opportunities exist for cultural/artistic and outdoor activities. San 
Antonio is approximately 2 hours to the northwest, Austin 3 hours to the 
northwest, and Houston 3 hours to the northeast.

I am looking to fill this position rather quickly, so to be considered for 
the position, please email me, Dr. Mike Wetz at mw...@fsu.edu, as soon as 
possible. Along with a letter of interest, please include a C.V., 
unofficial transcripts and GRE scores.

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