The student would join an interdisciplinary team working on an NSF funded 
Dynamics of Coupled 
Natural and Human Systems project titled "Strengthening  Resilience of Arid 
Region Riparian 
Corridors: Ecohydrology and Decision-Making in the Sonora and San Pedro 
[]. The project links ecohydrology and 
decision making 
approaches to evaluate the resilience of arid riparian areas to climate change 
and land-use practices. 

We are looking for a PhD or MS candidate with a background and interest in 
working with ecological 
and climate data that informs decision-making linked to ecosystem services and 
the resilience of 
socio-ecological systems. The candidate will conduct field work in semi-arid 
watersheds to help 
develop ecological indicator data sets that link to decision making and to 
monitor ecosystem and 
ecosystem service responses to climate and land-use variability. There will be 
opportunities to work 
with stakeholders in semi-arid watersheds, and to conduct research in a 
bi-national setting. This 
position requires a background in environmental science, ecohydrology, plant 
science, ecosystem 
ecology, environmental statistics, geography or related field. Expertise in 
Geographical Information 
Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and explicit skills in data analysis and 
modeling, and interested in 
working with stakeholders is preferred.   

The student would be enrolled in the Natural Resources Program, Watershed 
Management and 
Ecohydrology focus with the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the 
University of 
Arizona. See program websites for more information on application and program 
( and  Candidates selected to 
receive the 
assistantship will have a full tuition waiver and receive a stipend and 
benefits according to the 
program, - the student would start Spring term 2014 (mid-January).

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