School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona

There is an opening for a two-year graduate research assistant position at 
School of Forestry,
Northern Arizona University (Starting July 1, 2009) in the field of ecological 
economics. The
selected candidate will have the opportunity to work closely with the 
Ecological Restoration
Institute to estimate economic impacts of ecological restoration treatments and 
utilization (job and income creations).

With the worsening condition of the U.S. economy, there is a greater need for 
information on
how to create more employment opportunities in economically depressed rural 
areas. We will
estimate potential economic impacts (output, job, and income creations) of 
ecological restoration
treatments and biomass utilizations, including biomass energy development. This 
project will
generate time-sensitive information that communities and land managers can use 
to attract public
funding for enhancing their social and economic environment while promoting 
ecosystem health.

The successful applicants should work well with people and have good 
communication (written
and oral) and organizational skills. Candidates should have background and 
interest in forestry,
natural resource economics and policy, or other related disciplines.

Application procedures
Candidates should submit:
- A one-page letter (email is satisfactory) describing qualifications and 
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae or resume
- Copies of undergraduate college transcripts
- Names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references

Dr. Yeon-Su Kim
School of Forestry
Box 15018
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Phone: (928) 523-6643

Graduate school admissions applications are completed separately through NAU 
and the School
of Forestry. See the NAU web site (  for details.

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